Schtroumpfkin Member


  • Yep, I get it guys. I get it. I'm signing off on the matter now.
  • Fair points everyone! Hi HappyCampr1 - I think you make a very good point. I agree that writing a blog can be a great way to clarify your own feelings. I often do the same via an email which I then delete (rather than send to anyone)!! There is obviously no way of knowing the difference between those who want a response…
  • Hello JaneiR36 and thorsmom01 - I understand the points you are both making. But maybe you assume that all OP's get that warm fuzzy feeling knowing that they MIGHT have affected somebody out there. I'm sure there are many people out there for whom this is true. However, I believe the great majority would also quite like to…
  • It's tough right. You're tired, you can't think straight and you just want some nurturing after a day at work. The good thing is that you've identified what your "weak moment" is, which means you can start to figuring out some strategies for coping with it. Good stuff. One small idea (there will be lots out there, but…
  • Seems like in my post above, I used an inoffensive UK slang term for cigarettes which happens to also be an offensive US term for something else. MFP (rightly) starred out. Sorry all! :D
  • Hi Nikki - welcome! Giving up smoking, WOW. That's HARD! Well done. But, I understand what is also hard is when, having achieved the single best thing you can do for your health, you end up piling on the pounds. And WHICH is the thing that people notice first? Giving up the *kitten* (IMPORTANT) or filling out a bit (NOT…
  • Why do you need motivation? You sound awesome?!?! B)
  • Good suggestion silverrainbows. The best tips are the practical ones! I think a lot of it is about training yourself to realise what IS a correct portion. I started weighing my pasta because I consistently used to boil enough to feed an army (and then eat it). Those humble scales make an ENORMOUS difference to changing my…
  • Hi OneHundred... I can't answer this - I'm not remotely qualified. But, in terms of "what are the actual facts", my opinion is that we do have to live with the answer that "nobody really knows". Even scientific studies can be accused of bias (either due to who they are funded by, what product they are pedaling or even…
  • Hey txfitness1978....sounds like you're all setup, which is great. Excellent news that you have the backing of your husband too. Makes it much easier if everyone in the house is on board. As for the specifics in your post - why are you concerned that your calorie intake might be incorrect? What makes you fear you are doing…
  • Hello Momster_2006! Great first step. Big claps and cheers all round. Welcome! You mention "motivation" a lot in your post. You might find this link interesting - it is about habit-forming. It basically concludes that the average person needs to do something for 66 days, every day, before it becomes a habit - and after…
  • and PS PinkPixiexox - I realise my original post was a bit cheeky, by saying (referring to the plural) that "YOU'RE not interested". That was meant to provoke people a bit and encourage them to read the entire post. I do realise (and you have proved it), that there are lots of very caring and responsive people on MFP who…
  • Thank you PinkPixiexox (love the name by the way). Right now, I'm happiest NOT telling my story, but thank you for offering an ear. But, this isn't because I am some "Zen, holier-than-thou, I've-got-everything-sorted" person. No fear - when I feel the need to express my "full on diva strop" (as Elshe1977 put it...see…
  • Ahahaha "If it ain't Jeremy Kyle or Jerry Springer they ain't interested" - genius. Yep, I agree - it can be the simple stuff, the "un-newsworthy" stuff that can knock us all off track sometimes (we don't all have to beat up our siblings on TV to express it). I think that's the benefit of being able to post online (and…
  • queenliz99 (or should I say ma'am) - you're obviously clever enough to realise that this is a community and to offer encouraging responses (or indeed any response) is a necessary part of it working for everyone. Therefore, Bravo! I salute you Einstein ;) x
  • Hey Ali Wood!! You've done amazingly well. AMAZINGLY well. an awful feeling. Try this: wear an elastic (rubber?) band around your wrist. Think of five reasons why you want to lose weight. Try and make them positive reasons, like "I want to enjoy wearing clothes I like" rather than "none of my clothes…
  • I sympathise, but my advice would be "Yes, be a hermit". Until you develop the willpower to make the right choices when you ARE out that is. I have kidded myself before into thinking that friends and family will help. They mean well, but developing a healthier eating habit is hard and those who don't feel the need to do it…
  • You've got to get away from them scales :) - they'll only pull you down. Think about it - you don't have much weight to lose or quite probably, you don't have ANY weight to lose. You may just need to work on your body composition a touch to get your desired results. So, by using the scales as your weapon of choice, you're…
  • I drink a cup of tea. Sometimes just the process of making it is enough to calm me down. I'll switch this to a fruit or herbal tea if I'm feeling REALLY saintly. However, taking the bigger picture, my cravings/obsessing about food have become more controllable since taking the advice of some of the people on these forums…
  • Fresh figs. Picked them myself. Sweet.
  • Fit barre really helped me. Lots of classes free on youtube or fitness blender if not at your local gym.
  • You deserve every bit of that fantastic feeling. Great achievement, Well done!
  • All hail the "not-stopper". Well done. Great mindset and great achievement.
  • May I ask how you went about "unlocking" your emotional eating? Did you have to resort to professional help or were you able to gradually figure it out as you went along? I'm interested if I can learn something here. Beyond being able to say to myself at the time "I am eating this big bowl of pasta right now because I need…
  • Ooh yes - 3/4 way through at the moment. Great read.
  • Anybody tried other veg successfully for a similar effect?
  • Well done - great result! Small changes every day is what it takes. (I'm guessing your next challenge is to lose 14lbs rather than 14 stone? You might be in trouble doing the latter :wink: )