


  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Just like anything else...practice, dedication and willingness and also flexibility to say "no, I'm resting today."

    Just like brushing teeth, having maxipads/tampons in the house, washing hair, doing laundry, cleaning litter box/walking dog.
  • SnowykittyXO
    Personally I am hoping after logging for a certain period of time I will be knowledgeable about the amount of calories in and out to the point I would remember and not have to log anymore but just keep a conscious mind about it. I still plan to do that and pay attention to all the numbers not just the final ones.

    I don't see me online doing anything long term or on a daily basis. I am outdoors more then not and thinking about being strapped to any device is just not for me. If I did not need a cell phone because of work I wouldn't have it either. Thinking constantly about food to eat or not to eat honestly I am not a fan of, I don’t want much of my time thinking about that at all. I want to use the site as a learning tool and move on from it with the knowledge I got from it.
  • BradfordBear801
    You just do it. If you want it bad enough you make it happen.

    I agree with this, just keep at it, eventually you will grow to love it. There are people on here that will support you along the way.
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    We've evolved into gluttons. So you have to be part of the revolution.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Well, it isn't the MOST important thing in my life, but yes, it's up there! I may not always check it before having something to eat, but am pretty mindful of the food log. So far I haven't exercised, because while exercise is important, the engine won't run unless it's got quality gas in it.....your body won't run right unless you eat well. It's not really rocket science either. Focus on protein, fiber, and water.

    There's something causing it, and only you can determine what that is. Or maybe it's that you haven't got something that's worth working for. Either way, the negative self-talk needs to stop now. Quit fixating on "not being able to stay on track" and focus on "what can I do right now that will help me get where I want to go?" You know you need keys to operate the car. What do you need to stay on track? What's going to motivate you to continue on this path?

    This isn't an issue of laziness. It's fear. If you know the mechanics of it....then again, it isn't rocket science. If you know what to do, then the challenge is doing it.

    After having consultations with dietician's and weight loss doctors, the first order of business is getting your food intake under control, and the exercise can be fit in when, and only when, it doesn't scare you to death to add it, Until then, the mantra is, "Move more, sit less". It doesn't matter how much, as long as you do it.

    Find some short term goals and long term goals. Short term goals would include when you lose the first 5%, then 10%. Then maybe 25%.....whatever. Long term - 50 pound mark? 75 pound mark?

    My next short term goal is to get back to 100 pounds lost. When I do, I have some gift cards that were given to me for Pier 1. I'll use them then. My long term goal is to get the rest of the loss done and have skin removal surgery before fall of 2016. The reason I'm going for that is that we're planning our next trip to Disney World (Florida) sometime that fall. I want to be able to fit in a swimming suit and not feel horrible about it. I want to be in better shape and be able to walk around the park, and not be the hindrance. I want to be able to ride the rides with my kids. I've let them know that that's the plan, and my 7 year old asks me, "So how's it going Mommy?" My father nick-named her "Data" because she doesn't forget anything. I can't not live up to it now. :)

    You can do this. Just need to find your "why?" and/or be at a point where it frustrates you so much that you're willing to make yourself uncomfortable enough to go through the effort.
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    I cringe every time I look in the mirror. I say negative things to myself every time I try to put on a pair of jeans and find out they are too tight. I feel guilty when I eat anything I shouldn't. But no matter how bad I feel I can't make myself stay on track with this.

    In my experience, this was my biggest problem. This is where I went wrong. My desire to lose weight was coming from a place of self hatred, not of self love. So I just didn't focus on it as much. I focused on my mental health. Going to my therapist, working out some of my issues, finding new professional opportunities, getting my hair done, buying cute clothes and accepting that I am who I am and I should love myself. That's when I wanted to take care of myself.
    For some, coming from a place of shame and hatred of their bodies worked for them, for me, I always ended up failing, gaining the weight back, or just not being able to really see and appreciate my results.
    My advice would be- don't beat yourself up. Take some time to really appreciate who you are. Buy a pair of jeans you don't have to squeeze yourself into- a pair that suits your body that you feel cute and sassy in. Try to focus on what you are succeeding in, instead of what you're struggling with. Come at this from a place of love- a desire to better yourself for yourself.
    Good luck! It's possible!
  • heidimmto
    heidimmto Posts: 52 Member
    Mine was just getting fed up with being big and uncomfortable. I plan out my meals, my work outs, track every day, allow a cheat meal every friday, take lots of pictures for motivation. I think you just have to get to the point where you truly want the change!

    I felt exactly like this, sick and tired of feeling like uncomfortable with myself. It's true you get into the habit of exercising, monitoring what you eat, keep track of your weight, and get rewards with the little things like getting happier with the person looking back at you in the mirror and clothes fitting more properly. One of my biggest victories was getting into some pants that I bought what didn't fit but the price was just too good to pass. Whatever works for you, hang in there!!!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    There is no One True Way. No plan will work better than any other plan.

    You either want it badly enough to do it or you don't.

    I got shoved into weight loss due to medical issues. That was my impetus. I didn't go in all, "Woo Hoo! This time, I'm going to do it!" because weight loss, though very important (!), was viewed as a natural result of eating healthy food.

    I went from eating total crap to eating All Healthy, All The Time. And IT SUCKED.

    I was very much spoiled by eating whatever I liked to eat and had to learn the discipline of a healthy person. AND IT SUCKED.

    I had to stop all the yummy foods like cake (with buttercream frosting) and ice cream, peanut butter and jelly. No more big bowls of pasta and certainly no butter for it. Everything I liked - gone. AND IT SUCKED.

    WORSE, I had to go through the grocery store and learn that pretty much everything in there was now off limits and how I would pretty much be shopping the edges the store. Loads of fresh produce. Lean, white meat. Bread that was brown and had icky things and icky taste. AND IT SUCKED.

    I had to exercise, when I could barely climb a flight of stairs. Got out of breath. Got sweaty. And, worse, smelly. AND IT SUCKED.

    I knew what I wanted and I knew what I had to do. I was like a spoiled child, learning discipline for the first time. And oh, how IT SUCKED.

    But I got used to it. I got better at it. For a long time, I did exceptionally well, and one day I realized I liked it better.

    I don't know about people who have revelations and just wake up one day and do it all happily. I don't know what drives them. I can encourage it, but it's not how I started. I started freaking miserable and grouchy. It was all done rather begrudgingly. I didn't say it out loud, minus a few shocks and small grumbles with the nutritionist, lol, but I HATED it. Pissed and jealous and generally NOT PLEASED. :)

    When I felt so much better after cutting out the crap for a while, I was quite shocked. Always thought the people who said that were goofball health nuts, lol. Who knew that the doctors knew what they were talking about all those years and that the health nuts weren't big, fat, show-off liars?!

    I improved my health, though. My good habits were reflected in my test results. :)

    I think everyone who is successful, long-term, has their own story. That's mine. It wasn't pretty. :)
  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    In terms of this website, I find myself doing it for a week, maybe a few days more before it just feels like a chore. The app takes too much space on my phone so after I eat anything I feel like I should log on and log it, which makes me feel like I spend way too much time on this. I wish they made a lite version of the app that you just logged food on, no forums, cause in reality with my phone's speed I wouldn't bother with any forums on it, and maybe just status updates. I've ended up making a fitness tumblr and having that linked to my phone since it doesn't take as much space for me, and I can subscribe to blogs and get fitspo from other blogs. I suppose it would help more if you had buddies on here, to motivate and support you but in the past year I've probably got 2 PMs, for me it feels like you've gotta power through here alone primarily for a few months before long term users take you seriously. A lot of the "looking for a support buddy" topics I've seen are "must have a 60 day streak" or the likes of that when I just don't log on every day.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    In my experience, this was my biggest problem. This is where I went wrong. My desire to lose weight was coming from a place of self hatred, not of self love. So I just didn't focus on it as much. I focused on my mental health. Going to my therapist, working out some of my issues, finding new professional opportunities, getting my hair done, buying cute clothes and accepting that I am who I am and I should love myself. That's when I wanted to take care of myself.
    For some, coming from a place of shame and hatred of their bodies worked for them, for me, I always ended up failing, gaining the weight back, or just not being able to really see and appreciate my results.
    My advice would be- don't beat yourself up. Take some time to really appreciate who you are. Buy a pair of jeans you don't have to squeeze yourself into- a pair that suits your body that you feel cute and sassy in. Try to focus on what you are succeeding in, instead of what you're struggling with. Come at this from a place of love- a desire to better yourself for yourself.
    Good luck! It's possible!

    Great post.

    I think it's so much easier both when it becomes a habit, as others have said, and when it's about positive things, not negative. Something you are doing because you deserve it, for your health, because it makes you feel good. Just like I think the food stuff works so much better when it's about focusing on positive things to add to your diet and not deprivation. Sure, the end result is the same--eating fewer calories--but focusing on the positives make it so much easier and pleasant.

    And definitely allow yourself to enjoy the successes along the way. After all, you are going to be maintaining it long term, so you can't be suffering.
  • Jetta_C
    Jetta_C Posts: 58
    For me, it works to take a period of time where work and life are relatively calm (and that does not happen often) and do a "reset". For example, right now I have a couple weeks off work so I am off alcohol, wheat, dairy, refined sugar and coffee. Plus I am working out every day. What I find is that if I take a week or two and reset all my appetites, no I don't continue as perfectly as before once I am done, but what is "normal" has changed for me and it will carry me through until the next time I get a reset opportunity.

    If my life was calm enough that one week out of every four could be a reset, that would be divine :)
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    I racked my brain for years with the very same questions.
    Im a smart dedicated person and know HOW to lose weight mechanically so the million dollar question why aren't I doing it and sticking with it. what is the problem?!
    its very very frustrating.

    the key for me was finding out why i was overweight in the first place. when we talk about emotional eating it sounds so vague and intangible but really its the key. once i unlocked that key (and it takes work and its lots of things not just one thing) i found losing weight became dare i say...easy? it didnt *feel* like it took so.much.effort. to do it. i didnt have to what i call "White knuckle" myself through a another diet. i wasn't struggling to stay on a diet.

    when i feel the struggle and feel like you do in your post i know i have to get to basics and back to what is best to take care of myself and my needs.

    good luck it is not easy, but when you figure it out its golden!
  • daydrem_dw
    daydrem_dw Posts: 83 Member
    My goal is only set to 20 pounds but ultimately I'd like to lose somewhere between 40-50 for my ideal weight.

    The pressure of getting THERE was too much for me. It helped me to stop looking at the end goal and just concentrate on making better (not perfect) choices today -- faced with a pie, I take a smaller piece today than I would have yesterday -- and looking back at where I've been gives me the encouragement to continue. When I focused on the end goal, the weight came off faster but I just didn't stick with it. Now it's slow but steady progress and no stress.

    You CAN do this.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    ^^^^ yes!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Bump for later
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I've had this MFP account since my youngest daughter was 2 .... she's in second grade now. I still have the same 50 pounds to lose as I did then. :grumble:

    I'm starting slow by remembering to log in every single day. I'm not logging food all the time yet, but I'm watching what my choices are and realizing "that is going to look like pure *kitten* if you were to put it in your food log". I'm planning on having a "cheat" meal and I'm figuring out what things I'd like to have for one horrible meal on the weekend that I don't log so I can look forward to it. I signed up for the 30 Day Shred September group, and I forced my sister to join MFP. So I have some accountability for the moments when I'm like "I'm going to go take a nap instead of exercise". :P

    I am though working with my doctor and about to go to a specialist because I do have some health issues that cannot be pinned down. I'm hoping that we can get some answers so I can stop being frustrated with my body. I think being frustrated with my body for so many years has kept me from being able to really change my frame of mind to where I need it to be at in order to be successful.

    Good luck!
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Simple-consistency and switching up your routine to keep body guessing alone will help. Consistency/persistence and determination alone can help you which you seem like you don't have enough of persistency.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    It depends how important being healthy is to you
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    when we talk about emotional eating it sounds so vague and intangible but really its the key. once i unlocked that key (and it takes work and its lots of things not just one thing) i found losing weight became dare i say...easy?

    May I ask how you went about "unlocking" your emotional eating? Did you have to resort to professional help or were you able to gradually figure it out as you went along? I'm interested if I can learn something here. Beyond being able to say to myself at the time "I am eating this big bowl of pasta right now because I need comfort / am bored / ****fill in emotion", I haven't got to the bottom of why I need comfort / am bored etc. Is it this latter that you were able to figure out? Thanks....
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    I want to save a life, my own.