annastasia76 Member


  • you can try foil packs, prity much anything that can be cooked in the oven (like a casserole) can be made as a foil pack, I tend to just throw a bunch of items together but there are lots of recipes online. A few weeks ago, I pealed and cut up a bunch of carrots into sticks, mixed in some seasoning then wrapped it in foil…
  • does anybody know of any meat replacements that do not involve soy (as I can't eat it)
  • how do you make homemade cereal bars??? He would like that, that way he can eat it when he wants.
  • I was also about 7 years ago, most people are without realizing it. Just grab some water or something like crystal lite. Since I have stopped drinking caffeinated drinks I have never needed it again, it will be a struggle the first few weeks but you can do it.
  • My hubby does that too, he brings the stuff home from work because they need to get rid of it. I keep telling him not to bring him home, he says, "why not, you don't have to eat it" they just don't understand!!!
  • almond milk drinkers here, There are several different brands with different amounts of sugar, check them all out, silk has one vanilla with zero grams sugar and I found an almond breeze at costco vanilla with zero grams sugar, I use those for baking and anything that I don't want to add sugar to, my son drinks the regular…
  • yep, that's normal for me.
  • well when it comes to rewarding myself with eating a treat, after every 15-20lbs lost I like to go to hagendaus (I know it's not spelled right) and get myself one of their huge supreme butterscotch sundays, they are well over my day's allowance of calories but ever once in a long while it's ok.
  • just adding a bit of cheese will help push it up. If you still have too many calories left over after dinner try eating a bit of peanut butter, or even a single slice of store bought bread tends to be over 100 calories.
  • I envy anybody who can eat just a little bit of chocolate at a time. If I have one piece then I end up eating it all. I have to keep it out of the house.
  • I want to look good in photos in august when hubby and I go to the temple together.
  • yes it does happen, over the last couple of years (since I changed my eating habits) I have become intolerant of anything acidic, so most fruits I can't eat, that also goes for anything that has citric acid in it. I also can't have soy, I have developed allergies to, I don't know what, that's floating around in the air,…
  • you need lots of water and fiber, plus changing your diet all of a sudden can really mess things up, if you feel like you are getting constipated, try taking a stool softener but otherwise, lots of water and fiber!!!!!
  • never mind I found my scale (right where it belongs go figure) 2 1/2 cups dry whole wheat shell pasta weights 7.9 oz, I will round it up to 8oz, I was close in my original guess of 10 oz. Gag, most of the calories in last nights meal was in carbs!!! I can't wait for my garden to get going, we currently only have lettuce…
  • I think it is supposed to be dry because when I click on pastas that I know the weight of the box it gives the weight of the uncooked pasta rather than what it would weight cooked, plus wouldn't the pasta weight more if it is cooked longer because of absorbing more water??? that's just my guess.
  • I don't know, every time I check it looks like is says dry. maybe I'm messing up here.
  • yes I believe that's it, thank you very much.
  • that's not it, but thank you.
  • also, how do you track that in exersize. It's not light gardening, I've been using a pick ax and shovel. Trying to get some dg (decomposed granite) and rocks out, plus small area seems to have turned to something like clay, it wasn't that way last year.
  • but do they have caffeine. I need to stress that I can't have any caffeine.
  • yes he drinks almond milk. and I use it in place of recipes that call for milk, but most call for cheese, or cream of soups
  • for me it was to have more energy to be able to keep up with the family when on vacation (hikes and walking around in general) now they can't keep up with me, lol.
  • how about some chili, I make large pots of it from fresh ingredients then it can be easily frozen in small amounts in ziplock bags, just lay it flat in the freezer without the meat and oil it comes to about 100-120 calories for a 1 cup serving.
  • thanks. I had not thought of brownies but I think that's a good option, no need for icing!!! I am not sure what type she is but her mom did say that she can eat a treat if she gets a shot, I just would hate to have her have a shot when I could first try to find a way to give a treat that would avoid the need for a shot.
  • ok so gaspacho sounds alot like the salads that I make tomato, cucumber, small amount of sliced onion and raspberry vinaigrette
  • I would love to be able to do salads and do in the winter time but it gets so hot here in the summer that store bought lettuce turns slimy in less than a day in the fridge, we are 15 miles from the nearest store so buying it as needed is not possible. I do like to do tomato and cucumber salads with raspberry vinaigrette…
  • I didn't read the whole article but I saw this on the news, if you drink water before you eat then there is less room for food so you get full faster
  • I do eat wraps and have discovered the new (well new to me) thin whole wheat buns that are only about 100 calories and use them for sandwiches but for cold soups don't I have to cook the soup first then refrigerate it?? I don't want to heat up the house any more than it is already.
  • what type of food will you be judging, it is the typical chili cookoff or something else, if it's chili I wouldn't worry too much about it, just take tiny portions and savor it rather than eating larger amounts. If it's other things I would still do the same but add in some extra exercise, if you are really worried you can…
  • well, I just bought some wheat bread flour and I'm going to try it. I looked at the nutritional info and the wheat bread flour only has 1/3rd of the fiber and protein and the regular wheat flour, so later I might attempt to just buy the regular wheat flour and add gluten to it, the store sells gluten flour right next to…