markink81 Member


  • Not even going to track a single calorie... :D
  • I disagree in a sense. Have you ever done German volume style training? meaning 10 sets of 10 repetitions doing a lift like a squat using 70% of your max lifting volume and only resting 30-45 seconds in between. Now that will make you suck some air!
  • I have been maintaining for about 3 months and I get this same thing. However I find it depends what circles I hang around. When I go to the gym and I am around active fit people they always say your looking great keep up the good work conversely like when I am at work most people say don't lose anymore weight...bottom…
  • You bet!!! I have put a lot of work into this body so I touch myself all the time. I still have to look twice when I look in a full length mirror wondering who the hell that guy!
  • Two thumbs up!!! and pass me a diet soda!
  • I added a couple refeed days per week. Meaning I kept my fat and protein intake static then doubled my carb intake. I also upped the amount of cardio sessions i was doing per week from 3x30 min sessions to 6x30 min. sessions.The leaner you get the harder it is to generally lose. I found out as well everyone is a little…
  • Famous, also known as Lead Singer Disease. :wink: :laugh:
  • Wow! 5x5 stronglifts is a great program for the beginner. All these lifts help build core strength so your first assumption was correct. You can do this at a lightened weight range and as was mentioned good form. These are basic compound exercises that I would recommend anyone doing for general strength and body…
  • I agree with the above information. As far as pre-work drinks go I wouldn't waste your money. Have a meal a couple of hours before working out with a combination of complex carbohydrates and protein or if your short on time a piece of fruit about a half an hour before working out is all your body needs. Creatine and Beta…
  • I eat breakfast every morning because well, I am hungry when I wake up. But NO it won't stall weight loss if you do. As other's have stated just stay at your required calorie allotment and you will lose weight regardless of what time of day you eat!
  • I can sympathize about being busy. I am not one for eating out. I like to control the food that I shove in my face so one thing that I do is pre-pack food the night before in a cooler with cold packs. This helps both my waist line and my wallet. Plus when it's time to eat I have my meals already to go! The little extra…
  • Yep they are good! Use them quite often when I want to satisfy my sweet tooth without sacrificing nutritional value. I like the White Chocolate Raspberry and Double Chocolate Chunk. As far as any dirty little secrets the only thing I know about is there fiber count has a pending lawsuit brought on them. You can investigate…
  • I eat bread a couple of times a day and lost over 100 pounds. I never liked the production style stuff. But I sure do like Artisan made Sourdough!
  • You can increase your volume of your current exercises by doing more sets or change up your exercise program to include different movements for the muscle groups your working. I generally change my lifting program up every 3 months Our bodies become very adaptive to the same routines so it's good to change them…
  • This it is not uncommon. What happens when weight training is the muscle tissue breakdowns I.e... microscopic tears in the muscle tissue. When this happens the body protects the tissue. The muscle becomes slightly inflamed and slightly swollen due to fluid retention. Keep up your workout routine and in a week or two you…
  • I use protein powders daily. My favorite brand is MTS nutrition the powders are manufactured in Wisconsin in NSF and GMP registered facilities. All the flavors are excellent and blend easily in water. Although not hugely main stream you can purchase them at this…
  • I buy Fage Greek 0% and usually put a scoop of whey protein in with a pinch of water to smooth it out to a mouse consistency. Also any kind of fruit that you enjoy cut up into it works well.
  • Age has little bearing on building muscle it comes down to your own God given genetics.
  • Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell...Hopefully the upcoming movie is as good as the book but I have my doubts.
  • I normally log everything the night before. This way I ensure that I hit my macro's. Plus since I took the time logging it in I very rarely deviate from my menu plan. If I do, then I make sure it fits within my allotted values left for the day.
  • I will make this short for now since I am writing this on my phone. I recently started online coaching with 3DMJ as I wanted a second set of eyes on my diet and exercise program. My goal is to compete in local natural bodybuilding shows in the master's division. My experience with them has been great as they have tweaked…
  • First off everyone has abs albeit they my be hidden under a layer of fat. So really a calorie deficit is all that is really needed with this core exercises such as squats, deadlifts overhead presses will really add in burning bodyfat...there also is a genetic factor to abdominal development. Some people can show six packs…
  • We have two a 20 year old girl and a 23 year old boy they have and continue to enrich our lives. Teaching both my children how to ride bikes, throw, fish, camp you name it we have probably done it TOGETHER. Did it put a damper on things, did we feel like we gave up going places at a drop of a dime at times, sure but that…
  • A big resounding YES from me. I have been married to my bride for 27 years. . Has it all been a bed of roses...heck no! but anything worth while takes work. Communication is key with all relationships and that means listening and understanding what the other persons needs and desires are and then working it out.. So for…
  • Grew up in Frankenmuth, Mi. Now live in Liberty Township Ohio
  • One thing I did forgot to mention on my first post was to have a set of calibrated gram weights to occasionally check the accuracy of your scale. I know I'm being anal here but it should be addressed. The only person your cheating is yourself.
  • Weigh everything and for the guys and gals that take protein supplements weigh those too, the scoops in the containers can be off by 5-7 grams. Unfortunately, I found this lesson out the hard way.