shelbymkoenig Member


  • This is a restart for me too! Every time I've gotten about halfway to my ideal weight/pants size I ended up pregnant. Now that I won't be worried about making babies anymore, I want to actually hit my goal for a change. It's a struggle when they only thing 5 wants to eat is poptarts, fruit, and bologna and the hubs is at…
  • Oh my gosh you are my exact starting weight and goal weight. It's amazing to know that it's really possible! You look amazing!
  • Well really it's only about half a size to get in the pants I want to wear.
  • Yes my thigh too. My hip was incredibly sore the next day.
  • My boyfriend bought me a FitBit Zip for last Christmas and I LOVE it. It's accurate and easy to use and you don't notice it on you during the day. It's kept me more honest with my food diary and helped me see that I needed to increase my weekly calorie deficit to continue to drop sizes.
  • Around 230lbs when I first joined the site. Now, but I really don't know what I weigh. I'm down 2 dress sizes though!
  • So how can I reset my calorie goals? I can't find it on the app anymore after all thee recent updates.
  • That's why I got the Fitbit, to keep me at a deficit. Everything it tracks says I am. I've lost a few inches here and there. This is just taking a lot longer than I initially thought. I didn't think it would take more than a year to drop 50lbs.
  • This is exactly what happened to me. I've never been atrocious about my diet, but my portions were out of control. I thought normal people sat down and ate 1/3 of a pack of Oreos in one sitting. Definitely not right. I don't want to deprive myself because I want this to stick. This is the first time I've ever dieted and…
  • I was eating a lot better the last few months while I was student teaching because I was out of the house and had to pack. Now that I'm home much more I'm around my boyfriend and family, none of whom are dieting. There isn't much "healthy" food in my house and I only make enough to pay my car payment and buy gas to get to…
  • Thank you so much everyone. You've got me nearly tearing up over here. I suppose I was freaking out so much because my ultimate goal is to get to a healthy BMI, and I no longer have definite confidence on where I am on that goal track. I'm also a very science brained person so I do use the same scale and follow the same…
  • I've lost 45lbs but I'm still a 40DD occasionally a 38DD with different bra makers. I'm destined for giant boobs I think :(
  • Ahh I'm so jealous. I'm still waiting to get there. I've dropped 45 lbs but I've only gone from a 20 to and 18. My butt doesn't want to move, haha. You look great.
  • Oh how I love ONEderland. Especially when you get so far into it that even period bloat doesn't take you above the 200 mark. Great work :)
  • I'm both ecstatic and sad when clothes don't fit. I'm ecstatic because I'm getting un-fat but sad because I'm too poor for new clothes. It it weren't for my very generous mother I wouldn't have any dress clothes that fit to student teach in.
  • I can't wait to find ONEderland myself! Congrats!
  • Really?! Thank you so much! Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
  • What some people post doesn't work for everyone. If 1200 a day worked for you, then go for it! If that's not enough try 1300, just fiddle around until you find something that works. Water water water is by best advice. I gain at least a pound a day if I don't have at least a liter of water, but again, that's just me you…
  • I've hit plateaus before. Sometimes just pushing through it and being patient is best. Once I switched my calorie intake to maintain in stead of losing. I left it that way for a week then set it back to a deficit and the weight came right off, even what I should have lost while I was stuck. Also, drink lots and lost of…
  • First off, congrats on losing the 50lbs! When I feel like I need to eat more I force myself to calm down for a few minutes and really think about what I why I want to eat. Am I really hungry or is it stress telling me to stuff my face? My whole family has a problem with stress eating and yes, sometimes I still go…
  • Making life changes is hard and ultimately takes time. I still have problems committing to daily exercise, luckily my job has me standing my whole shift or I'd do nothing all day. I hate people seeing me workout too because it's always "Oh, you're actually doing something?" which isn't at all helpful. There are exercises…
  • Yes! Counselors are trained to help you. Your BMI is in the low range of normal and HEALTHY. Issues like anorexia and bulimia are often coping mechanisms for stress. I've dealt with my share of eating issues, probably not on the level of severity as yours but I'm not completely unable to relate. When I feel like stress…
  • I plateaued around -8lbs as well, but I stuck with it and it didn't take too long for the weight to come off and I got completely back on track and even lost the weight I should have while I was stuck.
  • I haven't experienced this, but it is ill-advised to take advice on this from anyone besides a medical doctor. You could have a vessel blockage or high triglycerides or some other blood thickening issue. It could also be an increase in the thickness of the vascular walls of the arteries. Honestly I would just go see a…
  • It could be a water retention issue. Also if your bathroom habits specific to the toilet have changed then so has the amount of waste product leaving your body and if it doesn't leave it adds to your current weight. Also, this site isn't perfect. There are many many threads elsewhere explaining TDEE and other fun acronyms.…
  • I've wondered about this too, but I record the lower number possibly just for superficial reasons. However, there are uncertainties with each scale and if you're switching between scales you will likely get a different reading. Poorly built scales also give different readings if you stand in different places on it. So try…
  • My stomach is getting weird. It's smaller, but it's no longer smooth and round-sh. It's all lumpy.
  • Congrats! I set my goal at something I thought I would ultimately reach in 6-8 months, but if I want to keep going once I get there I probably will. It sure would be nice to have a normal BMI for once in my life, haha.
  • The same thing happened to me over Easter, weekends are my bad days anyway. I was caught back up in a week without doing anything differently. Don't fret.
  • If it goes any farther I'd suggest talking to a counselor or something. Eating disorders, even the beginnings of one are serious things. I am not making any judgements about you based on a single post, it's just the impression I have from reading your post. I hope it's not the case. Finals are stressful, mine are next…