Scale troubles and sad faces

So after a month or so of pretending my scale is wrong, I've come to the conclusion that I started off heavier than I thought and that mean 203 is actually what I weigh. I'm still 25lbs down from where I think I started and am back in the sizes I wore in high school, but I'm not where I want to be. I started in March and I guess I didn't expect it to take this long. Maybe I'm just being an impatient 22 year old. I'm doing my part and balancing my macros and keeping my weekly calorie goals balanced out (I have some bad days, but the good ones always even it out.) I normally have an extra deficit besides the one MFP already sets for me. I just thought that in 9 months I'd be more than halfway done :/


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I think on your scales and actually in life in general, you need to take off those 'in denial' settings.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Congratulations on losing 25 pounds, that is such an accomplishment!

    If you are losing weight at a slow steady pace then that is good. Your body composition will come out healthier than if you lose weight really fast.

    Keep doing whatever you're doing and enjoy the process of becoming healthier.

    Patience is a virtue, or so my mom used to say. She was always spot on with that comment. :smile:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Be patient. You are doing great. Don't look at it as being DONE. Look at it as a new start to a healthy new you and better more active life.
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    How I used to think, this is not my first time on this site or on a diet by far . I always got so frustrated and impatient which led to me quitting eating chocolate and giving up.
    There should be no time limit on weight loss , you are getting healthy not skinny !
    You are doing so well already, keep logging and working at it , are you doing any exercise ? That's what's mainly made my weight loss possible and I now love going running or to the gym !
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I thought I would drop 30 lbs in 6 months when I started in Mar of 2011...My goal was to be under 140 by my 40th bday. Well, my 40th bday came and I had dropped 22 lbs. And I held there for a few months. When Jan rolled around, I added strength training and the next 10 lbs finally came off. 1 year to the day of my original "start" date, I finally made that initial goal. Now I work to maintain weight and improve my fitness goals.

    Hang in there. You can do it!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Just a little tip here: You're never done.

    If you get to a goal weight and decide to slack off you're doing it wrong. There are exactly three modes of weight: Deficit, surplus or maintenance. When you get down to your goal weight you are dieting at maintenance. The only end is when you die and only beginning is when you're conceived. You are always in some form of diet.

    So, putting that in perspective, so you didn't diet at a deficit to the point you thought you would. Such is life. You have a setback and move on. We are not linear. Situations change. Don't obsess about where you should be. Focus on getting there.
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Had a look through your diary , what you eat isn't the healthiest of choices , also water is your friend.
    It is not all about how many cals you eat, if you eat pizza, cookies, fizzy drinks its not going to help. Extra bad fats , sugars and salt will make it harder.
    Clearly you are losing weight but maybe if you lowered your cal intake and swapped some of the junk out you may see a better result
  • jelineee
    jelineee Posts: 81 Member
    I think sometimes we are so focused on where we still want to go that we forget how far we've come. A 25 lbs loss is a fantastic start! What really helps me when I feel unmotivated or defeated is thinking of it in terms of a lifestyle change. I want to be able to lose weight and maintain the weight loss for a life time. While it may be tempting to go on a crash diet to lose weight quick, it is also a sure way to mess up your metabolism and start a cycle of yo-yo dieting (trust me I've been there). After years of mistreating my body, I've come to learn that slow and steady is the only sure way to lose weight and keep it off. So don't beat yourself up if you are not exactly where you expect to be.
  • shelbymkoenig
    shelbymkoenig Posts: 59 Member
    I was eating a lot better the last few months while I was student teaching because I was out of the house and had to pack. Now that I'm home much more I'm around my boyfriend and family, none of whom are dieting. There isn't much "healthy" food in my house and I only make enough to pay my car payment and buy gas to get to work. I know these are excuses, but this is the reality of my living situation. I try to do better when I get a lunch break at work. Usually I eat some sort of fruit, though lately since my dad quit dieting with me I'm feeling less motivated and the holidays aren't helping. I just seem to have lost my steam. When I start classes again in January I have every intention of making use of the free gym campus offers and hopefully I'll get the FitBit I asked for this Christmas because I was being much more accountable for moving before my last pedometer broke. I don't get a lot of support anywhere in my life, especially now that my boyfriend needs ACL surgery after a car accident. I know what I should be doing, but it's hard to do by yourself with no support.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Had a look through your diary , what you eat isn't the healthiest of choices , also water is your friend.
    It is not all about how many cals you eat, if you eat pizza, cookies, fizzy drinks its not going to help. Extra bad fats , sugars and salt will make it harder.
    Clearly you are losing weight but maybe if you lowered your cal intake and swapped some of the junk out you may see a better result

    wrong... you can eat what you want as long as it is in defecit which has been seen here more times than I care to count. The trick is to be extremely accurate (as possible) when recording food... I eat ice cream (a lot), yesterday I had cake, some days I will have wine. I have learned what amounts I can have but never deprive myself of anything.

    Do I eat "healthier" - sure most of the time but that is just how I naturally cook. My normal eating isn't what got me weight gains... eating too much of the other stuff did so I just scale it back. :) This is the first time I have ever paid attention to my macros and that is what I target.. I add my "treat" first and work around it :)
  • shelbymkoenig
    shelbymkoenig Posts: 59 Member
    This is exactly what happened to me. I've never been atrocious about my diet, but my portions were out of control. I thought normal people sat down and ate 1/3 of a pack of Oreos in one sitting. Definitely not right. I don't want to deprive myself because I want this to stick. This is the first time I've ever dieted and I'd like it to stick extremely long term and just become the norm of my life. I know that if I don't give myself the tastes of what I'm used to and certain comfort foods, this is never going to work for me. I've been eating more pizza lately than I care to admit, but my family likes pizza and it makes me full after only a couple pieces instead of half the pizza like before. Still progress in my book.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I think you're doing great.

    My weight loss has been at a similar rate to yours (about 30ish pounds gone since Feb.) Sure sometimes I get impatient and think to myself "It should be faster" but really, it shouldn't. Yes I could drop my calories more or be stricter about not eating like 6 peanut butter balls after dinner. But, you know, that probably isn't going to happen. My willpower sucks and I like junk food so it's a trade off. Slower progress for more junk. As long as I still lose in the long run I try not to get too impatient, I'm getting stronger, healthier and smaller with each passing month.So, I don't mind taking the scenic route, you get to see/learn some stuff along the way.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    This is exactly what happened to me. I've never been atrocious about my diet, but my portions were out of control. I thought normal people sat down and ate 1/3 of a pack of Oreos in one sitting. Definitely not right. I don't want to deprive myself because I want this to stick. This is the first time I've ever dieted and I'd like it to stick extremely long term and just become the norm of my life. I know that if I don't give myself the tastes of what I'm used to and certain comfort foods, this is never going to work for me. I've been eating more pizza lately than I care to admit, but my family likes pizza and it makes me full after only a couple pieces instead of half the pizza like before. Still progress in my book.

    You can browse my diary and see I am not full of it (well not completley :laugh: ) ... I started around the end of October... but I will tell you one thing...

    My grocery bill is less buying the fruits/veggies/chicken than it is when I buy all the crap in the world. My kids/husband still like chips etc... so I still get it for them :)
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    I was stuck at a 20 lb loss for over a year... but I was not really watching what I was eating during that time much less exercising. I did make sure I ate less so it was good that I was at a "plateau" vs gaining the lbs I had lost :D
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Had a look through your diary , what you eat isn't the healthiest of choices , also water is your friend.
    It is not all about how many cals you eat, if you eat pizza, cookies, fizzy drinks its not going to help. Extra bad fats , sugars and salt will make it harder.
    Clearly you are losing weight but maybe if you lowered your cal intake and swapped some of the junk out you may see a better result

    wrong... you can eat what you want as long as it is in defecit which has been seen here more times than I care to count. The trick is to be extremely accurate (as possible) when recording food... I eat ice cream (a lot), yesterday I had cake, some days I will have wine. I have learned what amounts I can have but never deprive myself of anything.

    Do I eat "healthier" - sure most of the time but that is just how I naturally cook. My normal eating isn't what got me weight gains... eating too much of the other stuff did so I just scale it back. :) This is the first time I have ever paid attention to my macros and that is what I target.. I add my "treat" first and work around it :)

    I find I get more tired, run down , ill more often. Also I have very little self control when it comes to sugar . Glad it is work for the both of you !