

  • As I lost weight, eventually my neck measurement went down and I was able to buy dress shirts with a smaller neck size that fit comfortably. I used to squeeze into an 18" neck dress shirt but now I fit properly into a 17 1/2" shirt. So two reasons, tracking progress primarily but also as a point of reference according to…
  • I have a couple of questions - what did you list as your weight loss goal per week? 1 lb? 0.5 lb? Maintain? Gain? What level of activity did you specify? Active? Sedentary? Both of these items drive the calorie allotment on MFP.
  • TRY: but make the IMG lower case
  • Crap. Pictures that work in another post, copied exactly here, are all messed up. I have some in my profile though. :smile:
  • G R E A T E F F I N' J O B !!! Keep it up and with your positive attitude, I don't see that being a problem. :drinker:
  • Ditto to all the above comments. I'd like to add, I lost 55 lbs, went into maintenance and stopped logging everything and back-slid a bit. you have to think of it as a life-changing endeavor and understand this is NOT a journey with a final destination. It is a never ending journey so focus on enjoying the trip!
  • I used to enjoy going to Popeye's for fried chicken: 3 piece meal, 2 breasts 1 wing, spicy Red Beans and Rice Biscuit with 2 honey packets Large Root Beer with a re-fill Drum roll, please! 2300 Calories !?!?!?!?!?! That's my entire "maintenance calorie" budget. :embarassed:
  • Thanks! I appreciate that. :happy:
  • Before: Summer 2005 I think. I was about 270. After: August 2010 @ 215 +/- wearing the same swim trunks.
  • I eat them all of the time. At home I use a "Lite" dressing (on the side, of course), If you don't overdue it on the dressing or croutoins it can easily fit into a well managed plan. Here's what one of mine looks like with regular dressing and croutons: Meal details for "Blackened Chicken Caesar Salad" Items in this meal…
  • I'm running out of labor intensive projects to help me stay in shape. I guess I'll have to rent myself out. :laugh:
  • @MommaToSam - Thanks! :blushing: @Lulu2929 - And thank you as well. :smile:
  • Thanks again everyone. . . . . . . My new goal now is to stay in reasonable shape through the end of the year, stay at my current weight +/- a couple of pounds, and then hit the weights/fitness training hard at the start of the new year. I plan on being in the best shape of my life by next summer for my 30 year high school…
  • That really was a big motivator. She wanted me to look like James Bond in my tux. Almost made it, too. If she got married in 2010 I would have LOL
  • Hi there BB :wink: Good to hear from you!
  • Thanks everyone. Also, I forgot to add that i lowered my cholesterol from 236 down to the healthy level of 198. All without medication. (I added that to the first post)
  • And some foods digest faster so - pardon the directness - the effect on bowel movements (or lack thereof) must be taken into account over the short term.
  • Thanks everyone :smile: Cheers! :drinker:
  • Q: "How long have you been married?" A: Seven wonderful years. . . . . twenty-seven all together.
  • I'd like it to look at my calorie average over the past week and estimate it that way. Also, like anything else, it's garbage in garabage out. IF you were to eat exactly like that day (accurately) AND if your basal metabolic weight is figured correctly AND your excercise calories are calculated correctly I believe it to be…
  • I step on the scale every morning as it helps to keep me focused. I "check-in" my weight in MFP usually only once per week though - sometimes twice. It's interesting to me how my body reacts (weight-wise) to different foods. If I eat a lot of rice or red meat, the weight tends to stay up for a few days. If I eat pretty…
  • I hear what everyone's saying and I think it's based on some sort of valid medical/biological reasoning - BUT - does anyone know WHY? I'd be interested to know.
  • That was a good, informational read. Thanks. . . . I guess I better go do some cardio and heavy lifting, slowly.
  • This pretty much mirrors my experience. 30 year class reuinion next year, set a goal, hit it, moved it 3 times now and I'm 4 pounds away from my final goal. This program does work if you're diligent and honest.
  • I've done pretty well in that the last two weeks I've only had a couple of drinks one day during the week in place of 2-3 beers minimum every single day. I have succeeded in drinking in relative moderation on Fri/Sat nights as well, so a big improvement. My weight loss has slowed but I'm almost at my "ideal" BMI weight of…
  • Congratulations for turning the corner. It really is amazing when you start honestly logging everything - the whole eat this, not that thing really kicks in and it's not a "diet" then. Good Luck!
  • I think it's more related to too much processed foods and too many carbs as a percentage of your total diet. A quick glance at your diet shows a high carb goal which you sometimes surpass and too little protein. At 1400 calories a 50/30/20 ratio would be 175g carbs / 47g of fat (no more than 15g saturated) / 70g protein. A…
  • REPORT CARD - Jan - June 2010 _______________________________ SUCCESSES: (A's) > Lost 30 lbs +/- and hitting my target weight goals on time! IMPROVING: (B's) > Carbs/protein/fat ratio. I used to always go over on carbs, under on protein. Now it's the other way around most of the time. COULD DO BETTER (C's) > Cutting out…
  • I've been using Premier Nutrition bars. They come in a box of 12, 3 flavor variety pack. I actually like them a LOT! I buy mine at COSTCO and they are quite reasonable - 2, 12 count boxes for just under $21. The 3 flavors are: Double Chocolate Crunch (my favorite), Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Yogurt Peanut butter.