

  • I experience that same awakening recently as well.. It is not the best feeling in the world, then I realized that I need to look ahead not back, and hey if you've lost 22 pounds your that much closer to your goal then you were before. I purposely try to not have to try on clothes, and I will wear them big for awhile before…
  • Body , or Pure Protein at Fred Meyers. I like it and it is new to the market, all natural and only things you can pronounce on the label. Which is a good sign. I liked it so much I went and bought the chocolate flavor too. 23 grams of protein per shake, pretty nice. Good luck, do buy a good one there is lots…
  • Hi Jeannie, I had a terrible weekend. I ate way to much and I figured out I am totally an emotional eater. I found out a good friend of mine passed away about a week ago. I guess I eat when I'm sad. Then when I eat sugar it starts all types of cravings, have you found that to be true too? I was wondering if it is just me,…
  • [/quote] Maxine and you count the sugar from fruit and milk? I do not really watch that and wonder if that is why I still have this belly, even in size 6p jeans. I find this thread extra helpful when I am this close to a hersheys kiss [/quote] no I'm only counting the refined sugar at this point. I try to…
  • Hi Maxine, Welcome to the " No Sugar Challenge".. I think your message may of got missed. People get talking about things on here and sometimes miss newbies. Good luck to you, I recently joined myself. Although this week my sugar intake hasn't been very good . today is a new day.. I think I may be on the 12 step program ,…
  • Good Lord, I am so glad I don't live at most of your houses, cakes and cheese cakes and all that sugar floating around. Wow how do you all do it? You must have some will power I must say. No one in my house really cares that much for sugar except for me. I'm the biggest sugar addict here at home. I'm afraid if it was…
  • Well, don't feel to badly at least you have a recovery plan. Last night some friends brought buy a dinner lasagna and a fresh homemade peach pie. I resisted as long as I could, then caved... I ate one small piece and counted the calories. But like you said today is a new day and I'm starting over. Hey have you found when…
  • Hi Theresa, Oatmeal for breakfast or most hot cereals are great protein source. I sometimes add half a scoop of whey protein to my oatmeal too. You don't even taste it and it adds about 10 grams. There is a few great protein powders on the market that provide 25-30 grams of protein per serving (look for those).. Good luck!…
  • Well that helps me a bit, thank you. Yes, I think trying to get rid of all sugar must be near impossible? It's in everything. Thank you for the replay. I will try to eliminate sweets for now! Kellygirl
  • I was wondering about this whole sugar free challenge myself, and I wasn't there at the beginning, so maybe someone can fill me in? The discussion is most interesting to me, since yesterday I was faced with this very challenge. I wanted to buy yougart and I though fat free would be the correct choice, being on a diet. But…
  • This is exactly what i need the help with. I started on this site yesterday and yesterday I ate about half of a large Hersheys with almond bar. I can't believe how weak I am when it comes to sweets. I need help, someone give me some tips suggesstions. The thing is I start craving sweets , then I eat some and it compounds…
  • Good luck to you! Now three stones is not something i have heard in awhile, are you from Europe? I do kind of like the sound of that.. It sounds better then 25 pounds, which sounds like so much to me. lol.. Well, best of luck to you.
  • Hey thanks, I've been here for 5 years myself now. I love it here and I've lived many places. I moved here from Seattle and they don't compare. I love the quantness of this city. How come my ticker isn't in my signature when I post? Let me know if you see a link? Kelly
  • Hey there, Thanks for posting, I'm right outside of Boise, Idaho. I've been here for 6 years now, moved from Seattle. I think Boise is one of the best places to live, I love it here and the outdoors is beyond compare. Thanks again, kelly