Sugar is not your friend January Challenge



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Had to put another dollar in my sugar jar. I feel like crap this weeks and I just wanted a little something sweet so I had half of a 3 musketeers min bar just to kick the craving.

    Any suggetions on how to kill a sugar cravinf without giving in to it?

    Here are a few:

    Have a piece of fruit. Technically, this is still sugar, but your body can metabolize it more slowly due to the combination with fibre. Bonus: less likely to cause a crash.

    Have a cup of hot tea: I have a selection of herbal (no caffeine) teas that are spicy, or vanilla, or fruity. These often take the edge off a sugar craving for me.

    Do something else (anything else) and ride it out. Say to yourself "I'm going to do x, y, or z for one hour, and if I still want chocolate, I'll have a small piece." I find 9 out of 10 times, I'll forget the craving.

    So, I'm V, a sugar junkie, and it's been eight days since I last used.
  • kaytbognar
    .....and I need that FAT from the yogurt. I mix it with frozen strawberries, blueberries and 1/4 cup Kashi Go Lean. So to get all the carbs/protein/fat I ned the fat in the yogurt.

    Hahaha, my claories skyrocketed when we had full fat yogurt instead of the fat free. I actually prefer the full fat stuff, but because I eat so much of it lately (and with walnuts and rasins and other fresh fruit) I figure the low-fat switch is acceptable until I'm on a maintenance diet (yogurt is a big source of protein for me--I'm veggie and have limited access to all those yummy other-sources like high-protein grains, soya, etc.) -- I love me a cuppa warm, whole milk though--it's so much more filling and satisfying than skim/1%. Especially on a rainy day, it's a warm and cozy snuggle in a cup!
    I was wondering about this whole sugar free challenge myself, and I wasn't there at the beginning, so maybe someone can fill me in?

    Kelly, my understanding of the challenge (I'm relatively new, too so anyone else can feel free to correct me) is that the focus is on cutting out sweets, you know, the Bad Guys: Cookies, Cakes, Candy, Chocolate, Cans of whipped Cream--all Culprits and Contributors to belly-fat and Cravings. Some people are focusing on keeping their sugars in moderated control--indulging once in a while in just a little, instead of binging at midnight when you wake up possessed by your sweet tooth. Personally, I'm cutting out the glaringly obvious sugary "junk" in my diet--all those nasty "c" words I mentioned earlier (whipped cream is my current nemesis!) but keeping in good sugars like fruits and, as mentioned, my fat-free yogurt.

    I think the best thing about this challenge is that it's flexible enough that you can make it work for you. It's tough, no denyin', but it gets easier just thinking about all the other people in the challenge too!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    For the first time ever, I'm drinking my coffee without sweetener of any kind. Just a little 1% milk...and it's not bad at all. An acquired taste, but I think I can get used to it.

    smiley-faces7.gif I went back to half and half. Even better:wink:, too...yummy!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    .....and I need that FAT from the yogurt. I mix it with frozen strawberries, blueberries and 1/4 cup Kashi Go Lean. So to get all the carbs/protein/fat I ned the fat in the yogurt.

    Hahaha, my claories skyrocketed when we had full fat yogurt instead of the fat free. I actually prefer the full fat stuff, but because I eat so much of it lately (and with walnuts and rasins and other fresh fruit) I figure the low-fat switch is acceptable until I'm on a maintenance diet (yogurt is a big source of protein for me--I'm veggie and have limited access to all those yummy other-sources like high-protein grains, soya, etc.) -- I love me a cuppa warm, whole milk though--it's so much more filling and satisfying than skim/1%. Especially on a rainy day, it's a warm and cozy snuggle in a cup!
    I was wondering about this whole sugar free challenge myself, and I wasn't there at the beginning, so maybe someone can fill me in?

    Kelly, my understanding of the challenge (I'm relatively new, too so anyone else can feel free to correct me) is that the focus is on cutting out sweets, you know, the Bad Guys: Cookies, Cakes, Candy, Chocolate, Cans of whipped Cream--all Culprits and Contributors to belly-fat and Cravings. Some people are focusing on keeping their sugars in moderated control--indulging once in a while in just a little, instead of binging at midnight when you wake up possessed by your sweet tooth. Personally, I'm cutting out the glaringly obvious sugary "junk" in my diet--all those nasty "c" words I mentioned earlier (whipped cream is my current nemesis!) but keeping in good sugars like fruits and, as mentioned, my fat-free yogurt.

    I think the best thing about this challenge is that it's flexible enough that you can make it work for you. It's tough, no denyin', but it gets easier just thinking about all the other people in the challenge too!

    ha........I love all the capital C's....too Cool.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    no sugar for me! :heart:
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    For the first time ever, I'm drinking my coffee without sweetener of any kind. Just a little 1% milk...and it's not bad at all. An acquired taste, but I think I can get used to it.

    smiley-faces7.gif I went back to half and half. Even better:wink:, too...yummy!

    I'm working on this goal .:ohwell: I still put stevia in! I've been good though keeping sugar under 20 grams. :bigsmile:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I owe my sugar jar 1 dollar because I needed a Pepsi to take my BC powder (anyone who has ever taken it know what I mean.

    What is BC powder?

    Bc powder is a powder pain releiver that is VERY popular in the south. You stick it on your tonge and chase it with some kinda of soda or flavored beverage and hold your breath while taking. I hate taking it and ussually stick to traditional advil but I needed something diffrent to try to get rid of this nasty headach I have now had for 4 days

    Thanks, never heard of it... I was thinking birth control powder, and I didn't think that was right:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I didn't do so well on the sugar today. Had to drive a couple of hours (in freezing rain on the way there) both ways for training for work. I made coffee at the gas station and didn't even think about it and used sugar in my coffee. Other than that, I did great! I didn't eat any of the danishes they had out before the training or the cookies they put out after lunch. For that matter, I didn't eat their lunch either (they brought in pizza and subs-- That milk and egg allergy he he). I went to the grocery store and bought some soy yogurt, rice cakes (yuck) and almond butter, and sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    No sugar today. There is one bowl of apple crisp left from last night that I am soooo avoiding, but it's calling. I think I'll get some cantaloupe instead.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Strong today-- no sweets-- woot woot woot!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Sweet free again...whoo hoo!

    It's so much easier when I am stocked up with my fruit, yogurt (which I need to get some more of) and other yummies.
  • kellygirl2
    Well that helps me a bit, thank you. Yes, I think trying to get rid of all sugar must be near impossible? It's in everything.
    Thank you for the replay. I will try to eliminate sweets for now!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Since I started paying attention to my sugar intake this week here's how it's gone....

    2 mornings I had 2 tsp of brown sugar in Oatmeal-just can't eat it without but next time I will try my truvia other than that I've had some fruit for sweets and truvia in my hot tea. I am really proud of that since I usually would have nutrigrain waffles with Hungry Jack light syrup every other day or a sweetend ceral (fruity pebbles) fix - and NO MOCHAS! That's amazing for me!

    I've also lost all but .2 pounds of my holiday buldge this week...hopefully by my weigh in monday I'll show more loss!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    No sugar today. There is one bowl of apple crisp left from last night that I am soooo avoiding, but it's calling. I think I'll get some cantaloupe instead.

    I would freeze it so you can't eat it so easily or throw it away.....I typically throw stuff out anymore - if the temptation isn't there than it's much easier
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Good Morning peeps. pic681.gif

    My good friend has recently started on MFP after her husband and I both said (at pretty much the same moment), "Stop complaining about your weight and DO something about it."

    To her credit, she began logging food, bought a food scale, came up with a menu, learned to cook two different meals (a houseful of boys) and has now motivated me to go to the pool with her two-three times a week. It is so great to spend time with her and get some lovely warm water exercise, too.

    We went to Subway after the pool yesterday. We both wanted dessert. I wanted the cookie. She wanted TCBY. We almost got dessert. Then I said "Oops, sugar." I think if I had had a cookie, she would have had the frozen yogurt. We both said "no".

    We weren't even hungry, just years of "desserts" have mentally trained us to have them. Silly.

    Victory. Woohoo-Dance.gif
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good Morning peeps. pic681.gif

    My good friend has recently started on MFP after her husband and I both said (at pretty much the same moment), "Stop complaining about your weight and DO something about it."

    To her credit, she began logging food, bought a food scale, came up with a menu, learned to cook two different meals (a houseful of boys) and has now motivated me to go to the pool with her two-three times a week. It is so great to spend time with her and get some lovely warm water exercise, too.

    We went to Subway after the pool yesterday. We both wanted dessert. I wanted the cookie. She wanted TCBY. We almost got dessert. Then I said "Oops, sugar." I think if I had had a cookie, she would have had the frozen yogurt. We both said "no".

    We weren't even hungry, just years of "desserts" have mentally trained us to have them. Silly.

    Victory. Woohoo-Dance.gif

    WOOT WOOT (yes I was shouting, lol) Good job!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I got some antibiotics for my massive headache so the cravings for sweets will go away with the pain. I am so glad I finally got this taken care of
  • kaytbognar
    We went to Subway after the pool yesterday. We both wanted dessert. I wanted the cookie. She wanted TCBY. We almost got dessert. Then I said "Oops, sugar." I think if I had had a cookie, she would have had the frozen yogurt. We both said "no".

    We weren't even hungry, just years of "desserts" have mentally trained us to have them. Silly.

    Victory. Woohoo-Dance.gif

    Triumph! Those Subway cookies are deadly, aren't they? Glad you and your friend were able to hold out :D

    Augh, I find that while I'm doing okay not craving sweets, I really, really miss baking. I love to bake, I used to make the most phenomenal brownies when I would have a crabby day and then invite everyone I know over to eat them. I haven't baked anything in the last several months, and this week in particular I've been really wishing i had a kitchen and a grocery store at my complete disposal so that I could come up with something wonderful.

    Maybe it's my locale getting to me--I've been living in isolation for almost three months now--but it's super frustrating to not just crave sweets, but crave concocting delicious sweet treats too! Life, why can you not just be fair for once? Please???

    I'm still holding out, though, despite my sulkiness. Day ten of doing daily yoga (it's getting WAY harder the longer the stretch gets) but sticking with it. Sugar free, too. My headaches are going away slowly, which is good, and I've been getting more sleep. Take that sugar!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I got some antibiotics for my massive headache so the cravings for sweets will go away with the pain. I am so glad I finally got this taken care of

    Ooooh, been there done that! I had constant headaches and ear aches for almost 3 years (finally found out it was allergies, and since avoiding those foods it has gotten WAY better). Ice cream was my comfort food of choice. Good for you for staying strong through it.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    OK I just had a huge accomplishment. I was going to the local deli to get lunch when m,y boss asked if I would get him a brownie while I was there.I was not even thinking about them because they are OH SO GOOD. BUt I agreed to pick one up for him while I was there. I debated the whole way there if I should get one for me and eat half now and half later but I decided NOT to get one for myself. I want one so bad but I talked myself out of it and decided I don't need one. Now I jus hope I can make it the rest of the day without hitting the candy bowl on the sales counter
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    OK I just had a huge accomplishment. I was going to the local deli to get lunch when m,y boss asked if I would get him a brownie while I was there.I was not even thinking about them because they are OH SO GOOD. BUt I agreed to pick one up for him while I was there. I debated the whole way there if I should get one for me and eat half now and half later but I decided NOT to get one for myself. I want one so bad but I talked myself out of it and decided I don't need one. Now I jus hope I can make it the rest of the day without hitting the candy bowl on the sales counter

    You can do it. Think of how proud you were when you said no to the brownie. You'll feel that good again, when you say no to the candy counter!