Sugar is not your friend January Challenge



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I must admit, i did tuck into some pick n mix yesterday afternoon at the cinema.. D'oh! I couldnt even taste them.. so i dont know why i bothered (silly cold).. anywhoo im not going to let it get to me as it was 1 day out of 7.. so i think i did alright...

    My mum got the icecream out after dinner last night... i said "NO" I had already indulged enough for one day! oops!

    Back to low sugar (Fruit) days for me :happy:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am doing pretty good. I have not had any candy or sweets since thursday when I didn't feel good. I wanted to make cinnimon rolls yesterday but did not because I want to complete this challange. I am hoping to make it the rest of the month with no sweets to see if it will help kick start my weight loss again because I have been at a stand still for a long time.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    sugar free, day for me!! WOOT
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks Jeannie, I was up in the middle of the night with some serious stomach issues, not sure if it was the dairy, or the oily buttery topping, lol... Had a migrane this morning, but am feeling much better now, and even worked out at the Y for a bit this afternoon. When I'm avoiding the dairy and eggs, I don't have headaches hardly at all. It's worth it! After several days of no pain, it made the one this morning feel soooo much worse. To think I lived with that pain almost constantly for 3 years, sheesh!

    Viviakay, you'd love the buttercream frosting that I make then, I use real butter in mine. lol... One of these days, I'll have to see how it tastes if I make it with the "Vegan buttery sticks" that I bought. I find it easy to avoid the store bought cakes myself. I used to love their frosting, until I started decorating myself, now it just tastes icky.

    I have been sugar free today, although I did use a light sprinkle of splenda on my nonfat plain soy yogurt with berries. The berries just did not sweeten it at all, it seemed.

    So the dairy gives you headaches and migraines? I wonder if some food product is giving me mine? Have not had one for a bit, knock on wood.....and I was tested for every allergy known to man. I am allergic to the big 3...dust included and I live in a dust factory!! LOL

    Glad you are feeling better this am. hope it only getst better and better!!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    No sweets all weekend...even went to Starbucks and got sugar free caramel instead of Mocha syrup!

    Friday - we went to Chinese restaraunt--I had prelogged one of the cream filled donuts - and didn't eat it!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Where's all my sugary friends today??
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am starting to crave something sweet and I have no options here at work for a substatue. I need to find something to take my mind off of it.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Gum? brush your teeth, water!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just touching base - doing well with the desserts. Bought some peppermint mocha coffee cream-- meh. Unremarkable.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Thanks Jeannie, I was up in the middle of the night with some serious stomach issues, not sure if it was the dairy, or the oily buttery topping, lol... Had a migrane this morning, but am feeling much better now, and even worked out at the Y for a bit this afternoon. When I'm avoiding the dairy and eggs, I don't have headaches hardly at all. It's worth it! After several days of no pain, it made the one this morning feel soooo much worse. To think I lived with that pain almost constantly for 3 years, sheesh!

    Viviakay, you'd love the buttercream frosting that I make then, I use real butter in mine. lol... One of these days, I'll have to see how it tastes if I make it with the "Vegan buttery sticks" that I bought. I find it easy to avoid the store bought cakes myself. I used to love their frosting, until I started decorating myself, now it just tastes icky.

    I have been sugar free today, although I did use a light sprinkle of splenda on my nonfat plain soy yogurt with berries. The berries just did not sweeten it at all, it seemed.

    So the dairy gives you headaches and migraines? I wonder if some food product is giving me mine? Have not had one for a bit, knock on wood.....and I was tested for every allergy known to man. I am allergic to the big 3...dust included and I live in a dust factory!! LOL

    Glad you are feeling better this am. hope it only getst better and better!!


    Did they do a blood test for food allergies? My doc says that's the only "accurate" way to do it... Otherwise, you could try an elimination diet test. Just try removing all dairy for a week, and see if it helps. Then slowly reintroduce it back in. If the symptoms come back, you know what it is.... If your symptoms don't change by eliminating dairy, that's probably not the culprit, add it back in and eliminate something else, like eggs. Work your way throught the big ones: diary, eggs, soy, peanuts, wheat, corn, potato, shrimp. tuna, strawberries, bakers yeast, and brewers yeast (these are the top 12 supposedly).

    Interesting thing, my face cleared up when I cut it out too, whether it was the dairy or the eggs, I don't know. But I used to have to take antibiotics periodically because of a rash/acne-ish thing. It never totally went away, but the antibiotics would help. It's almost completely clear now.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Made it another day.

    This is the first day it's been really hard. . .I think I was feeling down (for no discernable reason) and wanted to have a little something from the land of sweets.

    Didn't. Interesting how tied it is to my mood/productivity. I had a work at home day, and felt less active than usual, which made me want to eat something sweet/cookielike.

    Anyways, I'm at 12 days now, and have hit the point where I'm perusing my "clean" (date/honey/agave sweetened) dessert recipes, as I told myself at the beginning I could have one on the 15th. I'm actually invited to a party, so I might bring something to it.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Hubby gave me his carton of double choclate brownie ice cream and spoon to put back in the freezer last night. I wasnted a tast, but I just put the lid back on and the sppon in the sink without even licking the spoon to see how it tasted. For me that is a huge accomplishment.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Had a piece of cake last night.....I am throwing away whatever is left tonight...or maybe freezing it for the kids......after I ate it I was mad at is a new day!
  • kellygirl2
    Had a piece of cake last night.....I am throwing away whatever is left tonight...or maybe freezing it for the kids......after I ate it I was mad at is a new day!

    Well, don't feel to badly at least you have a recovery plan. Last night some friends brought buy a dinner lasagna and a fresh homemade peach pie. I resisted as long as I could, then caved... I ate one small piece and counted the calories.
    But like you said today is a new day and I'm starting over. Hey have you found when you do eat that sugar you start a monster calling from the inside, like uncontrollable cravings? That is what happened to me last night. So I just went to bed... I had gone like four days without refined sugar products and was feeling pretty good actually. I didn't have any of the headaches I've read about? Well, good luck today everyone. I'm getting back on the wagon, sugar is not my friend, it makes me want to eat more...
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Late to the game, but I am so in! And so far today, so good!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I have a mini-challenge to add to this thread.

    Remove the words "Should" and "Mad-at-myself" from your self-talk this week. Or try it just for today.

    That tape, that inner dialog we have with ourselves is super powerful.

    I am do impressed by all of you and all the triumphs you have posted here lately. My sweet food is fruit. Day before yesterday I added honey to my breakfast. It was yummily sweet, and I'm done with it for a while again.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    .......I'm also "so" impressed. . . . :tongue:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well I am over it today....funny last monday was when I had a sweet fix too....still way better than a daily dose so overall I am pleased with myself!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Well I am over it today....funny last monday was when I had a sweet fix too....still way better than a daily dose so overall I am pleased with myself!

    yay, Chrissy! I didn't even notice that you said "mad-at-myself" in your previous post...I know that say/think things like that on some days - for no real reason. Maybe it's a bio-chem thing, endocrins, dunno. Sunday was like that for me. I find I talk mean to myself when I'm lonely. That is when the food had better be out of the house too. But I've learned to make my decisions at the grocery store, and living alone has its perks. No one brings home cake/ice cream/candy etc.

    Being lonely. The bad news: I have to cheer myself up.:ohwell:
    The good news: No one to ruin my good mood once I do! :happy:
  • kaytbognar
    Hey hey my friends! sounds like everyone is still going strong, even with little falters like cake here and there, we should remember how much less sugary junk we're consuming overall. Kind of a "shoot for the moon, land among the stars" perspective, but it helps me to resist that negative self-talk Cheryl's challenging us to remove!

    Been feeling lonely and a little homesick this week, things have been quiet and I've been hearing a lot of fun and exciting things that make me want to fast forward through my next few months in paradise so I can get to the exciting real-world things I'm looking forward to: my friend is getting married in October (new goal to look FABULOUS for the wedding!) and I'm going to be making a stop in California to visit a very dear girlfriend in May on my way home to Canada from PR (going to see Iron Man 2 together the day it comes out! GOSH SO GEEKY BUT SO EXCITING!)

    Anyway, being kind of lonely and impatient had me craving comfort foods and treats, so I made myself some guilt-free (and sugar free!) cocoa. YuM! I make it with hershey's unsweetened cocoa. I added a little bit of coconut extract (couldn't find any vanilla) and like 1/2 a packet of splenda. And a dash of rum, because I felt like it. Made a nice, rich, creamy and not-too-sweet. Mmmmm yummy! I feel like, even though I added the splenda, this is still a great triumph becuase there is still an abundance of tembleque, chocolate cake, and cheesecake in the fridge here. And, I resisted the urge to top my treat with a HUGE dollop of whipped cream.

    I hope everyone can feel as triumphant and successful today as I did!