Hi Everyone


Just wanted to say hello and intoduce myself as I am new to this site. I have recently given birth to my beautiful daughter and through being pregnant, I have 3 stones that I have to lose!

Hope you are all doing well on your diets. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I acheive my goal!



  • kellygirl2
    Good luck to you! Now three stones is not something i have heard in awhile, are you from Europe?
    I do kind of like the sound of that.. It sounds better then 25 pounds, which sounds like so much to me.
    lol.. Well, best of luck to you.
  • beachcrazy
    Welcome! I 've been on this site for just a week and I seem to really like it. Have tried other online places but most of them seem so cluttered with too much stuff. This one seems to have everything I need. I'm here for ya if you ever need any motivation, of course I'm probably gonna need some myself! Keep the faith, we are all work in progress...