how to get more protein/ less carbs

At the end of the day I seem to be over my allottment for carbs, and under for protein. I try to have only one carb at each meal, but any suggestions on good protein sources for say snack time and breakfast?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Lean meats (Turkey, Chicken etc.), nuts and seeds, tofu or Tempeh. You can also add a protein shake to your day or eat eggs or egg whites for breakfast.
  • kellygirl2
    Hi Theresa,
    Oatmeal for breakfast or most hot cereals are great protein source. I sometimes add half a scoop of whey protein to my oatmeal too. You don't even taste it and it adds about 10 grams. There is a few great protein powders on the market that provide 25-30 grams of protein per serving (look for those).. Good luck! My problem is the opposite I'm always over on protein and under on Carbs.
  • YoungJr42
    YoungJr42 Posts: 25 Member
    Try protein shakes. I have the same problem except I go over my fat ALL THE TIME. So, I'm trying to drink at least 3 protein shakes a day. What I'm using now has 3g of carbs, 1g of fat, 24g of protein, w/ 120 calories in a scoop. I find that strawberry and chocolate are the best flavors, but all of them are tolerable w/ milk instead of water. Hope this helps.
  • bk325f
    bk325f Posts: 9
    Nuts are great. I think almonds & pistachios are lower in fat than some of the other nuts, but I'm sure there's an expert out there than can confirm or clarify.

    Another good snack that's easy is part skim string cheese. It has about 1 carb & 6-8g of protein, depending on the brand. Check it out next time you get groceries.
  • mdale2
    mdale2 Posts: 79
    Meat, eggs, nuts, and some dairy (but remember - nuts and dairy do have some carbs).
  • igmom
    igmom Posts: 90
    All my snacks have to be packed for work. So shakes are not an option. Pretty much every day I take a boiled egg, a string cheese, and a half-cup container of cottage cheese. That keeps me comfortably full all day at work, and it adds very few carbs to my day.
  • sherri76
    I do a protein shake at least once a day, it is low in calories and carbs but high in protein and fiber....I do Weight Watchers and it's only 1 point.....the one I use is called Be Buff, it comes in a powder from GNC..yum.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    greek yogurt is AMAZING for just such an occasion :)
    the plain one (Fage brand 6oz container) has 0 fat, 7 carbs and 15 grams of protein. Its a bit spendy but really tasty, rich & creamy, although you will want to mix something into it (it tastes like-and can be used as-sour cream on its own)
    generally I'll add: frozen berries & stevia, pb2 powder, cinnamon & stevia, or lemon juice & stevia.
  • queeeney
    queeeney Posts: 2 Member
    I just started adding protein shakes to my diet. I've been using EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control. Only 110 calories and 17g protein. I'd also noticed that I was getting too many carbs, so I drink this as a snack.
  • theresampb
    Thanks so much for all the comments. It seems like the protein shakes are the way to go. I will try that. I'm headed out shopping today, so will pick something up. Thanks again.