Sugar is not your friend January Challenge



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    Very cool to see all the revelations and ideas. Obviously we have touched a nerve on this sugar thing. We are all learning something here, and I hope we keep it up.

    Yesterday I went to the pool and worked out with my friends and on the way I stopped and got a cup of coffee and a slice of banana bread because it was going to be hours before I ate and that was the best choice between me and the pool.

    In the past I would have gone for the Blueberry-Muffin-With-The-Cream-Cheese-filling. So the banana nut bread felt like a big splurge after not eating sugary stuff. And!!! I only ate a third of it - not the mindless entire slice. That's a victory in my book. Burned 600 cals at the pool and it was FUN.


    Many proud moments and a few giggles from your posts. Love kaytbognar's references to the whipped cream, that is classic.

    Jeannie, you are funnnnnnyy. Singing us a sugar song.

    Marla, have you tried my 15 Bean Soup? Cheap, super filling, yummy and everyone will eat it, honest! Plain yogurt with strawberries and 1/4 Cup Kashi Go Lean is my fave snack. Cheap. I buy the Kashi from Amazon in 6-box increments and it lasts me months.

    Lori - - I swear. The sugar is the key.

    V, We are in your head. And you are in mine.:heart: I loved your latest blog post....I want to respond but I can't just give short responses to anything. Oh, didja notice?

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all new to the thread. It may not possible to completely give up sugar all-at-once. It is a process.

    Do what you can and if you don't beat yourself up it makes it a lot easier.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I owe my sugar jar 1 dollar because I needed a Pepsi to take my BC powder (anyone who has ever taken it know what I mean.
  • kaytbognar
    I know when you give up soda you can go through withdrawls from that so maybe you are having the same thing with sugar

    I suspect as much. It doesn't feel like I'm cutting out --that-- much in the way of sugar (I haven't had soda or juice in ages, it's always just water or tea/coffe, which I take black--really just those slices of cake, and that freaking whipped cream...) but I guess it goes to show how much of an impact something that seems pretty inconsequential can have.
    Love kaytbognar's references to the whipped cream, that is classic.

    Glad I can amuse! I kid because it makes it feel like less of a big deal, and to smile and be friendly towards obstacles makes them seems less intimidating for me. But that whipped cream really is one of my biggest challenges. There are always at least three cans of it in the fridge here, and it's not like I can just --not buy-- them since I don't do the shopping, and they're needed for cocktails/desserts etc. that are served in the restaurant. It's so darn easy to cram a finger/spoonful in my mouth in the middle of the night when doing laundry (gotta walk past the fridge to get to the washing machines) and it feels like it's nothing! Just a little, just a taste, just to try it...I feel like Winnie the Pooh! ("Oh Rabbit, I was ONLY gonna taste it...") But, like Pooh Bear, I gotta step away from the honeypot or I'll forever be stuck in Rabbit's door!

    I'm glad I found you guys and this thread, it's really helping a lot :D
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! I was doing ok today, had oatmeal with a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter in it for breakfast. Went and did an hour on the recumbant bike (I love it when my son has dryland practice--I drop him off at 6 and am in and out of the gym early). Had some soy yogurt afterwards (it wasn't as creamy and thick--substitute filling-- as the greek yogurt that I love, but is a good substitute). Went out to lunch with DH to Donkers, a local candy shop/lunch counter. Had a sandwich on their homemade foccacia bread (no eggs or dairy), veggie chips, and a pulled chocolate coke. Yup, blew the no sugar thing there. It completely slipped my mind. These sodas are to die for, done the old fashioned way with syrups and soda water. I'll have to be more conscious of the sugar shun in the future.

    Of course, on the way out, we walked by the candy counter, and while DH bought a couple of chocolates to go.... I didn't get anything. So I sorta won. In a way... lol
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Maybe this is my problem.
    I have thought for awhile now that I was a "carb addict" and I use that term loosely. Seems everyone these days is an "addict" of something. But thats for another day.
    Maybe its not the breads-potatoe-pasta type carbs but more the good ole fashioned white sugar kind of carbs that I am craving. Did that make ANY sense?
    Yesterday I did fine on my food, 1st day on MFP, but all day especialy around 4:00 I felt like I just needed a little bite of something sweet. My blood sugar was probabley plummetting.
    So in the past when I was on WW I would count out 10 choc chips and that would be my sweets for the entire day. Of course I'm not talking about hidden sugars in processed foods , but added sugar or sweets. Some days I could spread them out all day, other times I would eat them 5 at a time. Most of the time I find that all I need is a couple bites and that nagging , pacing the kitchen , looking for something but not quite sure what you want, yeah you know the one , well that urge is gone.
    I love the idea of going off sugar but at this point have NO idea if this is possible, I mean I know it's possible just wonder if I am setting myself up for another failure. I might need to try one thing at a time here. Exercise, water, good food choices then micro manage it down to eliminating the good/evil stuff.
    Love this site, where has it been while I've been eating?
    Stay Warm, Beth

    Hi Beth....personally, I've learned that when I totally eliminate the sweets for a time, I have trouble letting them back in in moderation. I dive into them with reckless abandon.

    So, I'm rather of the mindset that if/when I have to have something sweet, to go ahead and limit it to something reasonable and get the urge out of the way.

    having said that....I'm in a no-sweets challenge for one week on my black team thread. And beyond that, I do try to stay away from them. But last night, for instance (before said challenge officially began), there was a chocolate snack cake floating around the kitchen that my eldest daughter baked. I indulged in about a 1.5 x 1.5 inch piece, no frosting, and enjoyed it guilt free. It's not routine, but on occasion I have found it's better for me to satisfy my sweet tooth in a CONTROLLED manner, so I don't go into an ugly sugar coma.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Maybe this is my problem.
    I have thought for awhile now that I was a "carb addict" and I use that term loosely. Seems everyone these days is an "addict" of something. But thats for another day.
    Maybe its not the breads-potatoe-pasta type carbs but more the good ole fashioned white sugar kind of carbs that I am craving. Did that make ANY sense?
    Yesterday I did fine on my food, 1st day on MFP, but all day especialy around 4:00 I felt like I just needed a little bite of something sweet. My blood sugar was probabley plummetting.
    So in the past when I was on WW I would count out 10 choc chips and that would be my sweets for the entire day. Of course I'm not talking about hidden sugars in processed foods , but added sugar or sweets. Some days I could spread them out all day, other times I would eat them 5 at a time. Most of the time I find that all I need is a couple bites and that nagging , pacing the kitchen , looking for something but not quite sure what you want, yeah you know the one , well that urge is gone.
    I love the idea of going off sugar but at this point have NO idea if this is possible, I mean I know it's possible just wonder if I am setting myself up for another failure. I might need to try one thing at a time here. Exercise, water, good food choices then micro manage it down to eliminating the good/evil stuff.
    Love this site, where has it been while I've been eating?
    Stay Warm, Beth

    Hi Beth....personally, I've learned that when I totally eliminate the sweets for a time, I have trouble letting them back in in moderation. I dive into them with reckless abandon.

    So, I'm rather of the mindset that if/when I have to have something sweet, to go ahead and limit it to something reasonable and get the urge out of the way.

    having said that....I'm in a no-sweets challenge for one week on my black team thread. And beyond that, I do try to stay away from them. But last night, for instance (before said challenge officially began), there was a chocolate snack cake floating around the kitchen that my eldest daughter baked. I indulged in about a 1.5 x 1.5 inch piece, no frosting, and enjoyed it guilt free. It's not routine, but on occasion I have found it's better for me to satisfy my sweet tooth in a CONTROLLED manner, so I don't go into an ugly sugar coma.

    Amen! Well said sista! We ride in the same boat on these waters.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I owe my sugar jar 1 dollar because I needed a Pepsi to take my BC powder (anyone who has ever taken it know what I mean.

    What is BC powder?
  • Tangy1966
    Tangy1966 Posts: 50 Member
    Sugar is not my friend...So glad I stopped to read this blog tonight. I Just starting my weight loss journey, and since its
    not a huge amount of weight, I was not looking to eliminate sugar from my life, just calories. I'm aware of the sugar monster,
    but not so afraid that I forbid myself the occasional sweet treat. After reading this blog, I feel motivated to look at this a little
    deeper and try to detox as much as I ladies have inspired me. I think you may have saved me a lot of time trying to
    get rid of my '"spare tire". Your observations about sugar and flatter bellies caught my attention...I'm in. Thanks for the insight
    and awareness.

    Going to be a challenge for sure...there are homemade chocolate chip cookies lurking in the kitchen. It's early in my challenge,
    and I'm feeling strong...not going to let a cookie beat me at this one!!!! Stay strong!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sugar is not my friend!!!

    After 5 days or so without the evil of sugar, I was able to sleep an entire night last night.:yawn: Whew, I was tired.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Maybe this is my problem.
    I have thought for awhile now that I was a "carb addict" and I use that term loosely. Seems everyone these days is an "addict" of something. But thats for another day.
    Maybe its not the breads-potatoe-pasta type carbs but more the good ole fashioned white sugar kind of carbs that I am craving. Did that make ANY sense?
    Yesterday I did fine on my food, 1st day on MFP, but all day especialy around 4:00 I felt like I just needed a little bite of something sweet. My blood sugar was probabley plummetting.
    So in the past when I was on WW I would count out 10 choc chips and that would be my sweets for the entire day. Of course I'm not talking about hidden sugars in processed foods , but added sugar or sweets. Some days I could spread them out all day, other times I would eat them 5 at a time. Most of the time I find that all I need is a couple bites and that nagging , pacing the kitchen , looking for something but not quite sure what you want, yeah you know the one , well that urge is gone.
    I love the idea of going off sugar but at this point have NO idea if this is possible, I mean I know it's possible just wonder if I am setting myself up for another failure. I might need to try one thing at a time here. Exercise, water, good food choices then micro manage it down to eliminating the good/evil stuff.
    Love this site, where has it been while I've been eating?
    Stay Warm, Beth

    Hi Beth....personally, I've learned that when I totally eliminate the sweets for a time, I have trouble letting them back in in moderation. I dive into them with reckless abandon.

    So, I'm rather of the mindset that if/when I have to have something sweet, to go ahead and limit it to something reasonable and get the urge out of the way.

    having said that....I'm in a no-sweets challenge for one week on my black team thread. And beyond that, I do try to stay away from them. But last night, for instance (before said challenge officially began), there was a chocolate snack cake floating around the kitchen that my eldest daughter baked. I indulged in about a 1.5 x 1.5 inch piece, no frosting, and enjoyed it guilt free. It's not routine, but on occasion I have found it's better for me to satisfy my sweet tooth in a CONTROLLED manner, so I don't go into an ugly sugar coma.

    Amen! Well said sista! We ride in the same boat on these waters.

    I'm in this boat, too. Getting better though.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    For the first time ever, I'm drinking my coffee without sweetener of any kind. Just a little 1% milk...and it's not bad at all. An acquired taste, but I think I can get used to it.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I owe my sugar jar 1 dollar because I needed a Pepsi to take my BC powder (anyone who has ever taken it know what I mean.

    What is BC powder?

    Bc powder is a powder pain releiver that is VERY popular in the south. You stick it on your tonge and chase it with some kinda of soda or flavored beverage and hold your breath while taking. I hate taking it and ussually stick to traditional advil but I needed something diffrent to try to get rid of this nasty headach I have now had for 4 days
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    For the first time ever, I'm drinking my coffee without sweetener of any kind. Just a little 1% milk...and it's not bad at all. An acquired taste, but I think I can get used to it.

    smiley-faces7.gif I went back to half and half. Even better:wink:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    Thought for the day.

    If you cut out too many fats from your diet, you will crave sweets. Again, I wish I could pull up the article. . . . I find it to be true, though.

    We need a certain amount of Carbs/Protein/Fats. If you don't get them, your body is naturally going to want extra energy i.e. sugar.

    I'll look for that article.
  • kaytbognar
    Thought for the day.

    If you cut out too many fats from your diet, you will crave sweets. Again, I wish I could pull up the article. . . . I find it to be true, though.

    We need a certain amount of Carbs/Protein/Fats. If you don't get them, your body is naturally going to want extra energy i.e. sugar.

    I'll look for that article.

    Also, fat-free versions of products usually have some hidden sugars lurking somewhere, don't they? I avoid fat-free stuff, except for fat free yogurt
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    Thought for the day.

    If you cut out too many fats from your diet, you will crave sweets. Again, I wish I could pull up the article. . . . I find it to be true, though.

    We need a certain amount of Carbs/Protein/Fats. If you don't get them, your body is naturally going to want extra energy i.e. sugar.

    I'll look for that article.

    Also, fat-free versions of products usually have some hidden sugars lurking somewhere, don't they? I avoid fat-free stuff, except for fat free yogurt

    Yep you are correct Kayt.

    Something weird about fat free yogurt, too. When you go to the store next time, pick up the fat free yogurt and the full fat yogurt and compare the ingredients.

    Even yogurt has more sugars in fat free than full fat. Even if they havent' added any sugar. Go figure. I always buy full fat (whole milk) yogurt. I don't eat 8 oz at a sitting, so no harm done.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    .....and I need that FAT from the yogurt. I mix it with frozen strawberries, blueberries and 1/4 cup Kashi Go Lean. So to get all the carbs/protein/fat I ned the fat in the yogurt.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Had to put another dollar in my sugar jar. I feel like crap this weeks and I just wanted a little something sweet so I had half of a 3 musketeers min bar just to kick the craving.

    Any suggetions on how to kill a sugar cravinf without giving in to it?
  • kellygirl2
    Thought for the day.

    If you cut out too many fats from your diet, you will crave sweets. Again, I wish I could pull up the article. . . . I find it to be true, though.

    We need a certain amount of Carbs/Protein/Fats. If you don't get them, your body is naturally going to want extra energy i.e. sugar.

    I'll look for that article.

    Also, fat-free versions of products usually have some hidden sugars lurking somewhere, don't they? I avoid fat-free stuff, except for fat free yogurt

    I was wondering about this whole sugar free challenge myself, and I wasn't there at the beginning, so maybe someone can fill me in? The discussion is most interesting to me, since yesterday I was faced with this very challenge. I wanted to buy yougart and I though fat free would be the correct choice, being on a diet. But it all had so much sugar added, I opted for the whole milk variety instead. I too only eat about a half cup per serving, or add it to my protein drink.
    Is the objective here to not eat any sweets: candy, cookies, et. Or is it to stop buying food with added sugar as well? At the grocery store yesterday I was amazed at how everything pretty much has added sugar to some extent in it.

    I also opted to switch back to non fat half and half, after I realized how many calories I was consuming in coffee creamer per day. Those serving sizes are like 2 Tbs. I think I was using like 1/4 cup... Imagine. It really is awaking when you start to read labels and pay attention.
    If anyone can fill me in of what the challenge rules are that would be great!
    Thank you so much.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    So craving fudge - really glad I don't have any!

    No sweets yesterday (except brown sugar in oatmeal)
    None so far today...