Ashly744 Member


  • I'm addicted to the BSN-Syntha-6 Strawberry milkshake protein powder. The calories are higher than my other protein powders, but it seriously tastes amazing.
  • Yes! I'm 5'0 and I'm currently have just under 10lbs to lose. I've upped my calories, lowered my calories, upped my cardio, lowered my cardio, and I have now added strength training to my workout routine. I've also researched my TDEE and changed my macros so I will see where that takes me.
  • I love cardio but I recently added weights to my routine and I love it. At first I wasn't so sure but now I look forward to it and have slowly increased my weights since. I recently upped my weights in the squat rack and felt like a bad a** b****. :smile: I love the way it feels. I'm looking forward to the results. I can…
  • Nobody has time for that. :laugh: I usually do every other day, working out or not working out.
  • I don't do a high amount either...but I do 3 rounds with 12 reps. When it becomes easy, I increase the weight.
  • I don't do videos too often, but if I need a quick video workout then I like to do turbo jam's 20 minute video. Gets my heart up everytime.
  • I don't drop the bar either. :smile:
  • Add me. I could always use more people. :)
  • 292 calories Caesar Chicken Salad (not the salad, more like egg salad, etc) 3 Multigrain Flax Seed Fladbread crackers .25 cup of blueberries I love to grill up pork chop, steak or chicken (weighed) and toss it on a bed of lettuce. This can easily be under 300 calories if you weigh your meat and use no dressing. Leftovers…
  • Good thread! This is what I usually do...sometimes I'll throw in sausage or bacon, maybe some toast. It really depends on my mood. I don't make pancakes or waffles too often, but I did find a low berry-filled crepe recipe that is really good. The calories are usually between 200-300 more often than not. Sometimes I'll…
  • I've been doing the Zombie workout from time to time. Love it.
  • I do lower body twice a week. I also switch up the lower body workouts every few weeks so I don't get used to the same thing.
  • I do all types of squats. Jumping squats, barbell squats, pile squats, deadlifts...etc. etc. and I don't think twice about it. I even dance while I workout, oh well! :laugh:
  • I'm a slow runner too. I usually do a 5k in 40 minutes give or take a little. I've been working on pushing myself. I don't follow any coaching programs, but every now and then I like to throw in the zombie run. :smile:
  • I'm also sweating for the wedding - and for long term. I just got engaged this past summer and we are planning the wedding to be in 1 - 1 1/2 years. (As soon as we pick a venue). I want to lose 10-15 lbs, but mostly get lean. Add me, or message me as well. :smile:
  • I know this was posted months ago, but I just did a search on rollerbladding and saw this. I rollerblade, in fact I just bought myself a new pair of rollerskates. I personally believe - aside from running - it's one of the best carido workouts. I always burn a good amount of calories, and it's a great leg workout. If you…
  • I'm 5'0. My goal is between 105-110. I'm currently 120.
  • If anyone needs a buddy, add me. :) Tonight is my 5th day doing insanity - not including the fit test.
  • I just started too. Tonight will be my fourth night - not including the fit test. I can only imagine we will all do better the next fit
  • Woo hoo! Good luck. :) I just started the Insanity program. Tonight will be my 4th day (not including the fit test).
  • I'm tired all of the time, have been for years. Doctors haven't figured it out yet. I just recently purchased some vitamin b-12 that dissolves and melatonin hoping it helps. Fatigue can be caused by many different things, so don't hesitate to bring it up to the doctor.
  • Potatoes. Mashed, fries, baked, fried..etc. I've cut back a lot and add more veggies now.
  • I use Tri-Nessa. Off brand for Ortho Tri Cyclen lo. Never had any issue with it, or weight issues.
  • At night, like most people. :)
  • Bananas, strawberries, grapes, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and more. Mainly fruit. It increases all the time. I recently experience the same symptoms eating apples and carrots. It's always something new with the fruits and vegetables. They give me a itchy throat, and ears. Sometimes hives on my lips. I…
  • Right on! Those are some easy calculations. Thank you. I just upped my calorie intake and it appears I was right in doing so - the calculations aren't too far off with what I have now. So now I have a range that I can play with till I eat the right number. Thanks! I don't really do the TDEE because I burn a different…
  • I don't eat cereal nearly as often as I used to. I pay attention to what I eat in the morning, because I get hungry soon after as well. One thing I did notice that holds me over a bit longer *knock on wood* are my smoothies. I've been experimenting with fresh fruit (usually bananas, strawberries, or blueberries so far)…
  • The last time we had Chinese (it had been awhile) I wanted to enjoy what we got, but I did it in small moderation. I also did a triathlon that day burning an extra 800 calories, so it helped. I had a small amount of pork lo-mien, very little chicken fried rice, w dumplings, and shrimp with black bean sauce with bell…
  • I take at least 1 - 2 days off. I don't like it, but I know if I don't I'll over do it and end up with an injury. I've been stretching before and after exercising and that's been helping too.
  • FYI just for anybody who needs to don't have to join a crossfit gym to do crossfit. I'm at a regular 24hour fitness and I do my crossfit there, or at my apartment's gym, depending on the workout of the day. If you need to substitute an exercise due to difficulty or the lack of equipment, they have substitution…