Looking for Insanity friends....



  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Hi! I'm doing a repeat of Week 3, because I went on vacation for a week, and felt like I'd better repeat to get back into the swing of things. So tomorrow will be Day 19 for me. I absolutely LOVE Insanity. I also run, and I can't believe the difference this program has made in my running endurance & pace! Please feel free to add me--any of you who are doing Insanity--I'd love to help motivate each other. :)
  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm getting near the end of insanity right now-next week is the last week. Don't worry so much about the numbers; I do the fit tests, but I don't bother to write down how many of each move I did because I really don't care. I know I'm going to improve my strength, because that's just what happens when you become more active. I'm just looking for the physical results. I'd say that the biggest thing is nutrition-if you don't eat enough or you eat too much, nothing will happen, or your progress will be much slower. It took me the first 5 weeks to figure my nutrition out, stick to it, and only then did I start seeing results. Don't let the workouts scare you, just do what you can and keep pressing play :) I know I compare myself too much to the people in the video-don't do it, they've all done several rounds of insanity before even being put into these videos, so they already know what's up. Even I have to take lots of small breaks, and I'm super active. So just hang in there :)
  • salad_tramp
    salad_tramp Posts: 13 Member
    I love insanity! Here is some motivation for those of you who just started and was wondering about Month two....That is when my metabolism went into high gear and all the changes started to really become apparent. Actually, it was during the recovery week - in between month 1 and month 2 when I all of a sudden I started to lose weight and feel really good. I felt so good I added some weight training and a couple of runs/hikes into my recovery week! Then when month 2 started - be prepared to have your butt seriously whipped! But - if you hang in there - and just take it one day at a time, the results are awesome. I am fighting middle age metabolism slow down big time and also am hypothyroid so I must exercise everyday for the rest of my life or else I will be fat and miserable. But, for the first time in many years my muffin top is almost gone and my abs have some shape and my arms look toned - and I was never able to achieve this with weight training alone. Insanity did it and I will probably incorporate it into my life forever now. Keep at it folks - it really does work. Add me as a friend if you like.

    nice post! inspiring!!
  • salad_tramp
    salad_tramp Posts: 13 Member
    I did my day 1 cardio today and found it beyond difficult! I cannot do a push up to save my life so I skipped that entire section. I am not giving up though. I purchased a heart rate monitor today and a jump rope and decided to jump rope during the push up sections. Feel free to friend me.

    sometimes I drop to my knees and do girl-pushups. Sometimes I can do the regular kind, sometimes I can't. So, i figured that better form with knee-push-ups is better than nothing.
  • PLHoyt
    PLHoyt Posts: 2
    I am on my 5th day of Insanity. It is really kicking my butt, but I am determined to get through the program! & hopefully repeat it! Please feel free to add me so we can motivate & encourage each other! :smile:
  • nurse_shell74
    nurse_shell74 Posts: 41 Member
    I just started today....holy cow it was tough. If anyone needs an insanity buddy feel free to add me : )
  • anony_mouse
    I have started out today too. looking for buddies so that I don't drop out like I always do!
  • chrissymo09
    Thanks for the encouragement! I hear you on the eating too little or eating too much. This is my biggest concern! I currently live with family so I usually just eat whatever they buy since my aunt does all the grocery shopping. I also do not eat after 9pm but I am worried I am eating too little.
  • chrissymo09
    i started doing wall push ups instead. the knee push ups are hard on my kees
  • chrissymo09
    Completed insanity day 2! I took a lot of breaks and modified the push ups and plank positions. Not sure how many calories I burned but I was definitely sweating a lot. My upper arm and shoulders are sore but I don't feel a burn in my core so Im not sure if I am doing the moves right. Day 2 down!
  • lily214
    lily214 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm some what new here, and I'm also looking for insanity friends. Today is my 6th day doing INSANITY (well today was my day off) tomorrow starts all over again. I'm a mom and wife and I'm in retail management which means I'm constantly walking, picking up things, and running from one place to the next for 7.5 hours straight! I do my insanity early morning before I get too tired from work, and I noticed that I was not sore at all after the first day, but my calves were. Its sooo intense but I get a rush from it afterwards, its a great self accomplishment to think..WOW I did that. I can't wait to see the transformation..as far as my eating...well I don't count my calories because who has time when I'm already rationing my portions and I'm eating healthy...I'm afraid that skipping meals do to my job can sabotage my metabolism...has anyone had this issue?
  • Latasha35
    Hi, my husband and I are doing Insanity. This is our second week. I thought I was going to quit after the first day...but I didn't. I am going to see it through the end. I can see a difference already:smile:
  • Ashly744
    Ashly744 Posts: 60 Member
    If anyone needs a buddy, add me. :) Tonight is my 5th day doing insanity - not including the fit test.
  • spimno
    spimno Posts: 2 Member

    I'm on week 2 day 6 of insanity, absolutely loving it, but have had a couple of very off days where I've had severe muscle ache in my legs when doing the workouts.

    Please feel free to add me, as I would also love to be able to speak to other who are doing this and compare notes!!