Tired all the time...

Hi! Question about Atkins/Low Carb diet... I have had really good success with this diet, losing 11lbs since mid June. I never had a problem with energy levels... til now. All of a sudden, I could sleep all day AND all night! Am taking GNC multi-vitamin and Mega Red extra strength everyday. Has anyone else had this type of issue? Just wondering! Thanks!


  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Atkins isn't a very healthy diet.

    You need to eat from all food groups, so you are not missing out on any nutrients.

    It could be lack of nutrients, lack of exercise, anemia.
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    I would have to agree. We are designed to eat from all food groups for a reason. Even doctor Atkins himself died from a heart attack...because you can't eat like that all the time!!

    Also see your doctor, perhaps there are other reasons too.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Yes! I had to add in more carbs to my diet to feel normal again. Try adding in legumes and fruit to see if that helps a bit. I have to eat a higher carb diet now since I do endurance training (long distance cycling). I'd keel over if I didn't get at least 40% of my calories from carbs these days.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Correction - "Atkins" isn't a very healthy diet when not following the program as written. If followed correctly, it starts as a strict low carb diet but leads to more healthy eating habits by slowly reintroducing a balanced diet. The issue is that most folks think they can live off bacon, steaks, cheese and eggs and be perfectly fine.

    This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, in case you couldn't tell...

    OP, I'm not going to make any assumptions, just say that if you're not following the program correctly, please do some research and make sure you are. Good carbs are necessary for a balanced diet.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I do low carb because I have a risk of diabetes. But, I don't do Atkins because it is too low carb. Try eating more paleo or primal where you can have fruits. It works for me, but the carbs from fruits and veggies gives me more energy.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I would have to agree. We are designed to eat from all food groups for a reason. Even doctor Atkins himself died from a heart attack...because you can't eat like that all the time!!
    Just to avoid misinformation being purported as truth - Dr. Atkins did NOT die of a heart attack:

  • Iceman1800
    Iceman1800 Posts: 476
    Wouldn't hurt to get your iron levels checked
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    If you are going to get other items check have them check your Vitamin D. And it wouldn't hurt you to add that to your supplements, 2000 IU per day. If it is low you will need to take much more then that to get it normal again.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Atkins isn't a very healthy diet.

    You need to eat from all food groups, so you are not missing out on any nutrients.

    It could be lack of nutrients, lack of exercise, anemia.

    No, check your facts. Carbs are and will always be the only macro that is optional. There is absolutely nothing your body gains from them nor needs from them except for the vitamins and minerals in fruit and veggie carbs. Grains are absolutely not needed -- ever. Not even for energy, your body can get that from fat if there are no carbs available.
  • dortress
    dortress Posts: 28 Member
    And Atkins didn't die of his own diet. Not right to attribute his death to unrelated causes.

  • tj2me5478
    tj2me5478 Posts: 1 Member
    I felt like that too until I added in an iron supplement. Possibly anemic.
  • DebBeury
    Atkins is good as a "jump" starter to you weight loss goal, but only in the first 2 weeks. After that, slowly bring back the fruits and veggies. I gave up bread and pasta for 8 weeks just to see what would happen with my body. I started to lose more weight and the puffy-ness was going down. A good meal replacement/protein shake once a day can help you get the protein your body needs. I can recommend one that taste good. Also, your body may not be absorbing the nutrients from the vitamins you are taking. I can also, recommend one that guarantees absorption on a cellular level. Congrats on the weight loss so far :)
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    Actually that depends on the sourece you go to on his death. He wass attributed very high cholesteral and heart problems etc. It was discused by many high profile doctors. And we do need grains etc, that is why God made them. All things in balance and moderation.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I recently had blood work done as part of my yearly physical, and i was told my Vitamin D levels were low. I know there have been days where i come home from work (i mostly sit at a work bench) and i'm mentally spent. Maybe my low levels were somewhat to blame for that......who knows. But today i picked up a bottle of 2000ul Vitamin D pills, as a supplement to my multi-vitamin, and fish oil. Now after i eat, i'll be taking the three of them.
  • Ashly744
    Ashly744 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm tired all of the time, have been for years. Doctors haven't figured it out yet. I just recently purchased some vitamin b-12 that dissolves and melatonin hoping it helps. Fatigue can be caused by many different things, so don't hesitate to bring it up to the doctor.
  • msstuard
    msstuard Posts: 131 Member
    I did the Adkins diet for a while with great success. The only time I felt run down was in the first two weeks, this is usually attributed to dehydration. I stayed on the diet for about a year when I hit my goal and switched to a different life style. For a while I had a hard time sleeping at night so I started long walks after dinner and that helped. I also took and still take multi vitamins, Vitamin D, Biotin, Chromium, fish oil and Flaxseed.
  • jsdholland
    jsdholland Posts: 77 Member
    A friend of mine has issues with this and had discovered she was very deficient in vitamin b and d
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I do 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat... doing well weight loss wise and more energy and I do have chronic fatigue syndrome. maybe introduce a few more carbs as atkins is very very low on them, especially at the beginning x
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Dring LOTS of water! but not too much.. and you might be hitting a plateu area of the atkins plan that this happens.... ive heard of it before... ive done atkins before.. and its too depriving for me.. esp with having near 80#'s to loose (in total, down 12 now since mfp in last 6wks!) but i know personally i cant be deprived from any 'one' food catagory.. cuz then I will just want it more!! and dream of bread.. or start sniffing sourdough in the bread isle at the store.. hahaahah
    but no seriously... go online and read about the atkins... theres a much healthier more balanced plan similar ish to atkins.. but my the "schwarzbein principle" (i'll attach link)


    hope you feel more energy soon..draggin *kitten* feel is no fun :indifferent:
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Actually that depends on the sourece you go to on his death. He wass attributed very high cholesteral and heart problems etc.

    That's like saying, "He was shot and bled to death, but since he had cancer we'll say he died of cancer."