What birth control are you using?



  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I use the ring without taking the one week off, I haven't had a cycle in six months. You can use them for 4 weeks instead of 3.
  • LAS_1980
    LAS_1980 Posts: 156
    Morena and I love it! No period and can't even tell it's there!!!
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    I cum in her mouth.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Fertility Awareness Method (NOT rhythm method). Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.

    p.s. I can also calculate when my period is going to start within a 12 hour window... every month... whether it's a 26 day cycle or a 32 day cycle (and everything in between). FAM Rocks!

    This! I love it, and I think we have a better marriage because of it! What I like is that we can use it to either avoid or achieve pregnancy! In a nutshell what I have concluded is this, if the woman is horny she is probably fertile and could get pregnant. Its empowering to actually learn how the body works, and I am totally a fan of using nature's way of doing things.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I had the ring from 18-24 and I loved it but wanted more of a guarantee. Got mirena...have a love/hate relationship. I got it....had cramps for a long time (no kids...uterus has to adjust or whatever), then had a constant period and had to take the pill to straighten it out. Now, I wont have much of a period for a few months, then I'll spot for 2 1/2 weeks. It's gross and I hate it. BF got vasectomy. I could take it out if I wanted, but....we're not married and life is not a guarantee. So I still have it. The pros....you never had to remember anything except your removal date, lighter periods, I don't have the hellacious cramps I used to have with my period. Cons....my doctor fought me for 2 years on getting one because she wanted to make sure I really wanted it-your doctor might too, if you don't have kids already it doesn't go in easy, increased chance of PID, increased paranoia about PID, inconsistent periods if and when they happen. 3 1/2 months after I got mirena, I had surgery, then I got sick, and then I got pneumonia....I've never had a yeast infection in my life, now if I even look at antibiotics I get itchy. I had four in the year after getting mirena. Could it be something else? Of course. But I'd never had an issue with yeast or yeast infection caused by antibiotics before. Mirena has hormones....I believe it can still cause some gain.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I want to die.

    My boobs hurt. It makes me CRAZY, nauseous, and gives me migraines that make me even more nauseous.

    I'm stopping it after I see my doctor again. Seriously, I'd rather be knocked up.

    Sprintec made me a crazy b itch! I could nt wait to get off of it then I got Mirena because I do not want to be knocked up
  • michspor
    michspor Posts: 57

    Planned parenthood is a great resource- side effects and effectiveness. :)

    Thank you for this, really spells it out!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I have a non-hormonal IUD. It is good for 10 years. I have actually had one previously as well, for 6 years. I had it removed when I wanted to get pregnant with my now 4-y/o daughter, and a new one put in after she was born. I have had no issue with it what-so-ever. Best birth control I have ever used....
  • michspor
    michspor Posts: 57
    Just took out my Mirena IUD. Best birth control ever! Had it in for 3 yrs but its good for 5 yrs. Light periods, no mood swings or weight gain.

    Trying to get preggers this year. GULP!

    My hubby and I are trying for a 3rd kid. Hoepfully we get the boy we're hoping for.

    Good Luck to you lady!!!
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    Married + ED. No pregnancy at all!
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    Nuva-ring. It's much easier to deal with compared to the pill
  • Ashly744
    Ashly744 Posts: 60 Member
    I use Tri-Nessa. Off brand for Ortho Tri Cyclen lo. Never had any issue with it, or weight issues.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I've been on the pill for about 7 years. The weight gain it usually only temporary within the first few months of using it. I do find that I have a hard time losing weight quickly, which could either be from that or another med i'm on.
    My sister and my friend tried the depo shot and both of them blew up like balloons. My sister was always heavy and got much heavier, but my friend was skinny (I'd say 120-130 at 5'3") less than a year ago, now she's over 200lbs, in just a few months.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    I'm on a relatively new kind of pill called micronor.

    It is progesterone only. So no increased risk of weight gain or migraines.

    You take pills every day, so no periods. Great!

    It is also available as a shot.

    Yup, that's what I use too. No periods for me too, but in some cases you can have a little bit of spotting.
    The tricky part is that you have to take it at the exact same time every day as much as possible, or you have a 3 hours grace period. Let's say I have to take it at 10, well I have till 1 to take it.... else I'm at risk for pregnancy. Other pills are usually way more forgiving. I used to take Alesse and if I forgot to take it after going to sleep, I would just take two of them the next day and be fine. Due to blood issues, I had to stop taking this one. Because Micronor has progesterone only, it's more gentle.
  • ninjakitty81
    Im on Depo Provera . been on it for 6 years with no ill effects at all!

    I just started the depo shot in February and I gained close to 15 pounds in a little over a month! It was AWFUL. I never really had stretch marks until then. Womp. I have not gained with subsequent shots and no other side effects. However, my doctor said it's not a long term thing, I shouldn't be on it more than two years because it can cause liver (I'm pretty sure it's liver anyway) damage. So I'll continue it through most of next year and then decide what's next. I can't take the pill anymore because I get migraine's and apparently that increases the possibility of a stoke. Maybe nuva ring after I stop using the depo shot.

    I'm on my second round of Depo, 4 years the first time, 3 years this time around. Thinking of switching to an IUD, the weight gain is just ridicules. Had it both times, as well as more migraines, break outs and emotions going crazy. I have the same problem as you with the migraines. So the options are kinda limited.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    NUVARING!!!! It's amazing :) Message me if you wanna know more
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    **SNIP SNIP** and **SNIP SNIP**

    Double coverage. No artificial hormones needed.

  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    +1 for generic ortho tri cyclen. IUDs are not good if you'd never been pregnant. I haven't seen any side effects with what I'm taking.
  • VeroLaLoca
    I've been on ortho tri cyclen and I would break out like crazy! Then i switched to Yaz, and I loved it, no side effects. After I had my son i was having trouble rememebering to take it everyday. So thats when I got the Mirena and I have no regrets! No side effects
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    I am on Loestrin no weight gain for me and my moods have gotten a lot better..yeah i am not on the birth control not just to not get pregnant :) also helps shrinks my cysts in my ovaries

    Same here. Lo Loestrin Fe, but I only take the active pills. Haven't noticed any side effects. I was put on it for my ovarian cysts, staying on it to help with endometriosis.

    I've also tried ortho tricyclin. I gained a bunch of weight. Only plus was that it worked wonders for my acne.