Crossfit anyone???

jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
Going to check out a cross-fit gym tomorrow. Anyone out there part of the cult?? Feedback?


  • bonniejean63
    Hi there... I do Crossfit 3x a week. My prob. is when I try to log in exercise for those days it doesn't recognize anything like "burpees" "walking lunges" etc. How do you go about recording these type of things?
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I don't yet, but will probably use a heart rate monitor.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Really, no one else does cross fit???
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Just looking for any input really, good, bad or otherwise. I'm looking for a fairly quick strength workout that I can add to my mountain biking training.

    Wondering whether anyone has any tips for what to look for in a gym, what they like about crossfit, what they don't like about it, etc. Good experiences, bad experiences?
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Oh, and I am kidding about the cult thing, so please don't get all offended and sulk off.

    It's juts that every review I've read RAVES about cross-fit, which is good and part of why I want to try it, but there is nothing in the world that doesn't have some downsides. Trying to get a more balanced view, and to find out some things to watch for and ask when I tour the gym tonight.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    I worked out 3-4x a week at a Crossfit gym here in Houston for a year and I liked it. It was $99/month, but only because it was a new gym and I had joined within the first 90 days of their opening. I've seen some gyms charging upwards of $150/$180 a month. I really enjoyed the team player spirit and the push you get from the coaches to keep going when you didn't feel like it. I felt a sense of accomplishment every time I completed a workout. I used to be the last one to finish, then, as I got more conditioned, I was able to keep up with the pack.

    I also loved going to the competitions. Watching people from all age levels (kids to seniors) competing against each other in their class and giving it all they had was really motivating. I quit going because I let a bad relationship get the best of me, and I became too embarrassed to go back to that gym to renew my membership because I felt like I had failed them and myself. :(

    I still go to crossfit dot com and do quite a few of the WOD's. A lot of them involve using your bodyweight and can be done in the park, backyard, etc. I feel confident about doing this because of the "training" I got while I was at that gym. Hell, 10 burpees/50 jumping jacks/10 pushups repeat 5x is a WOD if ever i've seen one LOL
  • bonniejean63
    I LOVE crossfit.. I love the every day is different work outs! I get bored with the same old same old. It is a variety of things that work out your whole body & it's a GOOD workout. It pushs you and I love that! :) It can be brutal at times but in a good way! :) I am just frustrated I can't figure out how to use it as my exercise. Everything I type in it comes up as not recognized or a known exercise. Or am I doing something wrong???
  • jerseyjenus
    jerseyjenus Posts: 103 Member
    Hi there... I do Crossfit 3x a week. My prob. is when I try to log in exercise for those days it doesn't recognize anything like "burpees" "walking lunges" etc. How do you go about recording these type of things?

    You need to get an Heart Rate Monitor that will tell you how many calories you burned and log it tht way. You will be surprised what burpees and lunges do to your heart rate :>
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Man... apparently I write a crappy post. How many times do I have to bump this thing to get some interest? Maybe I should just go search the forums like a good little MFPer!
  • bonniejean63
    OK thanks! Makes sense! Jerseyjenus
  • konamouse
    konamouse Posts: 21
    Sorry, just found these forums.

    I am a total Crossfit junkie! Been doing it since 2009 and this year competed in the Open - placed in the top 25% in my age group. Pretty good since I was working around a bum hip. Had to take some time off, get some shots, now restarting and rebuilding (lost strength & stamina but I know it will return as long as I don't overdo it).

    Yes, the Exercise recording in here doesn't really reflect (IMHO) the actual calories burned. I use "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort" and "Weight Training" combined (depending on the WOD). There is also "Rowing" and "Running" and "Jump rope".

    I'd rather underestimate my Exercise calories burned than overestimate.

    I've jogged, I've taught aerobics, I've swum. Crossfit is the first fitness regimin that has given me results. Never boring, love the community, thrive on the personal challenge. Got my Level 1 Certification this year and hope to be coaching soon.
  • MandiS80
    MandiS80 Posts: 127 Member
    I want to try crossfit so bad but the prices are just too high for me.
    Let us know how it goes.
  • jayb33z
    jayb33z Posts: 87 Member
    i would join xfit gym if a home equity line of credit wasn't required to fund it...
  • vxxtoria
    vxxtoria Posts: 50 Member
    Totally LOVE crossfit and has seen the most results while doing a paleo & crossfit lifestyle!

    I've lived across Canada and the boxes I used to go to were all great. Each one was somewhat a 'family'.. everyone is very supportive and cheer you on.

    It's not for the faint of heart. You'll probably feel like throwing up at times or about to pass out. But once you're completed the workout and your heart rate goes down.. you feel AMAZING.

    My recommendation to you is to eat a good amount of protein 2 hours beforehand.. do not do crossfit on an empty stomach. I have and I've almost passed out.

    That's just my opinion though!

    Hope you like it!
  • Ashly744
    Ashly744 Posts: 60 Member
    FYI just for anybody who needs to don't have to join a crossfit gym to do crossfit. I'm at a regular 24hour fitness and I do my crossfit there, or at my apartment's gym, depending on the workout of the day. If you need to substitute an exercise due to difficulty or the lack of equipment, they have substitution exercises. They also scale down exercises for beginners. It challenges me, so I love it.
  • myarko01
    myarko01 Posts: 2
    I did Crossfit for ~ 1 year, switched to Crossfit Endurance and did that for ~1 year and am now doing GPP Fitness. All are based on a similar philosophy although GPP Fitness is much more body weight oriented and any weight work uses lighter weights/higher reps. You can learn the exercises but I just use the appropriate websites to get the WoD and do them at my gym or at home.
  • anajera1075
    Hello there I usually list it as Circuit training, general, it works out well for me.
  • megandyan83
    megandyan83 Posts: 14 Member
    I just signed up for my local Crossfit Box's next On-ramp session. Very excited! How has your experience starting out been? (I'm going the way of the Heart Rate Monitor too . Seems like MFP way over-estimates calorie burn).
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I really want to give it a go, but again, its soooo expensive, £60 a month for the basic membership (my current gym is £20). I wouldnt mind giving some of the exercises a go in my own gym though :)
  • Alinav01
    Alinav01 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes 3x a week. it definitly builds muscle not losing on scale but lost 4 inches overall in less than a month and feel more confident in clothes!