hols_blue Member


  • Just started weekly counting and I love it. Means I don’t feel deprived as I bank some for weekends. Lost 11lb in 4 weeks. Defo works for me
  • I’m not short but the app has given me 1200 cals and it’s tough!!!
  • im eating 1200. just wasnt sure if lots of protein mattered when you werent exercising.
  • I've been on MFP for 100 days today, it's brilliant and really works. I'm not far off my goal now but always open to new friends!
  • Hi ya I'm a new mum to a 7 mth old (well new ish - time has flown). Feels like yesterday he was born. Took me 3 months to face starting a diet but once I started there was no going back. I'm slimmer now than before I fell pregnant and I'm still going! Good luck. I'll add you.
  • I thought the same and felt a bit geeky doing it but really glad I did! I'm amazed how people i dont know can really help motivate you. Im eating less bread and drinking more water after advice from MFP friends! Feel free to add me and I'll help you along the way!
  • Welcome! I've been a member of this site for nearly 100 days (woo hoo!!) and I've gotta say I've found it great. It really works. If u want to eat more then just exercise and earn the calories. Simple. I hit my goal a few weeks ago but was finding it so easy (most days, not all!!!) that I set a new goal. Good luck with…
  • Hi welcome. This is the best way to loose weight and really works. I didn't realise how much people I don't know can motivate me to stick to my calorie goal and exercise! Good luck with your weight loss. Feel free to add me if u need support.
  • HRM cos its knows the effort you put in. You can just change the amount of calories burnt to what your HRM says. I think MFP sometimes overestimates but saying that with some activites ie spinning it underestimates so in those cases i change it. Good Luck
  • Hi. I had my baby nearly 6 months ago and started this diet plan about 10 weeks ago (couldn't face it before then!) anyway I'm already back to my pre pregnancy weight of 140lbs woo hoo but I'm still going as was a few pounds over my happy weight before I got pregnant. It's so easy to follow and as I've said in a previous…
  • It's brilliant. I've found this diet plan so easy to follow. If u wanna eat more just exercise and earn it. Motivates you to exercise. Its helped me loose my baby weight and I'm still going as it's so easy. And somehow knowing your pals can see your food diary helps you stay on track to avoid looking like a greedy pig!!!…
  • Bournemouth gal here!!
  • Im the same, lost 8lbs in 40 days (despite exercising nearly every day and keeping under my calorie goal) but the slower you loose it the more likely you are to keep it off so stay positive. I know what you mean though! Just think 1/2lb is a whole tub of butter so 1lb is actually quite a lot- thats what i keep telling…
  • I drink them all the time. I find they take away the edge of hunger between meals. Although probably not very healthy.
  • Thanks for adding me. I am just about still able to use the "just had baby excuse" but like you say, wont be able to forever!!! Youve got a great motivation for loosing weight - getting married. Im thinking of booking a holiday abroad just to motivate me! x