1 month down & not many results!

Ok so I have been using MFP for just over 1 month now and I seem to have hit a plateau. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get over the hump! I am getting very frustrated with my results! I seem to be loosing inches which is great, but why am I not shedding the pounds. I see many of you have lost much more weight than I, how do you do it?


  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    You have lost 7 pounds in a month? That is quite an accomplishment! Slow and steady wins the race!
  • Anna19911
    Anna19911 Posts: 141
    it says you've lost 7 pounds!! thats AMAZING! I'd be lucky to loose 4!! Keep it up!
  • Wolffeathers
    Inches is better than pounds. The lack of weight loss COULD be gaining muscle at the same speed, but I doubt it. Don't worry so much about the scale, though, and love that your clothes are getting looser, and soon you'll have to go shopping for smaller sizes :)
  • godsgiftjcp
    Being as though you dont have much weight to lose, it may take longer for you to lose it. But if you are losing inches, than you really shouldnt worry because muscle weighs more than fat. hope this helps!!!!
  • camerons_mommy06
    as long as you are losing inches, you are losing. 7lbs in a month is great! Do not get discouraged, as you progress, you will not always loose weight because you gain muscle which would replace the fat lost. :) Keep up the good work!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    maybe if you could start with telling us what you expected in that month. Personally I agree, 7 lbs is not something to be taken lightly. Especially considering what you have for a goal (15 lbs), I don't know if that's an intermediate goal of where you wanted to end up but being able to lose that much with such a small goal is more than I would tell my clients to expect, and certainly more than most people see.
  • floridabootcamp

    You have to remember that the scale does not tell the whole story. If you are losing inches then you are on the right track. Depending on your body type and your routine your may have added a few pounds of muscle. This can offset your weight loss but in the long run it is critical so that you can keep the weight off. Your measurements or how your clothes fit are much better indicators than the scale. Also, it looks like you lost 7 pounds so far....that is great! Everyone's body is different and will respond to food/exercise differently to just focus on you and you will be fine. Keep up the good work!
  • jesn311
    jesn311 Posts: 43
    7 lbs is great! I'm pushing through to get to that for a month. I'm completely impatient, I want to lose the pounds yesterday! Just keep moving, your doing awesome! It is true, slow and steady wins the race.
  • deandt
    deandt Posts: 20
    What exrecises are you doing. If your doing anything that will increase your musle then your weight may stay the same or even increase as your musle mass grows but your fat vanishes.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    7lbs is amazing - even more amazing considering you only have 15 to lose!! The less you have to lose (usually) the longer it'll take you to lose it. I think you're doing a great job - keep at it! :flowerforyou:
  • hols_blue
    hols_blue Posts: 26 Member
    Im the same, lost 8lbs in 40 days (despite exercising nearly every day and keeping under my calorie goal) but the slower you loose it the more likely you are to keep it off so stay positive. I know what you mean though!
    Just think 1/2lb is a whole tub of butter so 1lb is actually quite a lot- thats what i keep telling myself.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    7 pounds in a month is great. Keep at it! Last year I lost about 8 pounds in a month, got frustrated and quit. Not this time! Just keep working and it'll happen. It took you more than a month to gain weight unfortunately its so easy to gain and tough to get it off. Don't get discouraged and don't give up!!! you need this site now more than ever. Find something to get your motivation going. :sending friend request your way!:
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    7 lbs in 1 month...I can only dream :) Be proud of what you have accomplish so far. Losin' weight is not a race to see who can lose the most the fastest. It's about bein' healthy, patience, workin' out, eatin' properly.

    It took my 79 Days to achieve a 20 lbs lost with my workout program.

    Patience - You will get to you 15 lbs goal, in a matter of time.

    Maybe re think your mealplan, your workout plan?

    I take Sundays as my day of rest & that is the day I refocus on the last week, and I look to see what I change, what foods I can eat more of etc. Do I still drink my 12 cups of water or up my water intake or go back down to 8 cups per day. Just little things...

    Stay strong, stay positive, your time will come - when the scale will be movin' down, down, down....

  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    Ok so I have been using MFP for just over 1 month now and I seem to have hit a plateau. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get over the hump! I am getting very frustrated with my results! I seem to be loosing inches which is great, but why am I not shedding the pounds. I see many of you have lost much more weight than I, how do you do it?

    I think you are my MFP twin.... I am at the same place , I have been up here for a month as well and I have also hit a wall. I am going to try different workouts, and today I am going to start the 30 Day Shred. In hopes to restart my goal. maybe different workouts may help... good luck...
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    You are doing great! 7 lb is alot in a month!!! I have been here a month and have not lost 1 lb or 1 inch!!!! GRRR Keep it up you are doing fine! especially if you are seeing inches! Thats really what matters!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    7 pounds in a month is a heckuva lot! And if you are still losing inches but not weight, that's probably a good sign that you are maintaining/building muscle but losing some fat.

    Are you eating your calorie goal or regularly coming in below it? Regularly coming in below it is not a successful long-term strategy for most folks. So if you aren't eating enough, you may want to try.

    After a month of doing the same exercise, you may also not be stressing your body as much as you've become more efficient at performing that task. Might be time to bump up the intensity of your cardio.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    7lbs is great!! I've been on MFP about the same length of time. Did you lose the 7lbs quickly in the beginning and then the last couple of weeks nothing? Just keep at it..your body is making adjustments still, you may see better results next weigh-in. I wouldn't get worked up over numbers unless it has been several (6-8) weeks at the same weight. Measure yourself, you may notice some diffeneces in numbers there!
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    I'm going through the same thing, lost 8 lbs in two weeks, third week barely a pound, fourth week back and forth .5 pounds. Very frustrating.
    Can I ask if you are eating back your exercise calories?
    I was sticking to a 1200 cal menu, working out about 400 cal per day. I started adding weight training on week three.....bam...weight stall.

    I attribute it to my not eating enough, as I have not been eating back my work out calories. (I researched a lot of posts and this seemed to be the consensus.)

    So..I started to eat back my w/o calories and I will let you know how things work out.
  • Nancy_g
    Nancy_g Posts: 23 Member
    DO NOT B DISCOURAGE! I too hav lost more inches then pounds. Its been 1 month today.
    Do you change a bit on your work outs? Remmber, if your still eating the same when u first started ur only, maintaing ur weight.
    I would increase on time with w.o.

    Nancy :smile:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You may need to up your calories or recalculate your goals. I set up to lose 10lbs only. I lost about 5.5 then stopped. I decided to switch over to my Maintenance calories which was 1480. I'm not always hitting but I do try to NET at least 1200 calories (I eat most or all of my exercise calories to get above 1200) and in the last 2 weeks I have dropped another 1 1/2 lbs. Right now I have my nutrient ratios at 40/40/20 carb/pro/fat. So I have dropped my fat and upped my protein. And dropped the carbs from the 55% that MFP sets you up at.