DaveGlasnost Member


  • Rest days are awesome chances for your body to recover. Go take a walk or a light bike ride if you have to feel like you're too inactive -- the literature even suggests this, especially later in the round. Just don't burn yourself out by exercising hard on this day, lest you end up wearing yourself down through constantly…
  • Since I was the one who mentioned calories, and the one who mentioned "krispy kremes" be it known that I was trolling the trolls, not "running to whine about eating their calories and krispy kreme". This suggests someone with a bit of a reading comprehension issue, or an impatience to just pluck a few words out of a…
  • Not to be a proponent of Shakeology or try to make excuses or something, but there may be other factors at play here. Maybe he's also eating highly-processed "Smart Ones" or "100 calorie bags of junk" or something. Maybe he thinks shakeology replaces a meal for him. I know it has a shot of protein and stuff in it but also…
  • Yea because they saw a blurb on Dr. Oz about only drinking water to lose weight or some other simplistic thinking. This is the same one-dimensional annoyance as "just count calories and make sure you don't eat more than <insert latest "scientifically-figured" number here> calories a day, stupid!" As always it is more…
  • OP was asking people who actually use the shakeology what they think, not what people think of the idea of buying shakeology versus making your own or whatever. Oh and the difference between 400 calories in a shake (that is theoretically comprised of healthy food) and healthy solid food is water content. Assuming you…
  • I am only familiar with P90X, but you can either dive right into P90X (which I did) or do Power 90 as an initial and then graduate. I've heard good things about that path so I will second the comment I quoted. Someday I might try Power 90 as a lark, probably not for 90 days... but yea, just because its there. Maybe when I…
  • Oh cool I'm going shopping for the same thing this weekend, big garage sale here too!
  • "You need to learn to make the best choices for your calories " embodies a huge, huge point that too many people miss when trying for "the magic straightforward formula to lose weight". You cannot boil everything down to calories in, calories out, and do whatever else beyond that. Ultimately, nutrition is a complex thing.…
  • Still going here, finished day 60 of the schedule today...
  • I'm also a little frustrated with the weight not budging, though I am only halfway through Phase II. All internals aside, I can't help but be impatient. Even though I've done this before, and found this in my results last year: -- No weight loss worth writing home about, until after week 7 had come and gone (then it was…
  • I feel your pain. I'm working at a different level but still having the same type of problem -- my target is 3000 calories and I'm lucky if I hit 2700. Eating good stuff equals difficulty in reaching calorie goals. You can get 3000 calories easily with a trip to McDonalds, but eating stuff like fresh veggies, chicken…
  • ....aaaand having just done the first Phase II workout last night: I did the clapping pushups only and completely on my knees. I made one attempt to do a "normal" clapping pushup, but to take my own advice, it just felt like I was not strong enough (or still too heavy), not ready, and it felt like I would probably hurt…
  • Sounds like you're a little testy. Is it your TOM right now? <grin> <ducks>
  • Gratz on starting Phase II! I start that same phase tomorrow. I just finished Phase I last night and just have rest/stretch today, but since last night was Yoga X and I couldn't follow through with the entire hour and a half, I only did the first half in its entirety, skipped to Yoga Belly 7, did that, then stopped, so…
  • The info here is pretty good, it is worth everyone here reading it. I'm a grad, having done the program all the way through last year. I also had a few false starts on a 2nd round last year, ultimately ending up with me losing an uncomfortably large amount of my progress. The false starts were so bad that I did Core…
  • I'm glad a simple bit of advice helps you -- it sure helped me. I was angry, frustrated, feeling that pit of my stomach feeling about looking and weighing the same after a whole dratted month! Even with the performance gains I was in a dark place. But it was so eerie how right the guy was, he almost nailed it exactly when…
  • I don't know if you want people that have already started (but are just a few weeks in), but I wouldn't mind joining in. I've done 1 round last year, dropped almost 40lbs and came within 2lbs of my goal weight. Started a few rounds in the ensuing months but with a move and lots of other issues, I lost a few steps, but I am…
  • May 1: 216.8 May 8: 213.0 May 15: 211.8 May 22: 210.0 May 31: 209.8 Loss: 7.0 lbs. Loss was as high as 9 lbs at one point, but still pretty happy. I am close enough to my goal weight that I am only trying to lose fat for muscle over the next month. Good luck to those moving on to the June challenge!
  • May 1: 216.8 May 8: 213.0 May 15: 211.8 May 22: 210.0 Loss: 6.8 lbs
  • I do my own thing, taking hints from the diet and other resources.
  • Plyo X last night. Was supposed to be the night before, but I felt some strange discomfort in my legs and had to stop immediately. I've done Plyo X enough to know that it wasn't good, whatever it was. I didn't have that trouble last night so I guess all is well. I'm going to do Ab Ripper X tonight if all goes well, but…
  • Well, I survived the Day 1 workout. Took longer, like 2 hours, for reasons I couldn't totally control, but I fit it in. It's a little motivationally difficult to get back into it this time around. It was a long hard road and I probably enjoyed my lightened workout schedule last week a little too much. After months of…
  • May 1: 216.8 May 8: 213.0 May 15: 211.8 Loss: 5.0 lbs
  • Day 1 today (I hope, since it is a busy day.) Let's see how sore I get after my week's rest! Can't wait to do my first AB Ripper in over a week (Haha). I only did a total of maybe 5 miles of treadmill work in between as far as any exercise is concerned.
  • Updated the spreadsheet for this week. Good 1.2lb contribution, -5lbs from the start. It may be rocky from here on, after several months of heavy exercise, this past week was a kind of vacation from it in order to rest up. That ends today, and I have to drastically up my caloric intake to support my reentry into full-on…
  • You'll find that once you take only a little bit of crap in, that real foods start tasting so much better. It's a kind of addiction that once you take a stand and break from it, you relatively quickly stop craving it so much. Once in a while maybe you have an onset but often when you cave you find that it doesn't taste as…
  • Definitely stretch the program out a little if needed. I did my 90 days in just over 100. Lots of people actually have real lives and real life does get in the way of a demanding workout schedule. I can already tell you that my round 2 will be at least 105 days as I have a week-long vacation coming up. Generally I tried to…
  • I have grown to despise corncob girl. Give me Pam They Call Her BLAM! any day -- she rocks!
  • I have an engineer mentality so I will think about this incessantly, but thanks for trying =) Believe me I am not obsessing about weight any more, I am just wanting total accuracy to satisfy the scientific me any way I can get it. No worries. Anyway the two scales cannot be made to match, and the old one is definitely…