P90X Rest Day

I'm doing P90X! I love it! Honestly I missed my PlyoX workout last week and yesterday I missed chest and back.

Anyway, Sunday is my rest day and I gotta say, I hate rest days! They lead to a day where I do nothing! And sabotage all the work I did all week!
I'm frustrated with myself. I'm taking 1 step forward and two steps back,

What do you do on your "rest" days?


  • sly60vette
    sly60vette Posts: 3 Member
    Rest days don't sabotage all the work you did last week as long as you eat moderately that day! Physically rest days help your body repair itself. If you are doing strength training this is when the muscles get stronger, and you are still burning calories. Good hormones increase if you get a good amount of sleep too - so don't feel guilty about rest days - they are still an important part of a healthy active routine!!! Still, you don't have to stay in bed all day. On my rest days I do something I really enjoy - something leisurely, or creative - whatever makes me feel good. I might read, or play guitar, or have a picnic with my hubby by the river. I might take a long drive up to the mountains and just enjoy the scenery and my favorite tunes. I might do something for others. Rest day is my day to be joyful and not worry about a schedule.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Rest days are awesome chances for your body to recover. Go take a walk or a light bike ride if you have to feel like you're too inactive -- the literature even suggests this, especially later in the round. Just don't burn yourself out by exercising hard on this day, lest you end up wearing yourself down through constantly beating up your body with no respite, day in and day out. You need the weekly break, and, related to this, it is a good idea not to back-to-back "do P90X" for uninterrupted 90-day cycles. Take a good week off, at least, and feel free to be doing something else, hopefully at a different intensity level. P90X, as a "forever every day" exercise plan, is not really sustainable for most people, even with the rest day.

    If you aren't throwing a good dietary plan completely to the wind each rest day, you're going to be more than OK embracing rest day.

    To answer your question: on my rest days, I just try to get some stuff done that needs doing. If it is too strenuous, I try to take it easy, knowing how valuable recovery time is. I do not feel guilty lounging around a good bit, as you kind of deserve it after a week's pounding. It's a great time to plan stuff with your SO, or just to take care of yourself a bit. One example day was spent dealing with some personal errands, then organizing "stuff" (sort of a pre-spring cleaning effort), and later going with SO to dinner with some friends.