P90x: Share your very first day(s) experience!
For the P90Xers out there: can you relate some of your experiences from the very first time you used the program? Reps, failouts on exercises, etc? I'm just a little disappointed in myself right now as I wished I could do better. Not being able to do even 1 of some exercises(even adjusting to Tony's "this will be a little…
Week to week weight loss question, please help
On behalf of a friend, do any of you who do weekly weigh-ins experience *up* weeks (assuming no cheating or having really bad weekends, etc.)? Like, where you are sticking to a plan, weight watchers, calorie counting and running a small deficit, etc., and still see one or more occasions where your weigh-in is a little…
P90X: weight loss / muscle gain
1 week and 4 days into P90X, and I am seeing zero weight loss. Partly concerned because I've had to strive for a huge increase in calories and protein and I am literally at a 2-3 week standstill. However, I think I might have some comfort -- my upper-arm measurements changed, from day 1 to day 12, by plus-3/4 inch. I was…
Eating right and enough is hard! (P90X == harder!)
OK, so I have been apparently running a huge calorie deficit kind of by accident. I started at about 2K cal/day simply because I was sedentary. Then I started P90X and sort of had the intention of going up to about 2500 Cal/Day. As it turns out, I am really having difficulty getting up to 2K a day let alone 2500 a day.…
P90X, Days 5 & 6 -- one week down! (basically)
Well, made it through the legs and back episode the other night. Struggled a bit with the wall exercises, still am not properly set up to do pullups (and now the storms hitting parts of the country have apparently stalled my chinup bar delivery!). So, holding steady or maybe slightly increasing lat pull-down reps, and…
P90Xers: staying on or resuming program due to travel?
Question for veteran P90Xers who sometimes have to travel: How do you stay on track? Is it advisable to hit "pause" on the program for some days, then resume when you get back? Example if I was on day 5 of whatever week, and tomorrow had to travel for 4 days, is it advisable to just pretend the program is frozen in time…
P90X, first-timer, day 2 & 3 down
So now I find myself with half of P90X's 6 workouts for Week One behind me. Day 1 was pretty horrible for me, though it is to be expected. I had to pause a lot, walk off high heartrates, etc. Felt like I spent a lot of time coming slowly to the realization that it's OK to do only 4 reps versus their 12 as long as they are…
P90X - Day 1
Well, today is day 1 for me. I woke up rather excited at the prospect of doubling over, heaving, and sweating buckets. Last night and today I watched the getting started DVD, read some of the books, and I also took some of the fitness test. Going in being able to do more pushups than recommended (barely, and sloppily --…
P90x: Lean vs. classic
As a 43yr male with a BMI that is on the high side of overweight, I am wondering whether to do the lean program or not, when I start. I'm planning to ultimately arrive at about 200lbs and do want "some" muscle, as I don't exactly look stunning being just thin, either, but I am wondering if first I should stand to…
Going to start P90X...equipment concerns
So I finally decided to start P90X. Unfortunately it is Friday and I couldn't bring myself to order the program earlier this week. However, the fact that today I finally ordered a chin-up/pull-up attachment for my workout bench (with the specific intention of getting the one major piece of equipment I don't have that I…
Good sources of "good" carbs?
Anyone have suggestions for good sources of carbs? I hadn't initially taken notice but I looked through my food intake log and according to the myfitnesspal calculations, I've been consistently 100 grams, and sometimes significantly more, under the suggested amount. It seems to be much easier to meet or go over on fat and…
[ P90X ] Can I start with this?
My situation: I've done martial arts in the past. I've as recently as 2006 been in enough good shape to do a full gym workout (cardio and weights) and immediately go to a karate class and have fun, not being tired or anything. Sadly, since then, I've degraded to the point where a flight of stairs will get me at least…