hitxgirl Member


  • Take a deep breath and concentrate on today. One day at a time! Do what you can today and let tomorrow worry about itself. What exercise can you do today? If you are hungry, eat something healthy. If today is a bad day just be thankful that there is only 24 hrs. of it. And of course if you are a Christian, pray. My…
  • I try to eat to make my numbers between 100 cal. above or below the net cal. MFP says. My choices of what I eat depend on the other numbers. I try to zero the other numbers. I don't worry too much if i am a little over or a little under. It varies every day. I have been told (and have researched it) to eat your exercise…
  • When you go back to get the size 8s make sure you go to her register!!! :laugh:
    in How Rude! Comment by hitxgirl May 2011
  • Just focus on you for right now. Enter your exercise and food. Try to find a time that you can set aside for exercise (same time) everyday. This worked best for me. Right now mine is 8:30 - 10:00 and that includes drive time to and from the gym. If something comes up and I can't make that time I try to do something later…
  • My guess would be that the gained weight is due to the new pill you are taking (unless you are PG). If the weight doesn't drop back down talk with your doctor.
  • NO WAY! I am the type that needs to see results. If I got on the scale everyday I think I would stress out. I will admit I get on a couple (2-3) times a week at the same time of day (shortly after I wake in the morning). However, I only log my weight and measurements once a week. Wednesday mornings! And I log honestly. If…
  • A couple lbs. gain is probably natural. It happens to me too, then when it's over the extra weight goes away also. I try to keep up my exercising even when I don't feel like it 'cuz I am tired and crampy! This way it is OK if you eat a little more. Just try not to eat more and exercise less!
  • I have a Polar T31. I've had it a few years and really like it. It is a strap that goes around your chest and comes with a watch so you can use it outside. Good luck!
  • Don't know if you know...but, you can find members in your area in the "find members" section. Hope this is helpful!
  • This is a great website. Be honest with yourself and log all your food and exercise daily and you will do great! Remember, baby steps. Whether you have 15 lbs. or 150 lbs. to lose, do it slowly and safely. I also recommend taking note of your weight and measurements. I do my weigh-ins every Wed. morning (both weight and…
  • Wetting my HRM seemed to work today. Thanks for the tip!
  • It is one with a strap and I do wear it under my sportsbra. I priced a new one...about $65! Yikes! I will definately try the wetting suggestion and if that doesn't work I will switch it to my back before I get a new one. Thanks.
  • Ask her what she is really mad about. Is she really mad that you are waking her up on the day she gets to sleep in or is it something else. (I have/am her at times, and I get disappointed when I plan on sleeping in and then don't get too!:yawn: ) Talk it over with her and ask her for suggestions. Maybe she will have a…
  • There is a great calorie calculator on self.com. I think it is under health calculator. I have found a few exercises on there that MFP did not list (dancing, rebounding, etc.). There isn't a Zumba listing, but you can choose Dancing and pick Latin. I have taken a couple of Zumba classes and I think it does depend on the…
  • This website has helped me a lot. When I get to my goal weight I know that I will have to maintain, which means that I will still have to watch what I eat and still exercise. The difference is that I won't have to worry so much about creating a deficit of 500 calories. I am hopeing that by then I will have a good eating…
    in any help? Comment by hitxgirl April 2011
  • I agree...it's a problem with your breathing. I was having the same pain, but I was holding my breath. To overcome this I have to consciously breath in a rhythmical way. (In..1..2..Out..1..2..) When I feel a pain then I take one breath in and two out. I was told that the pain is from lack of oxygen, which makes sense to me…
  • After my workout yesterday a friend asked me to join her on a walk...we did 5 miles! Today I tried an indoor cycling class for the first time. Not really my "cup of tea." It wasn't listed in the exercise database, but spinning was. However, the cal. burn seemed low (400 something) for all the work I did. I checked another…
  • I'm back from my trip. Great weekend! Lots of food and very little exercise! LOL! Judging from the scale I only gained 1 lb. I expected at least 2-3. I fnished the week at 1908/3000. So, I am going to set the same 3000 goal for this week. I am off to a good start as I burned 450 cal. today. I am (now) 4 lbs from my short…
  • Another good workout. I am at 1541/3000. I may be going out of town so I will try to keep up my workouts and postings. :wink:
  • Don't worry about everyone else. You are doing great! One day at a time. The less you have to lose the less your calorie burn will be. I have taken circuit training course on Mon. and Tues. to get the high calorie burn (500+). Tomorrow I am planning on just some cardio so my number will be around 400. Stay motivated!!
  • This morning's workout brought me to 1081/3000. I am on track with my goal! (I don't work out on Sunday's) I just hope I can keep up this pace. I normally am around 2000 for the week!
  • This morning I did a little treadmil followed by a Power Pump class (60 min.) That burned a little over 500 calories. Then my husband came home early and took me to Olive Garden for lunch...and well, I got the lasagna! So yummy! Looks like I need a little more exercise today to stay under my net calories for the day! On…
  • OK, I'm in it for 3,000 calories!
  • From the list previously posted...I would consider my workouts as physical stress. And I definately have some fatigue after! LOl! I am going to try the L-lysine. Thanks!
  • I wondered about that too. Some days I don't eat all my net calories and then the next day I may go out for breakfast and eat 600 calories. Does my body work on the same 24 hour clock as MFP? If I look at 24 hours as starting at 12 noon, then I am good. If this is true then the opposite would be true also. If I eat 300…
  • Thanks for the links! I have read both and found them very enlightening. Before seeing a nutritionist and joining MFP I couldn't understand how eating more would help me lose weight. The post on eating exercise calories broke it down and was really helpful. Thanks again!:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the idea. NUTS!!! So simple, I ask myself why I didn't think of it. LOL! I also like the milk suggestion too. :flowerforyou:
  • I am in the same situation. (I went to a nutritionist and was told that I don't eat enough and my body is in starvation mode!) By dinner I have nearly (or over) 1000 calories left to eat. I don't want to stop working out, but I also don't want to gorge myself on dinner and dessert. I often find that while I am way under in…