Weekly Calorie Burn Challenge



  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    Okay as of right now I've burned 4097 cals. My goal was actually 2000, so I guess I can burn 4000 cals in a week. :glasses:

    Good job to all!! Are we gonna do this every week.
  • My total calorie burn for this week was 6765.
  • I'm finishing this week with 6399 calories burned. Hoping for even more next week! :)
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    My total calorie burn for the week was 2510. I can't believe it. I've never gone that far before, but I intend to up it to 3000 this week. For some reason I still don't see a change on the scale or anywhere else, but I'm not giving up. I used to hate exercising, but I think I'm hooked now. I'm keeping it going to keep feeling stronger and just better overall. Maybe I'll see a real change in my actual weight by next week! Keep it up y'all!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    WOW, everyone!!! You've ALL done SO well!! Great job!!

    My knee is much better now (thank you, Rhonda!), but I'm actually going to lower my calorie burn goal to 3,000 this week -- I think 4,000 was a little ambitious with my work/family schedule and such (plus, the knee issue...).

    So (and at the advice of my fiance), I'm going to do an every-other-day BIG calorie burn with the "off" days reserved for lighter exercise such as yoga, playing on the Wii, and for more spiritual growth. I've been feeling somewhat lost spiritually lately, and I really think increased meditation and inner focus might just help me move forward in this area, while still keeping the fitness/weight loss wagon moving along at the same time.

    Rhonda -- I've been on this weight loss journey officially since February 2010 (started a year ago with Couch to 5K). My pounds lost number reflected here on MyFitnessPal represents my weight loss since the end of July 2010, though, when I first started using MFP. I didn't have a scale before the end of July, so I'm guessing that I lost another 20 pounds prior to using MFP. Basically, I do my very best to stay within my calorie goal, exercise as much as possible, and do a little more if it seems I'm going to go over on eating too many calories. I don't have perfect days every single day, though I do my best. I no longer let the little things get me down, and I stick strictly to weighing in just once a week. The entire month of January 2011 (while I was concentrating on doing 30 Day Shred every day, with a little extra exercise here and there), I didn't lose more than maybe half a pound all month. After increasing my cardio, I dropped 5lbs in two weeks. Then, last week was only a 0.2 lb loss.

    My best advice to you would be just to keep on truckin'! 20 lbs since October is GREAT!! And, I know how frustrating it can feel when you're doing everything you know how yet the scale won't budge. Have faith in the process, listen to your body, feed it well, take care of it... maybe even a little pampering here and there to keep your spirits up? and mini-goals along the way that are not always scale-related, such as this calorie burn challenge. Anything (healthy) to keep us motivated and moving along toward our goals, no matter how long it takes, that's what's important! Best wishes to you!!

    BRING ON WEEK TWO of the Calorie Burn Challenge!! How much are YOU burning this week?
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    Thanks Mary for the advice. I am trying to tell myself the scale is just a number not to worry. I know that I fell better about myself even with the 20 loss. So if it takes me a little longer to lose it so be it. I will stay focused on other things like the calorie burn challenge and physical changes I can see in my body. I notice the toning that is happening. So that is a big plus. Today I'm going to take a day of rest from the workouts. I will hit it again tomorrow.
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    May I still join this group? I need something, (anything !!) to get me back on track!

    I'm going to aim for 4000 calories burned as well.

    Burned 360 at Curves today...not a great workout for me, but I'm still feeling "blah" from having the flu two weeks ago...I'm just happy I had the "get up and go" to actually get my butt out the door this morning!

    (Never joined a group before; hopefully this is what I need!):smile::smile:
  • mmahorn
    mmahorn Posts: 13 Member
    Im in - I am on half term Hols this week so I think I can get in a few more cals than usual. My goal is 4000 too and today I have burnt 743, so I have 3257 to go :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    wanderingpilgrim and mmahorn -- Welcome and best wishes!!

    Rhonda -- I'm joining you on that rest day today. I might turn on the Wii Fit for a little bit this evening, but other than that, my muscles need some relax & rebuild time. Big calorie burn tomorrow morning for me though! :)
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    Me Too Mary,
    Gonna go for a big burn tomorrow. I'll have my Oatmeal and Protein drink an hour before and ready set go... goal for tomorrow anything over 700-800 calories will make me a happy camper.
    Chat with you tomorrow... :)

    To all the new comers Welcome.:)
    I truly think this is a great thing to hold us all accountable and to bring out the competitive spirit in all of us.

    Have a Great Week everyone...............

  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Well, this morning's planned workout didn't go down. I opted for sleep instead. Again. This is becoming habit (yes, two days in a row, not quite habit yet, but leaning in that direction!), and MUST STOP! I walked the stairs here at work this afternoon, for a total of 59 calories burned so far this week. EEK!

    I've stayed within my calorie goal as far as food intake goes though, so I'm hoping to see at least a steady weight, if not a loss, on Thursday.

    Also, this evening, I WILL get in some form of workout -- I'm thinking some Wii Fit Free Step or Free Run while Biggest Loser is on. And, tomorrow morning I WILL get up early and put in a good, vigorous, hard workout before work. I MUST. 59 is FAR from my 3000 calorie burn goal this week, but, I can still achieve it.

    Thanks for sticking with this thread, everyone -- I'm really enjoying the camaraderie and support!! :)
  • hitxgirl
    hitxgirl Posts: 31 Member
    I'm back from my trip. Great weekend! Lots of food and very little exercise! LOL! Judging from the scale I only gained 1 lb. I expected at least 2-3. I fnished the week at 1908/3000. So, I am going to set the same 3000 goal for this week. I am off to a good start as I burned 450 cal. today. I am (now) 4 lbs from my short term goal (139 lbs. by March 1). Not sure if I'll make it (this week will be my "monthly time" and I heard I might gain 1-2 lbs. :ohwell: ) but I am sure going to try.
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    Good Morning All... :)

    Feelin Good after my workout. Elliptical, & Yoga 1hr 23 min -792 calories burned. Now gonna run to the store and do some shopping.
    Have a Great Day
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm back from my trip. Great weekend! Lots of food and very little exercise! LOL! Judging from the scale I only gained 1 lb. I expected at least 2-3. I fnished the week at 1908/3000. So, I am going to set the same 3000 goal for this week. I am off to a good start as I burned 450 cal. today. I am (now) 4 lbs from my short term goal (139 lbs. by March 1). Not sure if I'll make it (this week will be my "monthly time" and I heard I might gain 1-2 lbs. :ohwell: ) but I am sure going to try.

    Sounds like you enjoyed your trip -- that's great! Only a 1lb gain too, awesome!! Great burn today and best wishes on making it to your short term goal!! I normally either hold steady or gain a pound or so during my monthly, but at least you know to expect somewhere around that range, and you're doing everything to reach your goal regardless. That's great! Keep up the good work! :)

    Rhonda -- GREAT calorie burn today!!! Enjoy the rest of your day! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Yesterday evening, I completed 30 Day Shred level 3 + 15 minutes of Wii Fit balance games. This morning, I completed Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown level 2. Total calorie burn for the week: 523 / 3000.
  • hitxgirl
    hitxgirl Posts: 31 Member
    After my workout yesterday a friend asked me to join her on a walk...we did 5 miles! Today I tried an indoor cycling class for the first time. Not really my "cup of tea." It wasn't listed in the exercise database, but spinning was. However, the cal. burn seemed low (400 something) for all the work I did. I checked another website I sometimes use (self.com) and it said for moderate workout at my weight it was 686 and for vigerous it was 811. I decided to put in 600. What do you all think?

    Another question...I had heard that fresh parsley will help with water retention. Anyone else know about that?

    I am currently at 1460/3000. :bigsmile:
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Great job on the long walk with your friend and trying out a new class! I think 600 seems reasonable!

    I haven't heard that about fresh parsley, but it's definitely something interesting to look into. I'll read up a little when I get a moment and get back to you on that one.

    I'm currently at 684 / 3000. Still pretty low, given it's already Thursday, but I've been in a funk for the past week or so, that is finally beginning to lift, so I'll be hittin' the workouts hard this weekend! Blogging helped: http://todefyego.blogspot.com/2011/02/i-am-good-enough-just-as-i-am.html
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    Total calorie burn so far this week 1520 / 3500. Still not quite feeling 100% health wise so I'm happy to be getting in my workouts. They may not be big #s but I will keep up with what I can do.

    Good Luck to All...
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Rhonda, you're doing well!! Keep it up!

    I'm currently at 1085 / 3000. I got the day off work today unexpectedly... snow day!! So, I will be getting a good hard workout in this afternoon for sure, and I still have the weekend to add to this total. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make my 3000 calorie target by the end of Sunday.

    I'll be working on a new, more reasonable workout schedule for the month of March, and will be implementing it on Monday. Still shooting for a 3000 calorie burn next week... with plans to increase it up to the 4000 level once I'm regularly hitting 3000 or more.

    Have a GREAT weekend, everyone!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I just completed Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, bringing my week's total calorie burn to 1475 / 3000.
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