How Rude!

So i went shopping for some new jeans yesterday because all of mine were way to big. Much to my surprise a size 12 fit!!!! Wow i have not fit in a size 12 for almost 13 years. Anyway i was in the lineup to pay for my items and i had put them on the counter. The lady in front of me looked over at my items and obviously seen the size. She had the nerve enough to turn around and look at me up and down and give me a dirty look. It was almost like saying to me are you sure they are going to fit !!!! I can't believe some people. I was very offended but i kept my mouth closed or i probably would have blasted her a good one!


  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    Just my opinion, but I'd have to say she was just jealous :tongue:
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    That's fu#$%ed up!!!
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Yes definitely jealous!!!!
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Uuuugh, so freaking rude. Want to hear something funny/ironic? I've gotten the SAME thing even in small sizes. Example: I am looking through a stack of dress pants at Ann Taylor to find my size (usually in jeans I wear a size 4, but everything is much bigger at Ann Taylor and I'm looking for a 0), an employee asks me what size I am looking for, and I tell her zero, and she looks at my runner's thighs (haha), looks back up at me, and goes to the back room to look. It happens at all sizes!! Don't take it personally, people will ALWAYS, ALWAYS judge, and I am at maintenance and totally fine with my size! haha
  • hitxgirl
    hitxgirl Posts: 31 Member
    When you go back to get the size 8s make sure you go to her register!!! :laugh:
  • kenjacks
    kenjacks Posts: 13
    Keep doing you! Great work on your weight loss! God Bless!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • OliveBruises
    OliveBruises Posts: 68 Member
    Wow I'm sorry. But, you should be proud and it seems to me as if you still are so f her! People like that - you know people who worry too much about others - usually have insecurities of their own. Way to take the high road!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    So i went shopping for some new jeans yesterday because all of mine were way to big. Much to my surprise a size 12 fit!!!! Wow i have not fit in a size 12 for almost 13 years. Anyway i was in the lineup to pay for my items and i had put them on the counter. The lady in front of me looked over at my items and obviously seen the size. She had the nerve enough to turn around and look at me up and down and give me a dirty look. It was almost like saying to me are you sure they are going to fit !!!! I can't believe some people. I was very offended but i kept my mouth closed or i probably would have blasted her a good one!

    Just me but I would ha asked if she had a problem...

    People are such jerks at times, sorry you had to be put through that!!!

    Congrats on the other hand, keep up the great work!!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Congrats on the size 12!!!

    You know what I would have done? I would have looked HER up and down, rolled my eyes and made a tsking noise....

    Course.. I'm just witchy like that. I have no tolerance for rude people and I'm not afraid to let them know I find them rude.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    She's lucky that it wasn't me coming through the register. I would have ripped her a new one, called the manager and told them what happened. I'm sorry that happened to you! Keep your head up. You are doing amazing work :-)
  • qdouglas
    qdouglas Posts: 4
    One word..JEALOUS. You have worked hard..don't let that bother you. Smile and keep feeling good girl!
  • Angeladobush
    Angeladobush Posts: 58 Member
    First I have to congratulate you on your size 12, way to go! Then I have to say that more people should be like you and have the common sense to keep their lips tightly together when they have nothing nice to say. She has no idea how far you have come, nor did she have the grace to mind her own business......hats off to you for having more class in your little finger than she had in her whole body!:embarassed:
  • jjbcb
    jjbcb Posts: 21
    I was so mad for a while, but then i thought why should i be. I am proud of myself, and i really need to not let stuff like this bother me. Some people!!!!
  • tiggr62
    tiggr62 Posts: 64 Member
    WTH Sorry dear but I would have had to open my mouth and blasted her. I know it would have made me feel a whole lot better. It never ceases to amaze me how rude people can be to total strangers for no reason. Keep up the great work work you are doing and to hell with people and their snobbish attitudes.
  • ej_xo
    ej_xo Posts: 75
    When you go back to get the size 8s make sure you go to her register!!! :laugh:
    YAAAAAAAA DO IT! DO IT!!!!! :happy: :laugh: :tongue:
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Way to go on the size 12!

    Here's a different interpretation: She was probably annoyed that you reached in front of her and put your stuff on the counter when it wasn't your turn yet. JMO, but I hate when people get in my personal space like that. I give people the "up and down" when they overstep personal space boundaries / queue norms all the time... and it has nothing to do with size.

    Anyway, fitting into the 12 is awesome. Good work.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
  • tiggr62
    tiggr62 Posts: 64 Member
    Was it the woman tending the cash register or just a woman in line in front of you?
  • jjbcb
    jjbcb Posts: 21
    It was the woman in front of me, if it had of been the person at the register i probably would of said forget it and walked out. It was a very long line and a large counter, everyone had their stuff up there so it couldn't of been because it wasn't my turn.