

  • That is wonderful!!! Congratulations!! :flowerforyou:
  • October 30, 2013 1. CW 219.6 2. Gained 2.6 (over last 2 weeks) 3. NSV - better week than previous when I had to put my 16 year old kitty to sleep :( 4. Goal for next week - regain some semblance of daily routine for eating/exercise 5. 23.8 lbs to lose by Christmas
  • I second the tandoori chicken suggestion. The local Indian buffet here often has aloo gobi (cauliflower/potatoes)... also a cabbage dish that would probably work... plus the spicy cold carrot sticks (highly recommend). Enjoy!
  • Count me in! I am using my elliptical 3 times a week for 20 minutes at 3.5 mph, lowest resistance. This is an awesome challenge! I have had all kinds of intentions to increase my time, but just haven't followed through. I will increase by 2 minutes after 2 weeks, etc. I really need this push to keep moving during the…
  • Fabulous!! You are an inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • Gosh, I could have written this!!! I went crazy on Friday and ate whatever crossed my path 'just because'. On Saturday morning, my stomach felt like cement, bleh! I also hate to cook - it is my number one issue to tackle. I've started by having my best friend over for one or two meals on the weekends - I ate many home…
  • Jackie, I know how you feel about the elliptical ... same here! :laugh: It's new 'again' to me because I haven't been on it over the summer. I would much rather play tennis, but got rained out today so I forced myself to do it. Love reading about everyone's 'something new'... and Dan, you are a stronger person than me if…
  • Here to cheer you on... I know that feeling of complete despair. In April, I was fast approaching 300 lbs and also contemplated WLS. I also thought about just buying bigger furniture and continuing to eat. But finally, I had my 'eureka' moment. I was tired of the stabbing pain in my side and I was hit with a single thought…
  • October 16, 2013 1. CW 217.0 2. Lost 0.6 lb this week 3. NSV - more shopping in my closet! 4. Goal for next week - MUST work on better meal planning & prep; zero accomplished this week :( 5. 21.2 lbs to lose by Christmas I really appreciate this group! I have started to get discouraged because my rate of weight loss has…
  • Jess, that is awesome!! You will do great!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Congrats Brookie! Revel in XL land - soon that will be too large also :drinker:
  • I can really identify with the midway slump and I have been trying to determine the cause(s) also. If I am truly doing this for life and not just to lose weight, it seems that I wouldn't be slowing down :( PLUS I should be totally stoked at losing 62 pounds since April 9th of this year! Trying hard to get my focus back -…
  • My Numbers: SW: 280 CW: 217.6 GW: 212 LTGW: 175 Weigh-ins: Week 1: 10/02/13 = 218.6 Week 2: 10/10/13 = 217.6 (-1.0) Week 3: 10/17/13 = Week 4: 10/24/13 = Week 5: 10/31/13 =
  • Congrats!! Looking fabulous :flowerforyou:
  • 1. CW 217.6 2. Lost 1.0 lb this week 3. NSV - I let someone take my picture this week! :P 4. Goal for next week - MUST work on better meal planning & prep 5. 21.8 lbs to lose by Christmas 6. Share a story about your journey so far with the Christmas Group.. Do you feel it has been helpful? What would you like to see as you…
  • Love this thread :heart: I rolled my trash can to the curb very late last night and my PJ bottoms were looser than I realized - they almost fell off at the end of my driveway :blushing:
  • 1. CW 218.6 2. Lost 1.8 lb this week 3. NSV - playing tennis for 4 hours without feeling like I would die :) 4. Goal for next week - work on better meal planning & prep 5. 22.8 lbs to lose by Christmas
  • I am here because I am saying NO NO to the YO-YO! I have lost this 50-60 lbs so often that it should come with a zipper. Now I am in the most dangerous area for me... having lost 60 pounds, complacence starts to set in. My guard slips and the weight loss stops... and then starts to reverse... until I am right back where I…
  • It is always interesting to hear how others' usernames have evolved :) I have been on the internet for many more years than I like to admit to - I started using 'katelyn' on Compuserve early on when a million baby girls had not been named Katelyn. It was short for Kathi Lynne. After some time Katelyn became so common that…
  • My exercise of choice is tennis. Here in north Alabama, the USTA leagues are played outdoors and continue till about the first week of December. I will switch over to my elliptical when the weather is too bad to play tennis :) I have to be honest - I enjoy playing tennis so much that it doesn't seem fair to call it…
  • 1. CW 220.4 2. Lost 1.4 lb this week 3. NSV - shopping in my closet... I get renewed motivation every time something fits or is close to fitting that was impossible not long ago. 4. Goal for next week - have a 70,000 step week.(not sure if I will ever make this one; only 51,000 AGAIN this week including tennis!) Today we…
  • Hi there, ladies! I joined TOPS in April and someone told me about MFP on the first night. I have been using both as my support since then. I think that it is kind of like having a belt AND suspenders (extra support!) :) I think it is working since I have been my chapter's biggest loser each month since April. Not sure if…
  • 1. CW 221.8 2. Lost 1 lb this week 3. NSV - folks are starting to comment on my weight loss :) 4. Goal for next week - have a 70,000 step week.(not sure if I will ever make this one; only 51,000 this week including tennis!) 5. 26.0 lbs to lose by Christmas Love seeing everyone's progress - it is helping keep me focused!!
  • 1. CW 222.8 2. Lost 1.6 this week 3. NSV - a couple of things that were really tight are actually getting baggy :) 4. Goal for next week - have a 70,000 step week.(not sure if I will ever make this one) 5. 27.0 lbs to lose by Christmas
  • It took significant physical pain to make me wake up. I was actually thinking about getting new furniture to accommodate my hugeness :noway:
  • [/quote] There is a quote that helped me a LOT during the beginning: "A year from now, you'll wish you started today." Print it out and tape it to your mirror, or your fridge. It's SO true. Although one good thing about being really big (I like to look at the bright side, lol), is that at first, the weight should come off…
  • Ha!! The proper response is WOW!!!! Feels like an episode of Antiques Roadshow where the most overused word is 'wow', but I am at a loss to come up with another adjective at the moment. You ROCK!!!
  • Okay, I am completely amazed at the number of people who like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I really thought I was the only dork who ever watched it! :bigsmile: Nice thread!!
  • My Fair Lady - most favorite! Also love, Oklahoma The King & I Seven Brides for Seven Brothers :)
  • 1. CW 224.4 2. Lost 1.4 this week 3. NSV - shopping in my closet, things are starting to fit :) 4. Goal for next week - have a 70,000 step week. 5. 28.6 to lose by Christmas