

  • It's hard not to look at the scale, and get disappointed with weight gain when you're doing everything right. However, the proof is in the clothing, when your shirt, pants, etc. feel bigger on you. I did a bunch of cardio one week, walking and jogging, and at the end of the week, the scale said I gained about 2 pounds. But…
  • I was not much of a runner in High School, played soccer but was the starting goalie, so didn't need to run as much as everyone else. I jogged to get by (if that makes sense). Now that I'm down 50 pounds (or close to it), I have taken up "trying" to run, as a way to increase my heart rate, as walking fast doesn't feel like…
  • For missxchelly - I want to keep encouraging you. You have weeks before Halloween, and a lot can change in a short amount of time. I believe in you, and want to hear your success story!! For all the others who have replied - THANK YOU! Your kindness will keep me motivated to reach my future goals. And I hope sometime soon,…
  • Great job, the first few weeks are hard, in terms of getting used to logging in, tracking, etc. But it's worth the ride, that's for sure! Been doing this for 5 months (today), and I'm down 47 pounds.
  • I told myself that I wanted to lose 50 pounds by the time I go on vacation, so I can ride amusement rides with my kids. I'm down 44 pounds (as of Sunday), and I leave on vacation in about 2.5 weeks. It's going to be close, but I won't actually ride the rides for another 2 weeks after that (at the end of our vacation time).…
  • Thanks everyone for the encouragement and congrats. I'm anxious to see how this chapter in my life plays out.
  • I wouldn't, because if they're wrong, you gotta a whole month to make up the loss. Personally for me, I've worked to hard to give it up for a week. I feel guilty just having a meal that's over my totals for the day.
  • I tried to kick start a week, which was my kids' spring break week in March, by doing a lot more exercise, and not eating my calories (and not eating my exercise calories). I figure I was in the 700-900 calorie deficit for about 4 days. When I got on the scale that Sunday, I had only lost 1.2 pounds and felt awful...all…
  • I weigh once a week, so I don't get discouraged. I have set myself up to weigh on Sunday morning's, right after waking up and before I eat anything. That forces me to be good on Friday and Saturday's, the days that we typically eat out.
  • It's Non Scale Victory
  • Weigh in on Sunday morning's, so yesterday I was 3.6 pounds down for last week, for a total of 29 pounds in 12 weeks. Next mini-goal, be at least down 30 pounds for Easter next Sunday.
  • I agree with other posts, they are just jealous that you have succeeded, and you should be proud of it. When people ask me if I'm losing weight, I don't tell them, "I'm trying to lose weight..." I tell them, "Why yes, I'm succeeding at losing weight"
  • Seeing the success that others have had, has encouraged me to stay focused. I too have bounced my weight - skinny in high school, fat in college, skinny after our kids were born, fat as they grew up. MFP has really helped me 1) track my foods on a daily basis, and 2) made it really simple to set my goals and keep doing the…
  • Not dumb at all!! Before I started MFP, I couldn't lay down the arm rest (while driving). It would come down and hit my side and stop, before laying flat. A couple of months later, and 24 pounds down, I can bring down the arm rest and have an inch or two to spare. It's kind of like the sterring wheel thing. ;-) You have to…
  • Years ago, my wife and I did a "reduced diet" plan, where she was eating only 1000 calories a day, and I was somewhere between 1200-1400 calories a day. I dropped 71 pounds in about 3.5 months, but since that time, I have gained all that weight back and MORE. It's not worth it. It's not realistic to starve yourself, and…
    in HCG Diet Comment by aarostoc April 2011
  • You can do it, hang in there. My vice was buffet's, because after all, they're such a good deal. I tried to "cheat" one time a few weeks back, not each much during the day, and try to stay within my calories at the Chinese buffet. I can tell you it didn't work, felt nasty and sick afterwords, and decided the benefit of…
  • Thanks everyone for their posts. We are actively involved in her food choices, both at home, as well as encouraging her to make smart choices while at school. However, we (as parents) have made some poor choices in our past, which has resulted in some of her eating habits. It's a cycle that's hard to break, one that we are…