

  • I just got my hrm today but I don't think wearing the chest strap would do anything to enhance the moment! Even if the moment lasts as long as 5 minutes 38 seconds!
  • Oddly enough, our scales are in our bathroom where they have been for over ten years with 3 kids who have long hot showers, and never had a problem.
  • Hit a Mandarin chinese buffet today for lunch. I've looked up as much as I can remember, but some of the stuff is not available so I'm gonna exercise a little harder and take this as a day of falling off the wagon. Just throw in an arbitrary amount of quick calories. I've come to realize that we can't control every single…
  • So Saturday night I decided to treat myself to some popcorn and a can of pc cola. Popcorn in a microwave bowl with butter and I didn't finish it. Got halfway through the pop and gave up. I thought maybe the recipe was changed, but my wife assures me that it tastes the same. Guess my tastes have changed.
  • I have returned the Sportsline watch and ordered a Timex model from Amazon. Does lots of stuff and is able to take on a GPS Speed and Distance monitor if it's wanted. I'll post a review of it when it arrives and I've tried it out.
  • Green tea extract is supposed to boost calorie burn by 17% in men in a study I read yesterday. It apparently takes less drinking by a huge margin than just drinking the tea itself. Apparently taken just before a workout is when it's most effective.
  • I bought a digital strain gauge scale a few years back and it works great. It looks like a regular scale but the mechanism inside is different from regular scales. I got advice from an engineer who tried to explain to me how they work, but from I read afterward, they are far more accurate. And not much more in price to…
  • I bought and tried a sportline S12 yesterday. Strapless and not accurate. When you press the button for heart rate, it takes forever since it pushes the watch away from the wrist somewhat. And since it can't shift on the fly from jogging to walking, it doesn't work well for interval workouts. I've been looking at Timex…
  • Actually, I was a little off in my description. You measure from the back of the last step to the back of the next step. Here's a good site to describe how. http://walking.about.com/cs/pedometers/a/pedometerset.htm
  • Thank you! I didn't realize that this database was so specific. Think I'll take the higher of the two, it was pretty creamy!
  • No, but we went out for lunch and this sounded good and was tasty. I'm a sucker for fettucine! I just wonder for inputting my calories, fat etc.
  • I count stairs. Up and down. Comes in handy when I'm navigating stairs in the dark. When I turn around part-way, I have to turn back the opposite direction, I can't just complete the circle. I'm not big-time OCD but I do have the finger twitches associated with it.
  • For me to go back to my childhood would be Grand Funk, War, Alice Cooper, Terri Jacks. Wow, I didn't realize I was that old. Wait a minute. I'm not old! Also secretly like some Air Supply too.
  • Rick Astley-Never Gonna Give You Up. I guess it's not a secret anymore. I love being rickrolled!
  • To enter your stride length you can use two different methods. Either measure a set distance and then count the strides it takes to walk/run it. Divide the distance by the number of strides to get the stride distance. You can use either metric or imperial, just remember that you have to come up with either inches or…
  • I've been told that when a person starts a diet and exercise regime, in the first week it's not unusual to lose five pounds. Of fluids. After that depending on your size and a few other factors, 1-2 pounds max per week. I don't know how it works for people who are out to lose a lot of weight.
  • I wonder if anyone feels a little sadness or regret when they realize that something that used to bring them so much pleasure doesn't anymore?
  • That sounds quite good! Can it be just regular cooking molasses?
  • I had a mozza burger and med fries from a&w last week and noticed it during the night. Maybe not going right through me, but my body was definitely telling me it wasn't used to it!
  • On something like the original shredded wheat, I use honey, but in oatmeal brown sugar still does it for me! I think it was on the Dr. Oz show where an expert talked about using honey or maple syrup as a sweetener for just about anything.
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