Love it!
I am also in Deer Park. :smile:
Was thinking, but not saying, the exact same thing! :laugh:
I add prune juice to my sons milk every time he drinks it. he no longer has any problems as long as the prune juice is added.
Love the Health Ranger!
Here, here. I find that I hoard my calories until evening, so I don't 'run out' early. I seemed to do better when I planned my meals ahead of time, so there was no guessing and no options really. Also, cutting off my 'supply' at a certain time has helped me a bit too.
me too!
Never consume under 1200 calories... it's different if you've gotten some back due to exercise. Just always make sure you've eaten at least 1200 per day.
YAY, Houston Texans... love your ticker!
Bwahahahaha. awesome.
Laparoscopy may be the only way to get a definitive answer.
I make a concoction of: Teatech (Jackie Chan's XtraGreen) green tea (the extraction process is supposedly superior to others an Emergen-C, and a table spoon of Braggs apple cider vinegar each morning, sometime again in the afternoon. It gives me loads of energy, but I’m not jittery in the least... just the…
started at 224 and I am 5'-8". fell off after vacation, but back on now. =)
great tip! Thanks
ah... taco bueno. good thing we no longer have them in houston.
Maybe try Chobani greek yogurt. It is only 140 and has 14 gram of protein... keeps me full for HOURS
Cheese and condiments.
You're welcome!
Here's one for you! Lcj4-kpnp-kk7gd
if you're moving and sweating, it's good exercise! Sounds like you enjoyed it too which is great because you'll end up doing it more.
I am in the same boat. Baby is 4 months old and I am just now doing something about the added weight doday. I feel very motivated and am loving this site! :wink: