Does anyone forgo breakfast?



  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    As long as you are still eating a deficit for the day, what does it matter whether you eat more at lunch because you skipped breakfast?

    It absolutely doesn't matter if you are making up for a missed meal in another meal, but the point is you're losing the energy you need in the morning by skipping those nutrients!

    umm no ...

    Again, I skipped breakfast for 8 months and had no issues with energy...I actually found that I had more energy when weight training fasted.....

    That's YOUR body though.. everyone is different.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I was never given food before tests in school and I did just fine..

    I skipped breakfast for about 8 months when I was doing IF and I ran my business quite well during that time period.

    I'm sure you did. I'm sure other kids did as well. But on the whole kids who ate breakfast did better on their tests. Man...I miss the days of free food, haha.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I've never been an enthusiastic breakfast eater. My mother, who took Home Ec in HS in the late 1940s, was convinced that sending a kid out the door without breakfast was child abuse, and insisted that I at least have a glass of milk and a piece of toast. I hate milk. I'm 60 and I still hate milk.

    Now, "breakfast" is black coffee and then a banana later in the AM. Sometimes on the weekends I have toast and oatmeal made form oat bran with a little cinnamon. On my fast days with 5:2 fasting, I skip the toast and the oatmeal. I'm very happy with my weight, my health and my energy levels. I'm also a big believer in not eating if you're not hungry.

    Some exceptions to the practice of little or no breakfast: I traveled to India on a previous job and stayed in hotels with wonderful breakfast buffets. Yum. I skipped the sausage and bacon put out for the foreigners and ate veggies in spicy sauces and idli (a type of pancake) dipped in roaring-hot relishes. I don't know if that's how the locals ate idli, but I did. And yes, I did find that I didn't get hungry mid-morning when I had that type of breakfast. When DH and I travel in Europe and a breakfast buffet is part of the package (we frequently get that free due to our status with Hilton), I enjoy fruit, sautéed mushrooms, some good breads, a slice of cheese or two, and prosciutto then have a lighter lunch. Good thing I don't do that every day.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Okay Breakfast is Break Fast, whenever you break your fast then that is your breakfast. It doesn't have to be when you get up in the mornings, it can be afternoon if you choose it to be.
  • Scrogglez
    Scrogglez Posts: 26 Member
    whenever i feel like eating I eat.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Okay Breakfast is Break Fast, whenever you break your fast then that is your breakfast. It doesn't have to be when you get up in the mornings, it can be afternoon if you choose it to be.

    Can I just say, wow! Congratulations on your major weight loss!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    whenever i feel like eating I eat.

    That's what got me fat in the first place....haha
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    This shouldn't be an argument.. Do as your body feels necessary, I just feel that breakfast is crucial to most (not everyone). I've read many articles on it. Personally, I have way more energy after getting some nutrients in my body in the morning. This may not be the case for everyone. All a matter of opinion I suppose.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Rarely. I love breakfast!
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    whenever i feel like eating I eat.

    That's what got me fat in the first place....haha

    HAHAHA, me too.. me too.
  • Priscillawants74gone
    Priscillawants74gone Posts: 24 Member
    breakfast has nothing to do with metabolism...that is a myth..

    This is exactly what I was going to say.

    Also, if I eat breakfast, I am starving a few hours later opposed to not eating first thing and not getting hungry until at least noon. I find myself running out of calories when I eat as soon as I wake up.
  • kayp1
    kayp1 Posts: 39 Member
    I forced myself to eat breakfast because all the 'research' that says it's good for me. I go to work about 8.30am but I'm not hungry until about 10.30am.

    Sometimes I would skip it because I forgot...why? Because I wasn't hungry!
    And...when I did have breakfast I was still hungry at 10.30!

    Then I read another book which said people eat because they are programmed to and if you don't want breakfast and you're not hungry, then don't have it.

    It was as if someone had given me permission and I've not had breakfast since.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Okay Breakfast is Break Fast, whenever you break your fast then that is your breakfast. It doesn't have to be when you get up in the mornings, it can be afternoon if you choose it to be.

  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I don't eat in the morning. I really just don't care about food first thing when I get up, I've never been one of those people who are starving as soon as they open their eyes. All I want is a nice strong cup of coffee and to not have to interact with other human beings for an hour or so, until I get my bearings. I could get myself to eat breakfast if I tried to, but I don't see the point of wasting my limited calories on a meal I don't even really want.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    "My argument is that breakfast has absolutely nothing to do with metabolism. And the whole "breakfast is the most important meal of the day BS" is just a marketing ploy that Kellogg's, quaker, etc etc use to get people to buy all their products.

    Also, about 90% of the country eats breakfast and 35% of the country is obese...hmmmmmm has all the studies .."

    I wholly agree that people should do what works for them. As, well, there is ABSOLUTELY no harm in skipping breakfast, on the contrary, it may actually be beneficial to your health to go for greater periods of time without eating (Intermittent Fasting). Personally, don't eat it unless I am hungry and I am perfectly satisfied, as well as losing weight, going 16 to 18 hours a day without eating and getting my calories in a 8 or 6 hour window. It suits me well. Certainly not for everyone, or harmful to my health. I have not eaten for 15 hours, ran this morning, full of energy, not hungry, but looking forward to lunch in about an hour.
  • BHetrick
    BHetrick Posts: 26 Member
    I cringe everytime I hear about someone skipping breakfast or anyone advising that one should skip breakfast. You obviously know how important it is to your health, so try just having a piece of fruit or a handful of almonds on your way out the door in the morning. Not only is it good for your metabolism, but breakfast is giving you the substantial amount of energy that your body needs to work through the morning. Please eat something!

    please post a study showing that "eating breakfast is important to your health". Breakfast has nothing to do with metabolism.

    How do people do IF/Lean Gains, skip breakfast, and get absolutely shredded??

    There are SEVERAL articles that suggest eating breakfast is important to your health..

    SUGGEST, being the key work. Suggest does not equal proven.

    Sure, there are many articles which suggest breakfast is vital. But for every one of those articles there's another article suggesting breakfast is not vital.

    The idea of breakfast being important is as old as time. But these days new research is showing that breakfast being important is not the case.

    Honestly, I'd take new research over old research.

    The body does not know "breakfast", "lunch", and "dinner". All it knows is when it needs nourishment.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    As long as you are still eating a deficit for the day, what does it matter whether you eat more at lunch because you skipped breakfast?

    It absolutely doesn't matter if you are making up for a missed meal in another meal, but the point is you're losing the energy you need in the morning by skipping those nutrients!

    umm no ...

    Again, I skipped breakfast for 8 months and had no issues with energy...I actually found that I had more energy when weight training fasted.....

    That's YOUR body though.. everyone is different.

    First bolded statement: How do you know?
    Second bolded statement: Yes, you are correct. So take your own advice and stop trying to tell peeps if they miss breakfast they are gonna be in "big trouble, mister".

    The derp floweth forth on this thread.:noway:
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    If I'm hungry I eat breakfast, if I'm not I don't. I usually don't get hungry until about 10 a.m.

    I don't buy into the metabolism myth either. I've always been a healthy weight, but I'm leaner now than I was when I ate breakfast every morning. It definitely hasn't affected my metabolism. Eat when you're hungry.
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    As long as you are still eating a deficit for the day, what does it matter whether you eat more at lunch because you skipped breakfast?

    It absolutely doesn't matter if you are making up for a missed meal in another meal, but the point is you're losing the energy you need in the morning by skipping those nutrients!

    umm no ...

    Again, I skipped breakfast for 8 months and had no issues with energy...I actually found that I had more energy when weight training fasted.....

    That's YOUR body though.. everyone is different.

    First bolded statement: How do you know?
    Second bolded statement: Yes, you are correct. So take your own advice and stop trying to tell peeps if they miss breakfast they are gonna be in "big trouble, mister".

    The derp floweth forth on this thread.:noway:

    I did not tell anyone they would be "in big trouble" I've just read articles on this and how eating breakfast contributes energy needed for the body. I'm sorry.. It kind of makes me sad that these forums should be supportive since we are all here for the same reason, however it's usually nothing but people attacking other people and what they say. I'm entitled to my opinion and I stand by it, like the rest of you.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i actually eat after my morning workout. i go to the gym about 10am, then come home about 11:30 and have my first meal of the day. i only have coffee in the morning. this does not make me binge the rest of the day, because i religiously stay within my daily calories. im simply not hungry in the morning.