

  • I LOVE the bolthouse yogurt dressings...I will have to look for that one. I might even have to make a special trip to the store tomorrow!
  • Definitely trying this. LOOKS AWESOME!
  • I love the unsweetened vanilla and so do my kids. I haven't ever tried the sweetened though. I say give it a try.
  • I think it all depends on you. When I first started my weight loss journey it would have been enough on it's own. Now, I am close to the end of my journey (last 8lbs) and I need more than just that so I usually mix in another 30-60 minutes of cardio. Now that I am in better shape it just doesn't feel like enough of a…
  • I eat them both together...haha! You can make a great thai peanut sauce with the PB2 to stirfry the noodles in...it tastes awesome!
  • I eat Oatmeal, Kashi Waffles (love the blueberry), Fiber One Pancakes (I make them ahead of time and freeze them), Protein Shakes/Smoothies, Whole Wheat Toast with Almond Butter, Fruit...ect. I do eat my waffles and pancakes dry like a muffin though :)....I don't use butter or syrup, but it doesn't bother me to do that.…
  • Check out SkinnyTaste.Com. Click on Recipes and then Crock Pot Recipes. Her website is Awesome. It has lovely pictures and step by step instructions of everything she makes. The recipes are delicious too!
  • I eat mine with Garlic, a tiny bit of Salt, Pepper and sprinkled with shredded ramano or parmasan cheese. LOVE IT! That is actually my lunch for today :)
  • Good Morning! Checking in at 144.0.
  • I am officially back and in for the long haul. Looking forward to next round too!!! I missed weigh in on Monday, but I am still the same 144.6, which I have no problem with as I haven't been eating the best or working out....but I am ready to dive back in and lose my last 10!!!!
  • 144.6 for me! Sorry that I have been mia this round...not quite adjusted to my kids crazy schedules now that school has started. I am going to do my best to be more active because I love this group!
  • 144.4 for me!
  • Great Job Ladies!!! I am really shooting for a 1lb loss this week, gonna have to work hard and stick to a healthy eating plan over the weekend! I need to find some new recipes and health foods as I am starting to get tired of my usual grub....gotta mix it up a little I think. Everyone have a great week...see ya Monday!!!
  • 144.8 for me. It's a small loss, but I am actually pretty surprised I had a loss at all with the vacation I went on and then camping this past weekend. My goal this week is to see 143.9! I think I am gonna start the 30DS again and then go back to P90x when I finish that....I think it'll be easier to get that 20+ min…
  • Great Job Ladies! Let's make this next week a great one!!!
  • 145.0 Goals this week...get back to eating clean and drinking my 8-10 cups of water. While it was nice to be on vacation...I really did miss my usual healthy foods. My main goal for this 10 week round is to get to my goal of 140.00....I know I can do it!!!!
  • Hey Ladies...I am traveling this week for work but still trying to stay on top of things and taking advantage of the hotel fitness centers and pools. Please put me down at 145.0 even though I suspect I am lower than that its hard to tell how accurate the hotel scales are so I would rather put it down a little higher...I'll…
  • Hey ladies....hope everyone had a great week. No change for me...145.9
  • Rach, your doing great. I think we all go through those rough patches where we struggle for motivation. I just went through that. Take some time and ease up a little bit (dont' completely JUMP off the wagon) and then kick it into high gear again. I took a few weeks where I just ate well and eased up on the workouts and now…
  • Well. the big workouts and clean eating are paying off! 145.9 for me this week. I am VERY happy with that number!!!
  • My Two Week - Three Pound Challenge...(to myself) I need some help ladies...I have a big goal date coming up. I really wanted to be 40 lbs down by my 6 month date (07/25). I have just 3 lbs. to go. So, here are my goals. 1. BIG workouts! (dual morning/night workouts Sun-Thur) (at least 30 min. Fri/Sat) 2. CLEAN eating!…
  • Goooood Morning Ladies!!! It's a beautiful day here in MN...wish I didn't have to work. I got an early morning run in and I feel GREAT!!! Anyway....it's 147.0 for me this week. Yea! Still moving in the right direction....just not as fast as I would like. My little girlies are gone camping this weekend with their…
  • Hey Ladies! It's 147.5 for me this week. I weighed myself Friday because I knew I'd be consuming a "little" alcohol over the weekend. I am hoping I can sweat the extra weight off over the next few days. Have a great week everyone!!!
  • Great Job Ladies, way to hang in there! I was a little disappointed with my loss this week, but realized that I am still averaging just over 1 lb. per week which cheered me right up. That's where I want to be!!! My goals this week: 1. Eating Cleaner 2. Exercise EVERY DAY for a minimum of 30 min. 3. And...just be proud of…
  • Good Morning Ladies. It's 148.8 for me. Just a .2 loss. I am going to try to get back on schedule this week. I have been having a little trouble staying on course over the weekend with all the activities going on. I think my goals this week are going to be: 1. Not drink any coffee (gonna be hard) 2. Eat Cleaner 3. Drink…
  • Your body will eventually get use to it and you won't be sooo gassy. Ease into it. You don't go from not running to running a marathon in one day do you? No :wink:
  • Bolthouse Farms has some yummy Yogurt dressings and Vinagrettes. They are by the refridgerated dressings. The Honey Mustard is one of my favorites and I believe just 35cal for a 2 T. serving.
  • Good Morning Ladies! It's 149.0 for me this morning. I am really happy with my loss this week. I wish every week were like that...I would be to my goal in no time. I did really well Sun-Wed last week...but struggled on Thur-Sat (didn't workout). Sooo...my goal is to try and get 6 workouts in this week!!!
  • I don't necessarily think that it's running that causes the plateau, but maybe that your body just got used to it and needed a change. It's good to change up your exercise routine just like it is with calorie intake. It confuses the body. I find that if my weight loss starts to stall then if I just change up my exercise…
  • Super Job Ladies....Nice to see the big group hanging in there and sticking to it! This has been a GREAT week for me so far. I have eaten well all week and have gotten my exercise in everyday. I am even starting to notice the infamous "TUMMY" starting to shrink a little!!! I am really looking forward to weighing in on…