Running and Losing Weight



  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I run 3-5 times a weeks and I do my ab circuit and "100 push ups" 3 times a week. That is all the strength training that I do at the moment, but I do sometimes add in squats, lunges, etc. I have been feeling stronger and even though I gained a couple of pounds over the last month, I then lost those 2 pounds plus one more, so I must have done something right.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    OK, so if I'm interpreting all of the info in these posts correctly:

    The change from running 5 days a week to only 2 helped to break the plateau, but it doesn't matter if it was running or biking or whatever that I was doing before, my body just adapted and was in a steady state. So changing things up, be it to strength training/circuit training or another type of workout seemed to have busted the plateau. That makes sense to me.

    I'm still planning to keep up with the running, but at a more modest level. 2 times a week, one interval run and one longer run. And that's in addition to 3 days a week with strength/circuit training. Hopefully this keeps things mixed up enough that I don't get into that steady state again too quickly.

    And I definitely agree with the extra hunger. I was having trouble sticking to my calories because I was STARVING from all the running. Now, I can eat my 1400-1500 calories a day (which I account for as accurately as possible) and I'm fine.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    oh i agree with the hunger! ive been sooo much more hungrier since ive been running! i try to run twice a week now, and do zumba once a week and ive started circuit training as well! so hoping to see same results as you! i think running and zumba were making me sooo much hungrier than i used to be! so changing things up makes sense to me!

    I've been in maintainance for 2 months now and am slowly getting the hang of it but learn something new everyday!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member

    You know I've hit the skids too & I run quite a bit. I NEVER do strength training. I'm horrible about it. So as you've also seen this week I started Jillian's 30 day Shred to help do a change up. In the last 6 months I've been trying to lose the same 10 lbs. The weight is not going anywhere but the inches have been, so I'm not too discouraged. However I'm hoping with the change up of adding the Shred with the strength training in it, that I'll hopefully see some results. So far I'm liking what I'm seeing after only 5 days. I'm going to keep doing my running as well.

    I was very interested to read everyone's posts! Thanks all!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I Loveeee me the Shred. I did that last summer right around this time and I liked the results from it. And it was was actually got me interested in circuit training. After that I moved onto Chalean Extreme and that takes the Shred up a notch. I think it'll definitely help you though :)
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I completely agree!

    I actually gained about 15lbs last year while marathon training...

    This year while training, I am commited to not gaining...!....!... I plan on adding in some weights to the mix to hopefully combat this.
    Oh, and not having the "No Carb Left Behind" motto... I think that may have been a factor for me at least. Last year while training... I ate like a horse telling myself that I was running it off. The truth of the matter, I wasn't running off the massive amounts of pizza and beer that I was consuming. Haha.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member

    You know I've hit the skids too & I run quite a bit. I NEVER do strength training. I'm horrible about it. So as you've also seen this week I started Jillian's 30 day Shred to help do a change up. In the last 6 months I've been trying to lose the same 10 lbs. The weight is not going anywhere but the inches have been, so I'm not too discouraged. However I'm hoping with the change up of adding the Shred with the strength training in it, that I'll hopefully see some results. So far I'm liking what I'm seeing after only 5 days. I'm going to keep doing my running as well.

    I was very interested to read everyone's posts! Thanks all!

    oh i love the shred too! thats my strength training as well! except i dont find one level challenging any more so i usually do 1 and 2 back to back or 1 and 3 back to back! its helped to tone my arms!!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I completely agree!

    I actually gained about 15lbs last year while marathon training...

    This year while training, I am commited to not gaining...!....!... I plan on adding in some weights to the mix to hopefully combat this.
    Oh, and not having the "No Carb Left Behind" motto... I think that may have been a factor for me at least. Last year while training... I ate like a horse telling myself that I was running it off. The truth of the matter, I wasn't running off the massive amounts of pizza and beer that I was consuming. Haha.

    if you use your running as a license to eat (been there, done that) then it is easy to put on weight while marathon training
  • kobzal
    kobzal Posts: 74 Member
    This topic is extremely intersesting. I belong to a running group and we train for 4-5 races per year, ranging from 5ks to half marathons. My last event was a 10 miler over memorial day weekend. Since then I have kind of been taking it easy on the running and this week started p90x. I have been losing weight faster than I expected. Now I am curious when I start running again tomorrow, will I start to slowly gain? I will keep up the p90x with the training and hopefully that will help. I figure as long as I keep a calorie deficit I should be ok. I don't want to give up on running, I want to get faster! =)
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    I don't necessarily think that it's running that causes the plateau, but maybe that your body just got used to it and needed a change. It's good to change up your exercise routine just like it is with calorie intake. It confuses the body. I find that if my weight loss starts to stall then if I just change up my exercise and/or the amount of calories I am taking in it picks back up.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    I used to be a runner long time ago, I ran cross country and track and we always had to do weight training twice a week to makes us stronger and help with our running. I also get the runners world magazine which contains really good articles check this one out it has good information,7120,s6-242-304--13093-0,00.html