

  • im from hertfordshire too, as a matter of fact :o but actually now im living in new zealand :) i'm here everyday around this time so feel free to add me :laugh:
  • yep, this is absolutely fine :) exercise serves the purpose of burning off excess calories / buying extra calories (well, that's the way i see it) but it's ok if you go over the calorie count by a couple hundred every now and again, just try not to make it a habit, i guess? :)
  • processed sugars are just automatic weight gain according to my exercise guru brother, fruits have good sugars so its all ok. stay with the fresh fruits and only count the sugar of processed foods and chemically altered sugars etc. but really don't worry about the sugar allowance it's stupid, i'd go onto my diary settings…
  • i fluctuate heeaapss. like im prone to it i can fluctuate anywhere from 113 to 121 pounds (my normal weight being 114.5 lbs) but usually around my period ill seemingly gain 2 to 4 pounds and then ill just have dropped it once its over. I don't like to weigh around then because it makes me feel like a failure even though I…
  • Because my sister has poly-cystic ovaries it has lead to her being a total skinny-minny, she's 5"2 and weighs in at 92 lbs (crazy!! but she's not unhealthy, fortunately she's allowed to ignore her bmi because it's not putting her health at risk at all) I've never been able to fit her jeans. Ever ever. I have legs like the…
  • I'd like to know too, soo bump :)
  • mm this is difficult because i find the lowest calorie breakfasts in my cupboards are 2 ryvita biscuits with low cholestrol butter & marmite or 2 weetabix with skim milk (the prior being lower in cals) I would suggest googling it but to be honest it really doesn't matter what you have for breakfast as long as you're having…
  • 9:28 in Auckland, New Zealand :)
  • I'm sort of interested since im not really into lifting myself but i go to the gym with my brother 3 times a week (he actually goes every day but i only go on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) My brother goes every day between 4 and 8 pm and he does 4 sets of 10 reps of each thing he does - he doesn't follow a strict…
  • I can really see the difference in your arms, face and stomach, well done and keep it up, you look absolutely gorgeous :)
  • Just avoid anything in batters, breads, rices and the pappadums to avoid carbs. I'm not sure if you're going down this road, but they tend to use coconut milk and such in butter chicken sauce which has high fat content (depending on what kind of coconut milk and how much and whatever) so avoid that if you don't like that,…
  • 6 glasses a day is minimum, 8 is recommended. For me drinking water has the IMMEDIATE effect of making me hungry, but I combat this by drinking a glass with lunch and dinner (i drink tea with breakfast) and drinking my remaining 4 - 6 glasses slowly over the day (i carry arround a 750 ml pump water bottle). I found…
  • im 20 and I have a semi colon tattooed on my forearm (what it lacks in design it makes up for in meaning) feel free to add me, although i don't quite fit the requirements D:
  • i'll be here for my next 20lbs and i plan on using this app religiously (i can be very very motivated if i want to be!) so feel free to add me if you want someone who will be on around this time every night for the next couple of months :)
  • Very guilty :( I survived on 300 - 600 calories for about 3 weeks and lost a hefty amount but i started fainting and feeling dizzy a lot so I stopped (i'm prone to such things, unfortunately) I'm now trying to hit at least 1200 every day - eating under 1000 has a lot of side effects and baggage that I'm not willing to deal…
  • I hope you're ok and doing well, I originally joined late 2011 but finally got the motivation to do something with this website. I added you :)
  • I'm not a huge fan of water (in fact i only started drinking properly when i rejoined mfp two weeks ago) I carry a 750ml pump bottle with me to work and make sure i drink at least two of those. I'm not crazy on water but even if I'm not thirsty I'll have a glass with lunch and dinner (i have tea with breakfast) and sip…
  • Your body can naturally accomodate a binge or two, it'll even it out and you probably wont even see the scales even budge!! In the long run, this will do nothing, and in the short run (besides making you feel a tad guilty) it won't do much either! Just look after yourself and stick to the goals, if you're under or over by…
  • Dieting and eating healthy and having the self restraint to say 'NO' to that extra plate of food is very different to any kind of eating disorder or compulsive exercise routine. People with eating disorders that go to far to get too skinny are the people that set goals for themselves so inachievable that they can't stop…
  • Hi, i've finally got the motivation to actually DO something about my feelings of self hatred - I mean, who wants to hate themselves? I'd LOVE to love myself, so that's what I'm working at. I'll be here for the next 20 lbs (or until self adoration occurs) so feel free to add me c:
  • think - what do you enjoy? it differs for everyone, but I now do yoga for 40 minutes on Sundays, running, biking and the crosstrainer and my gym on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and my little self-sculpted aerobics/yoga/dance routine every night for 30 minutes. I prefer to be on my own to exercise (then other people…
  • i've been a member under a different name since late 2011, but i created this new account a) because i can't remember my login credentials and b) because it's a fresh slate and i felt that would give me more motivation to lose the weight i need to i'm going to be here for the next 20 lbs so feel free to add me c:
  • You didn't gain weight, just one of the scales is slightly inaccurate or they're both slightly inaccurate. Use whichever you prefer - if using the digital ones just accept the new starting point. To be honest to ME it's not how much I weigh but more how I look and how I feel. Yesterday I felt like I had amazingly skinny…
  • chocolate <3 Augh I'm craving chocolate so much :c i must get some dark chocolate next time i'm out at the shops for a little treat, i feel i deserve it!
  • does english living in new zealand but visiting australian relatives on an annual basis count?
  • My friend olivia has awful awful knee pain but has invested in knee supports and stretches her legs and keeps moving because she's adamant it helps. Maybe check a doctor if the pain continues, I do have occasional knee strain but it goes away over the day. Also yes, as above, go to a shoe shop where you can get…
  • Always varies since it's not always me buying (i live with my mum at intervals if i just get sick of being alone, i hate being lonely) But since I started eating better, my most recent shopping list was something like this: light ricotta cheese ryvita wholegrain crackers chicken breast eye fillet steak quorn light…
  • You seem to be eating pretty healthily and being under your calorie intake some days in ok, just as is being over. You should aim for your goal though, and if you're under the goal at the end of the day treat yourself - i like nuts and dark chocolate, it's my way of telling myself good job for sticking to healthy eating :)
  • I figured this when I went to my third or fourth RPM class at my old gym. They'd gotten new bikes with calorie counters and at the end of the workout it said i burnt 450 calories (roughly, i can't really remember), when on MFP it said i burnt 600. I go to the gym three times a week and it tells me how many calories i burn…