I need some new friends.

Hello everyone :)

I'm Kendra. I'm 29 and I need some new, motivating friends. I go through stages of using this app religiously and then not touching it for a while. Lately I have been really frustrated that my older, bigger clothes are fitting me more than my skinnier. newer clothes and after months and months of saying, "I'll start tomorrow or next week", I'm fed up. So here I am asking for some great friends who will help motivate me for the long haul and I hope I can do the same in return! Add me if you'd like :)


  • miissnessa
    miissnessa Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Kendra! I'm the same way. I'll be on here a lot and then I'll just stop coming on and tracking my calories/exercise. I'll be your friend and I'll help motivate you. :)
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    you're welcome to add me, i'm always motivated!
  • blondley
    blondley Posts: 38 Member
    Heyyy! I added you! :)
  • Darryl4126
    Darryl4126 Posts: 267 Member
    You can add me I post my exercise daily
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    feel free to add me, I am very motivated to reach my goals.
  • anniemarianas
    i'll be here for my next 20lbs and i plan on using this app religiously (i can be very very motivated if i want to be!) so feel free to add me if you want someone who will be on around this time every night for the next couple of months :)
  • jessicafk11
    jessicafk11 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • RudHart64
    RudHart64 Posts: 53 Member
    Been at it fairly religiously for the past few months, totally get what you mean...sometimes a kick in the pants is what we all need to get us moving towards them smaller pants.

    Feel free to add
  • baneboy
    baneboy Posts: 65
    feel free 2 add me also,I love encouraging and supporting the inspiring members of this site! I've made great friends here so far who motivate me everyday! this is the year we achieve our goals! so glad I have supportive, motivated and just top notch peeps on here to help me along! I hope 2 return the favour! ur all inspiring and awesome!
  • gates49512
    gates49512 Posts: 31 Member
    I just added you, feel free to do the same.