Crossing the invisible line...

I went for seconds last night at dinner, had my extra food and sat down on the couch ready to dig in. Then, I stopped and took a second look at the food and thought, 'This is not worth regretting later', then I went and dumped the food back in the pan. I just knew I would be feeling like I had blew my whole day within seconds of my last bite. Then I would've felt bad today too.

But here is my problem. I've lost 25 pounds and could still lose 10 pounds, so am still watching my food intake closely. But I met this lady this week that had CLEARLY taken diet and exercise too far. She looked like the crypt keeper, like a husk, dried up and cold. I wanted to buy her a sandwich...bad. So here's the thing. It made me think about what a fine line I'm walking with the new habits I'm trying to form. And honestly, I'm a little scared. It's not that I want to give up because I'm afraid of the inverse of fat...I'm just worried about crossing a line because I don't know quite where that line is..


  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    You are over thinking it. Eat at a small deficit,lift,rest,repeat and you will come out looking fabulous!
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    You have to know what is a good weight for you. Work to achieve that weight by eating sensibly and maintaining areasonable amount of healthy activity. Like so many things, moderation is key.
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    I am definitely over thinking it. Thanks. Not to quote LOR but, it's been a shadow of a threat in my mind for a while. And as to what is a good weight for me...Holy crap that is a hard thing to know. So for my height it's anywhere between umm lets see...140-113. yeah. Who makes these rules? 113 is too small. I;m 133. I am thinking 125 is perfect...and probably feels like...hungry.
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    I was afraid of that as well, but don't worry. You'll know when you go into that zone, and as long as you keep your goals clear and healthy you won't ever have to worry about it.

    Congratulations on putting back the food though!
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    I am definitely over thinking it. Thanks. Not to quote LOR but, it's been a shadow of a threat in my mind for a while. And as to what is a good weight for me...Holy crap that is a hard thing to know. So for my height it's anywhere between umm lets see...140-113. yeah. Who makes these rules? 113 is too small. I;m 133. I am thinking 125 is perfect...and probably feels like...hungry.

    Ditch the scale.Start tracking your Body Fat %
    Check this out -
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks everyone! Here is a good question. Know that most of you are dudes so you are probably eating more but I am keeping calorie intake at about 1,400 a day. I feel like this is reasonable. 1,200 make me a _itch. So, how many calories do you guys eat? What is reasonable to everyone else?
  • anniemarianas
    Dieting and eating healthy and having the self restraint to say 'NO' to that extra plate of food is very different to any kind of eating disorder or compulsive exercise routine.

    People with eating disorders that go to far to get too skinny are the people that set goals for themselves so inachievable that they can't stop until they die (or get treatment, i pray!) but eating healthy and losing weight means setting a goal and KNOWING when you want to stop because it's when you feel comfortable with yourself.

    You will know when to stop and once you've stopped you'll be able to eat an appropriate amount to maintain your weight :)

    BTW:: I eat between 1000 and 1200 calories a day (i'm not a super hungry person!!) but when i fall below the 1000 line i'll make it up with dark chocolate and nuts, my way of saying 'well done!' to myself for eating healthily c: it all depends on each person and how much they weigh and how much activity they get in as to how many calories they should consume when trying to lose weight, so don't think you're eating too much haha!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    My daily net goal, to lose half a pound a week, is 1760. Thanks to exercise calories, I usually eat about 2000-2500. "Reasonable" to me is a small deficit, so that I can continue to lose fat slowly while retaining as much muscle as possible, and without feeling deprived.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I agree that you will know the weight you feel right at. It drives me crazy that the "healthy range" can be between 113-133. You already said "you know" 113 is too low for you & you think 125 is right so this shows me that you are smart about this - you've already realized what's too much weight loss. The other woman didn't appear to know her limits. Something tells me you'll be fine

    And bravo on putting back the seconds - I know if I had eaten a 2nd helping I would have beaten myself up afterwards. And its not worth the extra stress (and workouts!).
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    to be honest you've overthought this! If you are saying you could comfortably lose another 10lbs, then how would you look like a shrivelled husk of a person?
    Stop putting so much thought into the end result, maybe stop hanging around the crypt keeper and scaring yourself! One day at a time my love.... that's all any of us can do, you'll know when you look just right.
  • fakeuntilumakeit

    I started my weight lose after a person asked if I was expecting! How rude! Well actually a couple of people. I did get bloating , still do but was within my bmi and although maybe the top end, considered myself healthy for my height 5ft 7 11 stone. However this did make me paranoid and eventually I motivated myself to do something about it. I've lost a stone since feb, but since dropping to 1200 a day felt awful grouchy, shaky etc, and was exercising 5/6 times a week from pretty much no exercise. I gotta say I've caught myself a few times thinking how far could this go, and experimented with the charts to see if I could get down to pre pregnancy weight 8.6 stone. But I don't think that was ever healthy at the time so I'm gonna settle a little higher in weight and bugger the comments. If I drop to 9.7 stone my new realistic goal then great, if not then tough. I'm healthy for my height, and my body has changed since I had my first child 14 years ago. Defo scary how far you can get involved with it all especially with a few obsessional friends in the mix, but I found the fat to fit site great at giving healthy sustainable goals, and guess what I was already healthy to begin with. Now where that cake.:happy:
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Make the invisible line visible. Define the line for you. Find a picture of where you want to be, and keep it for reference of the minimum weight at which you would like to be. If your fears materialize and you go skeletal, you'll at least know when it's time to call the psychologist. :)