Weeblessings Member


  • I take a TBS of Olive Oil, Grapeseed oil, Coconut Oil or if you have Almond oil on hand too... and add 3-4 drops of pepperiment essential oil and rub it over my ENTIRE stomach area (From the rib cage to my pelvic bones, and both sides), it helps. You can also take a couple of different homeopathic remedies that are gear…
  • I didn't read all the comments, so forgive me if I repeat anything that's been said. but in my experience if you eat more traditional, home made scratch meals, you will lose weight. You gain weight being gluten free by eat the PROCESSED, heavily caloried dense PREMADE foods. There is NOT enough money in the world that will…
  • It's so nice to see so many people being gluten free. I've been gluten free 6yrs and dairy free almost 4yrs. Feel free to add me as well. :-)
  • Believe what you want, but this has come from a organization that has researched all of this stuff, companies fill out detailed information in order to be "approved" to have their products on the Feingold list. So it is the truth, otherwise this preservative would be okay for consumption. But it's not. It's not been okay…
  • A couple of things. I think you could be over eating on the weekends, since you aren't tracking what you are eating/drinking on the weekends. You also may not be getting enough water. You are supposed to be drinking half your body weight of water every day, and if you are very active, you'll probably need to up it...just a…
  • Commerical dyes have long been known to cause health issues. In Europe many of our popular foods are made dye free over there. I'm not saying these are healthy, just that they are made without petroluem (sp) commerical dyes: Kraft Mac n Cheese is made with yellow dye 5 and 6 here in the US, NOT in Europe. Fruit Loops is…
  • One of the many problems i have with GMO's is the fact they are effecting the bees and other beneficial insects. Our bee keeper said he and several other people he knows personally have see this for themselves. He raisies his bee hives by flowers and organic farming, he's had very few bees die off during the winter. His…
  • Our kitchen is 99% gluten free. We have a 4 slice toaster, one side is labeled gluten free, we have a dedicated gluten free toaster oven, and for pasta the once in a blue moom my husband wants regular gluten pasta, we have a small pot/ strainer dedicated to his gluten stuff. And a few snacks that are gluten (for my…
  • I'm a SAHM of 4 kids, my husband is gone from Sunday to friday evenings. So what I do is I go for walks or my bike rides with kids. I put on music and we all dance. Hec my 3yr old expects me to hold him while I dance. Also I do strength training excerises without weights. My youngest loves to lay on the floor and I'll do…
  • I agree, even if the store looks like a tornado when threw it, I'd still go there, to stock up on their GF pasta, and other gluten free foods. With Child Support, since he owes arrears, you are stuck with them taking 50% of his pay AND tax returns till arrears are paid off. Once they arrears are paid off, they can NO…
  • Be leary of margaine butters, I have yet to find one that was milk free, and if it's not dairy free we react. So we stick with the earth balance butter. Also when cooking with flours, until you get the hang of gluten free baking, I'd still with the gluten free all purpose flours with Xanthum gum already added...it makes…
  • I disagree about 2weeks, you need to be aleast 30 days when going gluten, dairy or soy free. For some strange reason these particular foods LOVE LOVE to hold on to the body. I have heard from people feeling effcts from these 3 even up to 6mos free!!! Surprising. I am gluten and dairy free as well. Several members of my…
  • Cooking with Coconut oil is so much better for you then oilve oil. Make sure that your olive oil is real olive oil. The ones in the clear color bottles apparently are mixed with canola oil. :-( SO we started buying oil that has the California Olive council seal on the bottle. Because in California it needs to be pure olive…
  • We buy it by the gallon, thru Wilderness Natural Family. We use it for everything, cooking, in my smoothies, as lotion and etc. It lasts about 3mos.
  • My kids are very aware of food, both good and bad due to several members in our family including myself have food allergies. We also don't allow anything with Aspartame in the house, no HFCS, no artifical dyes, preservatives. Before anyone freaks out my kids still get treats, but they are the made from scratch kind. :) My…
  • I use GF oatmeal, but I put ground flaxseed meal, some brown sugar, or something raw local honey....sometimes fruit too.
  • Okay, Nevermind. my kids are still sleeping. Okay here it goes.Sorry this will be long, and I will be rambling, cause it's 5/6am in the morning and I'm only partly thru my 1st cup of coffee. lol. Check out the follow blogs, they are awesome!!! glutenfreeonashoestring.com, crockpot365.blogspot.com,…
  • You need to find a way. I totally understand about the budget. But did you know that Celiacs increase their rates of GI cancers, Lyphomas by over 70% if they have Celiac Disease and continue to eat gluten? People that are just gluten senstive do not have this risk. There are more health risks then just that for people with…
  • Just 1 THING?! lol. Sorry we love Trader Joe's. We only get to go about 1x a month since it's 2.5hrs drive away from us. SO we stock up on gluten free brown rice noodles, almond milk, fresh produce, the pepperiment shampoo/conditioner, enviro kidz gluten free gorilla munch cereal for our kids, granola, milk, eggs...and as…
  • I have Celiac, am casien free, allergic to jalenpos. My daughter is at least gluten intolerant (No confirmed Celiac), and casein free. My 3rd child is casien free, NO HFCS (unless you want him to become a demon child), youngest son is gluten intolerant (No confirmed Celiac), and casein free from birth, found out at 9mos he…
  • And considering that the wheat of today is not the wheat that was traditionally grown even 50yrs ago, I'd stay FAR away from it, even if I didn't have to anymore. I have Celiac, but it took a long time getting that diagosis. I had SEVERAL negative testing before I finally got the postive.
  • Welcome! I'm new to the MFP world too.We have many food allergies in this house, including gluten
  • I'm new to the group. My name is Carlena. I'm a SAHM of 4 kids( 15.5/13.5/6.5 and 3), who have a varity of needs. On top of many food allergies (gluten, dairy, egg, peanut, and we follow the feingold diet), my oldest and only daughter has Asperger's, my oldest son has 2 TBI's and a birth injury to the brain, we suspect the…
  • I use the RAW protien from Garden of Life. It's Vegan, Gluten free AND no junk. I need to eat a lot of protien, so I use that, eggs, nuts
    in Protein Comment by Weeblessings May 2013
  • I'm 5'8 and my goal is 160lbs. I go lower then that, and I'd look like I had an eating disorder, because I look to skinny. My husband is glad that I still want to have some meat on my bones, and hold on to my curves, he doesn't like super skinny women. Which is good, since being a mom of 4 kids and being in my middle 30's…
  • Wow!! Girl what do you drink besides water? What do you cook with? We use almond milk and coconut milk as our dairy alternatives.
  • One of my kids' favorite meals, and it reheats great for leftovers we call Cowboy stew. We take 1lb of hamburger and 1 can of gluten free Heinz baked beans. It doesn't have HFCS in it either. We brown the hamburger with 2TBS of coconut oil (any oil of your choice), I also had 2-3TBS of flaxseed meal as I'm browning the…
  • Thank you - Aida! We include some Paleo recipes and meals, but at this time my kids and I can't go totally Paleo yet. They would revolt against me with all the dietary changest I've forced on them this year. lol. Besides our meals being gluten and dairy free for 3-5yrs, are meals are also egg free for that length of time,…
  • Thanks! I've been gluten free for 5yrs, and dairy free for almost 3yrs, but found out my hormones were contributing to preventing my weight loss. Frustrated when I look at all these weight loss websites and the menu plans are all geared for regular people with no food allergies. And all my friends that are gluten free, are…
  • It sounds like Reactive Hypogylemcia or general Hypogylecemcia. I'm have RH, and if I don't get enough protien thru out the day, I crash and my blood sugars tank. All the symptoms you describe are exactly like me and several others I know that have RH have. Just a thought.