msurads06 Member


  • Don't forget about walking laps of the store!! I work in a small hospital and when things are slow I will walk up and down the halls or around the building. Squats and wall pushups or pushups on crates are ideas. Not knowing what may be on the floor, I personally wouldn't want to get on the ground for regular pushups. You…
  • I will do this especially if there is a day coming up I know I will be going over. I live in North Texas and once a month I go to Dallas with a group of friends for dinner and we usually stop for icecream on the way home. These days I am almost guaranteed to go over so I "bank" my calories during the week that week. I…
  • I usually eat back most of my calorie adjustment just like I do with exercise. My activity level varies pretty significantly from day to day with some days being sedentary and some being pretty active. I have my account set for negative adjustments so on days I am less active I get to eat fewer calories. Its pretty rare…
  • I only walk on a treadmill as my cool down after may main workout, but its still usually 15-30 min. I find that music and tv help. but what really works for me I set my e-reader on the treadmill and read as I do my time, I usually end up going over what I had planed because I get so into what I am reading!!
  • I work in healthcare as a Radiologic Technologist. I am not "over weight", but I work with several people who are. From what I have seen I think that those who are truly overweight or even morbidly obese are not able to provide patient care as effectively as someone in a more "ideal" weight. The physical demands and…
  • I have been doing this for a while, one day a month (or every other month) I will have a cooking day. I will make 2-4 "entrees" usually casseroles or soups/stews. then portion them out into individual portions and freeze. When mealtime comes I just make a salad or steam some veggie and chow down. I work evenings and this…
    in Food Prep Comment by msurads06 May 2013
  • I love my fitbit, I have had the zip for a little less than a week and I feel it has really helped me. My activity level is extremely variable due to my job, on a slow day I may be sedentary and spend most of the shift reading/ surfing the internet. While on a busy day I may spend the entire 8-16 hours on the go. it really…
  • In this situation I will usually make some brown/wild rice and pour the sauce over the rice. I get fiber and carbs from the rice and the sauce gives the rice flavor without adding butter, etc, especially since you have already accounted for the calories. You could probably do the same with potatoes if you prefer.
  • How much sodium do you get a day? I would probably discuss this with my doctor, there is a blood test that can check your sodium levels to see if they are too low. While most Americans get too much, it is possible to get too little sodium, It is necessary for your body to function correctly.
  • Last week is the only week I have data for but averaged a little less than 2000 per day, some more some less.
  • I actually ran into a similar situation one day this weekend I had been eating on target most of the day, come dinner time things went nuts at work (I work at a hospital) and I only got to eat about 1/2 of what I had planned. Between missing calories and all the extra walking from running back and forth over the next few…
  • I use them instead of beans in a lot of recipes (think chili, soup), My favorite thing about lentils is that I don't have to soak them overnight since I always seem to forget with beans. There a lot of recipes online, here is one from runners world that I tried and liked:…
  • You could manually set your calories if you want to. I almost never hit my calorie limit no matter where it is set, I will usually leave 1-200cal on the table at the end of the day (Not necessarily intentional, more psychological) so I set MFP and FB at loose 1/2 lb/week then added about 50 cal to my limit. I still leave…
  • You may want to see a physician you could have a hormone problem, not just a low cal/protein problem, You could even print out/ take your journal entries for a typical week with you to show the doc where you stand.
  • My favourite work outs are walks/ bike rides in nice weather and spinning. I am just getting back into working out after several years of relative inactivity. My current gym doesn't offer spin classes but there are two spin bikes available so I downloaded some of the free "demos" from motiontraxx. From 15 min to 1 hour…
  • I think this is the reason my extended cool down works, it gives the muscles a chance to work out a lot of the Lactic acid they have built up from the unaccustomed activity.
  • One thing that worked for me (atleast my legs) when I first started doing spin classes was to do a looooooong cool down. Once class was over hop on the tread mill I start at 3.5mph and drop .5mp each 5 minutes until I get to 2mph. starting at 3.0 might work too but I am a fast walker so I like to start at 3.5. You might be…
  • I get my gym membership for free because it is attached to the hospital where I work and employees get free memberships. Regular memberships are $40/ month. Its not a very big gym mostly cardio machines with dumbbells and some weight machines. Classes are also offered for an additional charge. This is a small town approx.…
  • For me its usually Tuesday on the rare occasion I go to the theater and I go to the first show of the day so I don't have to deal with crowds and rudeness, One of the good things about working nights, I can go grocery shopping/movies, etc. while everyone else is at work. Carmike has $1 small drinks and popcorn on Tuesdays,…
  • My fave is balasamic vinegar with pepper and chopped fresh herbs, by varying the herbs its different every time, I usually add a little olive oil to help with absorption of vitamins, but on occasion have just used the vinegar. I keep herbs growing in a pot by the back door so all I have to do is step outside and snip off a…
  • I am 5'10 I am currently at 165 my goal weight is 155 though I am more interested in fitting into some of the clothes I have grown out of than the specific #. In an Ideal world I would love to be 145-150 which is where I was at 23 when I finished college. But I think 155 is probably more realistic for me now heading into…
  • I don't think I could get through the day without snacks, I usually have 2-4 snacks (5-7 "meals") depending on my work schedule and when I get up/go to bed. If I don't snack I either get too hungry and over eat ( sometimes to the point of feeling ill) at the next meal or I have trouble getting to sleep (esp after a 3 am…
  • Used to be exclusively at home/outdoors. I now have free access to a gym 3 blocks from my house so this week I started going there, I really like the feedback I get from the cardio machines telling me how hard I am working/calories, etc. Bonus, I walk there and back adds 40 calories burned to my workout!!! I enjoyed going…
  • I think this is how it works since the more steps, the more calories you burn. For things like elliptical/bike riding you will have to manually enter the calories. I am waiting on mine to come in the mail. I chose the zip for the price and because I really don't encounter stairs on a regular basis in my everyday life, if I…
  • I actually tend to prefer spinach salads to lettuce salads or I will blend the two. I like a little something crunchy (croutons, nuts, seeds, etc). Then I will throw in what ever veggies I happen to have on hand (tomatoes, cucumbers, snow/sugar snap peas, carrots, etc) or sometimes just eat the greens. You can also add…
  • Godiva is definitely great but a little pricy so its a real treat (p.s.) if you sign up for their rewards program you get a free piece every month. No purchase necessary, just go into the boutique and they can scan your card and give you a free piece out of the case. Of course this only works if you live near a store.…