treadmill ADD

Does anyone else feel like they uave some sort of attention span disorder when jogging/running on the treadmill? I have never been much of a runner and probably never ran much more than a mile in my life even when I was fit. I have been jogging on my treadmill with some success but my downfall is not physical endurance as much as it is mental. I get bored and feel like stopping so I do just that.

I have a 26.5 mile circuit for my bike rides and I feel as if I can go on forever.

Running outside is not an option as I fear my weight will mess my knees up over time.

Anyone else know this feel or have some words of wisdom?


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I am the same way. I try to do interval training when I am running on the treadmill because that breaks everything up for me and gives me a goal to aim for. Otherwise I run outside. It's so much less boring.
  • TLHarwick
    TLHarwick Posts: 44 Member
    ITunes movies or tv shows?

    I typically run while catching up on my tv shows for the week (with my iPad)...

    I also do intervals, that way it doesn't seem so long.

    oh - and if you can find a track - they are made of that squishy surface which is much more forgiving on the knees. I have a torn ACL (small tear, never repaired) that acts up sometimes when I run on the road, but never at the track!
  • lindabee77
    lindabee77 Posts: 14 Member
    I have to do interval workouts on the treadmill or I get really bored. Here is a site that I get workouts may give you some ideas.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Treadmills make me hate running.

    And I love running.

    If forced to run indoors, I either use a track or do intervals on an elliptical.
  • msurads06
    msurads06 Posts: 66 Member
    I only walk on a treadmill as my cool down after may main workout, but its still usually 15-30 min. I find that music and tv help. but what really works for me I set my e-reader on the treadmill and read as I do my time, I usually end up going over what I had planed because I get so into what I am reading!!
  • suzyv98
    suzyv98 Posts: 9 Member
    I am currently doing the couch 2 5k app on my phone so she talks to me and tells me when to run and walk etc. But while that app is running I have my Zombies' Run app running as well. This app gives you a story line to follow. basically you are a runner going out and doing things for them. they talk to you and then they play your music and it goes back and forth. I find it amusing and I find myself looking forward to hearing the next part in the story. It does make the time go much faster and I jog more waiting to hear whats next.

    Good Luck
  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    I listen to my headphones. My current goal is actually music based and very corny. Run 1.5 miles while listening to Freebird which is around 9:15. I dont think I could watch tv while jogging. Mayhaps ill try using my ipad which would cover the distance display at the same time.
  • Txracy
    Txracy Posts: 78
    I prefer running outdoors, definitely.
    If it's really really downpouring, and I go on the treadmill, I just make sure I have something to watch on TV, or pick a lot of fun songs and really crank the music and get lost in it. Mostly I just tell myself to get through it. I can't stand running on a treadmill anymore since I first started jogging outside.

    Since I also have knee problems, I don't jog on pavement, but I do go on a nearby trail that is dirt and gravel and it's much more forgiving on my bum knee.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    I loath the treadmill. I only use it when New England weather forces me inside. I have a rockin' mix on my iPod of songs I really love and know the words to so I can try to space out to the music and just get through the run.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Ugh me too...and TV shows don't make it any more interesting. I find that it is much more interesting when I do some tough intervals, that's all that keeps me from stopping.
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    I unfortunately have to use the treadmill A LOT and am the same way. Intervals help a lot...covering the distance an time with a towel and counting songs helps me a lot. Also i have a small tv and dvd player in front of mine. Hoping to get to the point where I can run an entire Harry Potter movie again!
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I have a very severe case of it as well. Interval training makes the time go by more quickly. Also, I listen to podcasts like Fat2fit Radio and Jillian Michaels. Sometimes I'll try to read on my Kindle Fire, but it's hard to do when running intervals.
  • enigmachik
    enigmachik Posts: 150
    I love running outside. When I run outside I often feel as though I could run forever. When I run on a treadmill I can hardly stand more than a five minutes before I want to jump off a cliff from the boredom. I know you said you don't want to run outside, but honestly you might want to consider giving it a try. It makes a world of difference.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Yup, the mental part sucks. I cover the display for what I hope is the first 30 minutes. After that it's like- What's another 5 minutes, or 10, heck lets make it an even 50 minutes. May as well do 10 more for the hour etc

    That first half hour sucks though!

    I like to get on at 6:45 so after 15 minutes Jeopardy come on TV. when that's over I am at 45 and then play the mental game above to get the last 15 in.
  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    Zombie ap looks fun-thanks for the suggestion!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    Do you already have bad knees? Running on a softer surface - like trails or a soft track - shouldn't be any worse for your knees than the treadmill, and far more mentally stimulating.
  • missmidge84
    missmidge84 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm the exact same way! I haven't figured out how to make it easier. I'm going to try watching something on my Kindle and hope I don't accidentally throw it off the little shelf!
  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    My knees are fine now but I want to keep them that way. My treadmill actually has a plywood deck that really absorbs the impact. I may try to run on the bike path to see how I like it.

    Thanks for all the tips. Glad to see others had the same issue and were able to work around it.
  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    I'm the exact same way! I haven't figured out how to make it easier. I'm going to try watching something on my Kindle and hope I don't accidentally throw it off the little shelf!

    I have gotten tangled up with my headphones and launced my phone off the shelf a few times.
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    This is exactly how I feel! Just get so bored. It's OK when I do intervals though. Not going to have access to a gym for a while now so going to try taking up running outdoors and hope I get a bit better at it!