Period help!!

So I used to weight about 165 a year ago and gradually lost weight eating 1500 calories while running. About four months ago I started eating about 2000 calories to maintain on 127 (I'm 5'8) However, I'm a vegetarian and didn't get enough protein. I lost my period and started suffering from anxiety. I began to eat about 2500 calories making sure I get enough protein and fats and gained to be around 131 (which i'm fine with) Anyway, my period was gone and came back. I started to eat 2000 again to maintain weight because I don't want to gain more but my period hasn't returned again... What should I do?? I need help. Thanks.


  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Are you sure you're not just irregular? How old are you? Are you getting in your sufficient macro AND micro nutrients?(vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, fats). Are you stressed?

    What do you weigh and what's your daily activity like?
  • msurads06
    msurads06 Posts: 66 Member
    You may want to see a physician you could have a hormone problem, not just a low cal/protein problem, You could even print out/ take your journal entries for a typical week with you to show the doc where you stand.
  • morrisseylover
    No I'm not, I never have been in my whole life. I'm 19 and I get enough of all of those. Maybe not as much fats but I eat a lot of protein and nuts.

    I weight about 131, I'm 5'8... and I run everyday for about 20-30 minutes and do some light yoga. I'm definitely not sedentary and I eat 2000 calories (mostly veggies, peanut butter, nuts, bread, salmon, shrimp, black beans, etc)
  • morrisseylover
    And I didn't have my period for about four months. I stopped running and ate 2500 calories and it came back but when I went back to 2000 calories and running (eating back the calories I worked off) it stopped coming.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    That doesn't sound's as if when you run and exercise they go

    Make a appointment at your doctors to get this checked.....maybe because your first weight was quite low for your height??

    Are you eating complex carbs and diary??

    Getting enough iron???
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Too much exercise can cause elevated cortisol levels (and mess with other hormones) which could hinder ovulation and hence cause irregular and absent periods. See if a decrease in your running will help.