

  • Good Morning Everyone! I Know you can achieve your goals. I lost 87 lbs and my wife lost 80!!! If we can do it! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • Hey Yall! Check out my p90x 2011 Transformation! I hope it helps motivate... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rvgiyoqXRM&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL Bring It Yall!
  • quick abs update.... New diet is working! :)
  • Hey Yall!!! Check out my Week 10 update Video... BooM! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_Ae7TQRom4
  • Ok Yall... Here is our new Group! Invite anyone you want... Tell everyone about Team X! BooM! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/431-team-x-warriors
  • Team X!!!!!!! Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!! :explode: How are we all doing? I am so sorry that I haven't been available to get on here. I have MAJOR guilt about this. Time is so limited right now, but that is no excuse. I am here and I am pushing play every single day. I need to make time…
  • Hey yall!!! How is everyone doing? Are we hanging in here? Are we pushing play? BRINGING IT??? :explode: I had Chest and back this morning.... Crushed it! Boom! I was yelling at Tony during ARX again because my legs were screaming from yesterday! haha... Keep it up yall... and dont forget to check in! We need ya! Drew p.s.…
  • JayBone!!!! You freaking BEAST!!!!!! BooooooooooooooooooM! Killing this thing.... look at those abs man! I have to say... none of us know each other personally, but I am VERY proud of you dude! You are ripped up! Congrats sir! Everyone else...;Wendy, Ro, Miss p90x, Sassy, Mike, ucsb, Mocha... EVERYONE! Keep it up... we are…
  • Day 60 update pictures... Keep it up yall! 1 more month! :explode: There ya go.... Im VERY happy with the results.... Bring it yall! Boom! Drew :explode:
  • Hey Yall! BooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooM! :explode: I am feeling good! Feeling Strong... Feeling motivated! Day 60! Check out my week 9 update video! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO94DLpPiJo Have a good one yall! Drew p.s. Freakin bring it!
  • Hey Yall :explode: Checkin in with ya really quick... Sorry I don't have more time to comment on everyone's updates... :sad: I did back and bis today! Awesome workout man.... I increased almost all of my numbers and my muscles are DEFINITELY increasing in size since a increased my calorie intake and started on the…
  • Hey Yall! :) Just checking in... I am sooooo busy. I did chest, back and tris today w/ ARX and I loved it! This past weekend was one heck of a beast with moving and all, but I feel great to be relativiely back to normal. I apologize for not checking in as much as usual, but I promise to get back in here as much as I can!…
  • Hey Yall!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: I apologize for being MIA the last couple of days... I have been moving. Its interesting, the idea I had in my head of being able to move myself, my fiance, and my former roommate and still work out hard was not very logical. I am absolutely exhausted and my body is twisted and bent…
  • Hey mocha! :) Welcome... This group has a number of different starting points... Most of us are around day 50, but we would love to have you on board! Congrats on finishing up ripped in 30, get ready to bring it! P90X is a beast and is soooo worth it! Feel free to update anytime you want... questions, comments, concerns,…
  • Oh My Goodness.... You guys are the freaking BEST! Thank you so much for your help... IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!:flowerforyou: I feel much better today... especially after reading all of your comments. Wendy... what can I say. YOU are unbelievably supportive. Thank You. Your coach is a beast! Im going to look further…
  • Hey Yall... I need to vent for a second. My deal is this freaking diet. I have a total mental block going on. Im supposed to be taking in 2400 calories a day so I can capitalize on the weight I lost over the past 50 days, but I am having a REALLY hard time doing that. I am outright terrified that I will put this unwanted…
  • Hey Yall!!! The Champ Is Here! BoooooooooM! :explode: Here is the picture they took with me holding up my prize money! I thought you guys would get a kick out of it... Bring It Yall... keep it up Drew
  • :flowerforyou: Good Morning Good Morning Good Morning Team X!!! Hows everyone feeling on this monday?? I am fantastic... Got a great football burn yesterday and I am ready to start phase 3 today. No rest week for me. Ill try to keep everyone updated on the changes I am making to the program. They are numerous.... Im…
  • Oh my goodness.... Where is everyone? I hope everyone is bringing it like there is no tomorrow.... Im finally recovered from my treacherous thursday filled with double asylum workouts, many layers of clothes, and sauna time. I was totally sapped yesterday, but I am gonna bring it tonight. SO.... Starting monday I am going…
  • :smile: :smile: :smile: :happy: :happy: :happy: :explode: :explode: :explode: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! I did it yall! i won the weight loss competition! Couldn't be more excited! Here is my update video... take a look! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6RMNEeUSKk Bring It Yall! Enjoy your…
  • Oh.... I ALMOST FORGOT!!!!! 50%%%%%%%%%%%%% tick tick tick tick.... Boooooooooooooooom! :explode: HALFWAY THERE YALL.... Believe... Drew
  • Hey Yall!!!! Just a quick update... Its the day before my final weigh in and I am giving it everything I can. All in... Balls out. Im exhausted! Ill update tomorrow with my final weigh in numbers and a new update video... Bring it yall! And wish me luck... Boom! :explode: Drew
  • Hey Yall!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :happy: It makes me EXTREMELY happy to see so many updated yesterday! GREAT GOING YALL! BoooooooooooooooM!!!! :explode: Today was a kick *kitten* workout for me.... Something lit a fire under me and I crushed back and bis (and ARX). On the first set of pull ups, I pulled a 22!!!!! I was…
  • Hey yall! :smile: Well... These are my last 5 days before my final weigh in. The competition is going pretty well, Im not sure how I measure up with the other compeitors, but just knowing i am in this competition gave me enough motivation to reach my goal weight around day 45. Ill be within 1 -2 lbs of the original goal of…
  • Hey Yall!!! Only 49 days left! I just wanted to pop in really quick to let everyone know that I played football today... and my legs are killings me! Its gonna be rough pushing play tomorrow, but I will do it. Keep it up guys... You can do it! I hope you had a fantastic saturday... life is so good! Drew :explode: p.s.…
  • Hey Yal!!! :) Where is everyone today??? Day 40... DAY FORTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! BOOOOOOOOOOOM! Let me hear from you guys! Legs and Back today. I have to admit that I did a lackluster job with this workout. Heres the thing, We have company this weekend. A couple of kids. Ages 10 and 13. I woke up early to get my workout in…