P90X Support Group...



  • Oh.... I ALMOST FORGOT!!!!! 50%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    tick tick tick tick.... Boooooooooooooooom! :explode:


  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Man oh man... Back and Bi's is absolutely killer! I love it!! And to think this is the workout I hated a couple of weeks ago because I kept having to change my weights. Well I've got 2 sets of bars now and I've also figured out that I can get to my max with plenty of time left on the clock so if I need to change weights then as long as I know what weight I'm going for next, I have plenty of time to do it without pausing the DVD at all.

    Increased my weight and/or reps on most moves. The ones near the end I bonked a bit and couldn't get as many reps as last week even with the same weight, but I reckon that was to do with bringing it so hard on the earlier part. Increased my unassisted pullups by 1 for the whole routine but my overall pullup count including unassisted was down.

    MAN am I ready for a nice recovery week. I've been thinking of swapping out Plyo for Cardio X next week, just because that right ankle is still giving me a lot of trouble every Wednesday - plus it'd be a shame to get through the whole program having never seen one of the DVD's. I'll decide closer to the time.

    Drew - Good luck buddy! I'm sure you'll do awesome!

    Keep checking in guys, I need you all here to get me through the second 45 days of the program! We've done so brilliantly to get this far. If you're with me at day 45, I can say with a good degree of certainty that you'll be with me on day 90! Pats on backs all round I feel.


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey group!

    :drinker: 50% down, 50% to go! That's nothing! We can do it!!

    Ended up doing Kenpo last night because I gaffed and left my Plyo at the office. Don't know what I will do tonight, the wrist is still causing me a lot of trouble so lifting is not in the near future (heck it hurts to lift the milk jug) might do Plyo tonight as I am planning on remembering to bring it home :laugh:

    Keep up the great work team!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team!

    Didn't get to post an update yesterday, but I did bang out Kenpo X yesterday for day 52, and X Stretch today for day 53. I've had enough of this recovery week now, I can't wait to get into Phase 3!!!!! Tomorrow is Core Syn, Saturday is Yoga, Sunday X Stretch, and then Monday I finally get back to Chest & Back. Cannot wait!!!!!

    Hope you're all having a great day.

    BRING IT!!!

  • Hello Team X,

    I had a really rough day today....I heard some terrible about a very close friend of mine and I was not feeling P90X....but then I thought of you all. I thought of day 45 and how I got here, how I owe everything I have accomplished in the last 45 days to you guys. How much you support a total stranger that you have never ever set eyes on or talk to face to face. It inspired me and I got through my workout, I toughed it out and I pushed through only because I owed it to this group.

    I want you guys to know that I truely appreciate every word that is written on this blog....all of our trials and tribulations, whether they have to do with P90X, T Horton or just plain old life..


  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Yoga day.

    I'm in a real rush today, I gotta get out to meet an old friend fairly quickly from work. So instead of Yoga X I plugged in my T Horton One on One Fountain of Youth Yoga. Didn't think I'd be that into it when I started, my mind was elsewhere and I just wasn't that motivated to do a whole bunch of yoga. By the time I'd finished though I felt like a million bucks! Such an intense version of Yoga in 48 minutes!

    Anyway, I'm off out for the evening. Looking forward to legs/back tomorrow for the last resistance workout of phase 2.

    Bring it guys, just bring it. This is a journey and one that I for one am really happy I started out on.

    See you at day 47 check in tomorrow!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team! Day 54 done, Core Synergistics! Another good session except I couldn't get my HRM to work right for some reason... Had to guess on calorie burn based on the previous times I've done this workout.

    Feeling good, and ready for phase 3.

    Hope you;re all doing great, and BRING IT!!!

  • :smile: :smile: :smile: :happy: :happy: :happy: :explode: :explode: :explode:


    I did it yall! i won the weight loss competition! Couldn't be more excited!

    Here is my update video... take a look!


    Bring It Yall! Enjoy your friday...:flowerforyou:

  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Did kenpo this morning with some weights. Then had to go to doctors to get some blood taken felt alittle light headed. But it's rest day tomorrow so hopefully I'll be okay by Sunday. I think this completes week 3 for me :) yay.
    Bring it guys
  • Oh my goodness.... Where is everyone?

    I hope everyone is bringing it like there is no tomorrow....

    Im finally recovered from my treacherous thursday filled with double asylum workouts, many layers of clothes, and sauna time. I was totally sapped yesterday, but I am gonna bring it tonight.

    SO.... Starting monday I am going to be making some changes to the program. No rest week for me. I want to start taking the supplements that I spent money on, so I need to be lifting for that. I think I am just gonna skip the rest week all together (but I will incorporate core synergistics into my routine bc I freaking love it!). In addition, I will be doing an intense cardio workout with x strech or relief on Yoga day. I have about 40 days to make some serious gains in muscle mass... I believe this can happen.

    Have a wonderful weekend yall! bring it!
    Drew :explode:
  • Hello Team X,

    Just a quick check in, as I'm off to watch my Univ. Of Houston play some football..

    I did a really long run yesterday morning... 8 MILES! I was pretty spent after that but I did manage to get in Yoga last night. This morning I did Legs & Back but ran out of time for ARX so I will do that tomorrow with Kenpo.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

    Team X Rocks!

  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    just stopping by... i was excited to do Chest and back because i got new resistance bands. Oh wait its recovery week for me =[. got yoga out the way had to break it up into 3 parts. but its done .maybe alittle jog later. What are your opinions about recovery week? is it neccesary, annoying or fill in the blank .
    Bring it =]
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Evening folks.

    Just checking in to face up to my poor performance this weekend. I had way too much to drink with my old buddy on Friday night so I had a self pity hangover day on Saturday and didn't do anything. I slept a fair bit and I ate reasonably sensibly.

    So I set my alarm for 9am today and actually forced my eyes open at 9:30. The plan was to get legs/back in early as I had a few things to do today. Well I had a cup of coffee and realised that I just had no energy. Major exhausted feeling, so I went back to bed. Woke up again about noon and got ARX in with the plan to do legs/back later on. Went out and did the things I needed to (just food shopping and a few other errands) and got back around 4:30. I genuinely planned to get upstairs and do the legs/back but I fell asleep on the couch until about 7:30.

    I don't know what the deal was today, I was just mega wiped out all day! So I'm a day or 2 behind. I'll plug into legs/back tomorrow and track a day behind through recovery week and pick up a double at the weekend to be back on track for the start of phase 3 next week.

    6 weeks left. It'll fly by... Time to pick it up a notch if I'm gonna get my abs showing through. I'm pleased with the progress so far. I can see the outline shape of the ab muscle, the seperation is coming down the centre and my 'ken doll' obliques are fairly solid. Just need to get that last bit of bodyfat off to see the seperation between the abs and make it the proper 6 pack I promised myself for Xmas!

    Alright, I'm off to bed soon to see if I can shake off this exhausted feeling. Hope everyone else had a better weekend than me. Let us know...

  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone. So were over half way done. Next week is a rest week and I'm looking forward to it. We are starting eight week correct. Anyway, I went to the dfoctor to get my annual physical and his scale had me 8 lbs down since starting P90x. I have lost a total of 23 lbs since July and have gone down a pant size. I'm taking a rest today and wil be doiung kenpo x tomorrow. Hope everyone had aq great weekend.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Weekend update....... Got my Yoga X done yesterday, and X Stretch today to wrap up the week.

    Week 8 COMPLETE.

    Phase 2 COMPLETE.

    Phase 3 starts tomorrow morning with good old Chest & Back / Ab Ripper! I'm feeling well rested, and ready to ROCK phase 3 with all I've got.

    I'm going to give the phase 3 diet a try too... or at least close to it. Instead of 60/20/20, I'm going to try 50/25/25 for a while to see how my body responds. I weighed in at only 0.8 lb from my goal weight of 175 this morning, so I'm not really looking to lose much more weight. I still have a bit of belly fat to shed, and want to cut up some more, and I'm hoping to accomplish some of this in phase 3.

    Anyway, time for bed, Chest & Back will be waiting for me at 5:45am!

  • Hello Team X,

    I got Kenpo in today...but couldn't manage ARX...just too damn tiredm, as it was, Kenpo was a half hearted effort. I really need the recovery week next week.

    I hope everyone else is bringing it....

    Sorry for the short check in but I'm tired and I need my bed!

  • :flowerforyou: Good Morning Good Morning Good Morning Team X!!!
    Hows everyone feeling on this monday??

    I am fantastic... Got a great football burn yesterday and I am ready to start phase 3 today. No rest week for me.
    Ill try to keep everyone updated on the changes I am making to the program. They are numerous....

    Im feeling good. Its nice to be eating a little bit more, I can already feel my energy and attitude picking up.
    Im happy to report that an interesting business opportuity has come my way ALL THANKS TO P90X!!! So I cant tell you how grateful I am for that.

    Hopefully ill get some time this afternoon to take a look at how everyone else is doing. CHECK IN TEAM X! PRETTY PLEASE...

    no backing down, lets complete this journey we started together. We can do it! I believe in every single member of this group...

    Enjoy Monday yall... Sunday is only six days away!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey Team-X

    Man this weekend flew by and I was crippled with fatigue so I missed out on my workouts and subbed them for long hikes with my dog and some training in the park to clear my head with some fresh air. This week I am skipping the recovery week as I have been laxed in my routine the past little while. I am planning on hitting it hard with the workouts but subbing Cardio-X for Plyo simply because I know I will be spent this week from hockey and recovering from the weekend.

    Super pumped to read all your updates, you are all bringing it with suck intensity it is to be admired! Way to go all - a special congrats to Drew fro ROCKING the competition!! Way to bring it buddy! That is amazing!!!

    Hang in there all. We can do this!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all! Phase 3 is underway, and I kicked it off with a bang this morning. Chest & Back felt GREAT!! I really missed that one, we haven't seen it since phase 1!! I saw large increases in almost all my numbers compared to the last time I did this workout in week 3, which made me very happy. Ready to rock Plyo tomorrow, and Shoulders & Arms on Wednesday (another lost classic LOL)

    Hope you're all having a great day! BRING IT!

  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hello to you all! I start week 6 today and hope I end with the success that you guys have had. Gotta keep bringin it! Thanks for your inspiration!