P90X Day 3 - who else?

Hi all,

Thought I'd list my likes and dislikes at this early stage of the programme.


- I haven't felt hungry
- Plyo wasn't as bad as I thought it might me
- I feel like I am making food choices based on nutritional value rather than just calories
- I can eat more than I was previously
- I'm stronger than I thought - I need heavier weights


- Pull ups. Can't do 'em. Not even one. Chin ups I can do 2. Pull ups? Nada
- Ab Ripper X - ouch! Not good for my (overly arched) lower back
- OMG, how much protein?? Seriously, can't eat that much. Can't afford shakes/ powders. Bit stuck there
- Low calorie burn - 180 ish on strength and 380 on plyo

What are yours???


  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Low calorie burn? Hardly! I do 400 on core (because I "phone it in" - hate core work) and closer to 700 on the others. If you're using the website calculations, they could be way off. I've got a HRM and push close to 700 cal per session.

    I agree about the massive amounts of protein. As a vegetarian, it seems insurmountable.

    I can't do pullups either. I have resistance bands that I lock in the top of my door. I sit on the floor and scoot back away from the door and do "pullups" that way. One of the guys in the video shows you how to use the bands, but he has his anchored to a beam in the ceiling. Can't do that at my house, so I improvise and use the door.

    I did a few weeks of P90X back in the summer. Starting over today. Pretty excited about it, actually.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm pretty fit, I weigh 110lbs so I knew my burn would be low. I am using a HRM!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I can only do 2 chin ups too...I'm in my recovery week after month 2. Lifting heavy is awesome! Hope to be able to do a pull up by the end :smile:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hi all,

    Thought I'd list my likes and dislikes at this early stage of the programme.


    - I haven't felt hungry
    - Plyo wasn't as bad as I thought it might me
    - I feel like I am making food choices based on nutritional value rather than just calories
    - I can eat more than I was previously
    - I'm stronger than I thought - I need heavier weights


    - Pull ups. Can't do 'em. Not even one. Chin ups I can do 2. Pull ups? Nada
    - Ab Ripper X - ouch! Not good for my (overly arched) lower back
    - OMG, how much protein?? Seriously, can't eat that much. Can't afford shakes/ powders. Bit stuck there
    - Low calorie burn - 180 ish on strength and 380 on plyo

    What are yours???
    I got the program and decided not to use it.
    It just does not look like something that'd get me better results.
    Further, the exercises are not to my liking as I already am very challenged with a program of body weight, calisthenics and free weight resistance plus various forms of cardio that push me but I enjoy.

    I'd rather weight up with 60 lbs and hike 2 hours or play tennis, swim, bike, box or whatever.

    And I change it up as the mood strikes me. I do not like following a program.
    Anyway, my results speak for itself, but let me say this.

    For those who do not have a specific direction or passion for certain exercises, it's a great program that will get superior results.

    It's just not for me. My wife wants to try it once she reaches the end of her current exercise cycle.
    We shall see!
  • For everyone improvising out there....Be careful with the bands in the door...make sure you are using equipment designed for that. I was using the bands for the pull ups in the door and one of the bands snapped....the recoil was powerful, blood everywhere and just missed the tendon on 2 fingers....there are straps you can put in the door and then put the band through the straps....Much safer than the way I was doing it.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    For everyone improvising out there....Be careful with the bands in the door...make sure you are using equipment designed for that. I was using the bands for the pull ups in the door and one of the bands snapped....the recoil was powerful, blood everywhere and just missed the tendon on 2 fingers....there are straps you can put in the door and then put the band through the straps....Much safer than the way I was doing it.

    Even with the proper door attachment strap they can be dangerous. My wife was using one last week, and the door attachment strap slowly worked its way through the door jam and eventually snapped back and hit her in the chest (kind of loose fitting doors in this rental). Luckily, nothing too serious, but it definitely hurt...

    We are on day 9 today - second round for me, first for her!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I actually have a pull-up bar - I wrap the bands around it!
  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    I am a modified P90Xer. I do the 3 strength workouts each week and use my own swim/bike/run workouts in place of the cardio. I love it. I am starting round 2 and can not believe the changes I am seeing. I definitely don't look like the changes in the commercials but I have lots more definition in my arms and legs and I may actually have abs :)

    I had issues with pullups as well. I started with the bands and then moved to a bar with this pull up assist. http://www.amazon.com/P90X-Chin-up-Max-Pull-Assist/dp/B005DA64QG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1325602078&sr=8-1
    Pullups even with the assist are way harder than with the band (the heaviest band I could find at the store) and I am getting better each week. I am down to 2 bands in the assist. Maybe this week I will even try to do a couple without it.
  • Hey Yall!

    Check out my p90x 2011 Transformation! I hope it helps motivate...


    Bring It Yall!
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    I'm starting p90x this week as a supplement to my gym workouts.
  • teenio7
    teenio7 Posts: 104 Member
    I started on January 1st too. I did it a few years ago for 60 days straight and then got bored and stopped. I'm trying to do it for the full 90 days this time. Feel free to add me, I'd like to have friends doing P90x as well.