P90X Support Group...



  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Happy Monday morning team! It is day 64 for me, first day of week 10! Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Ab Ripper was killer today! Like Alderaic, my left shoulder is barking a bit, so it was a struggle at times, but I got through. Ab Ripper was easier today than Friday, and my form seemed pretty good throughout..

    On Saturday, I did Kenpo X with akle and wrist weights to add a little resistance. I definitely felt like I got a better workout, but I think that may also be why my shoulder is hurting. We'll see...

    Time to re-focus on the nutrition this week, last week got a little bit off track. Hope you're all killing your workouts today... BRING IT!!!

    Oh, and Happy Halloween!

  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Hello everyone! I have been way off the wagon lately. Good to see so many of you pushing through! I have had a lot of life happening and things have just been way out of wack lately. I think I am about a week and a half behind, but today is the day I get back on! Time is tight with the changes life is making, but I am going to try my best. Happy Halloween!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,139 Member
    @me Accountability: :flowerforyou: :glasses: Happy Halloween :drinker: :huh:
    Sunday - Chest Back and Balls (One on One) and ABX - Threw in CE-Burn it off for Bonus material
    Monday - PlyoX and the First 15min of YogaX - That's bonus material for this week - to do 15min of yogaX every day so that by Friday I have all 1:30 in. Granted Friday is probably all laying on my back in corpse pose LOL.

    Did a Monday Mini Challenge today also - 200 push ups! That was fun - I did it in a ladder starting with 20 push ups, 20 squats, then did 19 push ups, 19 squats and worked my way down to 5 push ups, 5 squats. and 20+19+18+17+...=6+5=200.
    And its Meatless monday. As I did last week I am trying Meatless Monday's this month. I'm challenging myself also to have a second day in there be meatless. Not because I don't like meat or want to be vegan - Its just a way to mix up the menu plan.

    YVLC- You could also substitute: Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit to keep it slightly more plyometric.

    LARR-Ideas I've seen - use a small step or the chair and focus on negatives to gain muscle strength. Or, do 3 pull ups, then use a step/chair to do negatives to failure.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I've been toying with the idea of redoing phase 2 for P90X as it was a slow phase for me with way too many skipped days... thoughts
  • Hello Team X!!

    Sorry I have not checked in for three days....completely unlike me but I have been extremely busy...I have been working out though.

    Friday morning I ran 8.5 miles!!! I did not get to Stretch X on Friday but I did get in Yoga X on Satruday. I took Sunday off...way too tired from well.....:drinker: Today I had originally planned to to Cardio X as it was scheduled for Sunday but my husband talked me out of it.....He was doing Legs and Back today and with limited time because of Halloween I agreed to do that with him. I hope my legs aren't too tired for trick or treating tonight.

    I will back on track tomorrow and READY to start Phase 3!!!

    I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween.....:devil:

  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Checking in- Did all the workouts last week for the recovery week except the Kenpo one as I had a very busy day :(

    Sassy- I think you should move to Phase III, and if you still feel that you need some more, you can do another round- maybe a shorter one if you dont feel like doing the full 90 days. Just my two cents!
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Ucsb23- I will be starting another round right after this one!
  • Hey Yall! :)

    Just checking in... I am sooooo busy.
    I did chest, back and tris today w/ ARX and I loved it!
    This past weekend was one heck of a beast with moving and all, but I feel great to be relativiely back to normal.
    I apologize for not checking in as much as usual, but I promise to get back in here as much as I can! So much going on yall... :(
    Keep it up... Im still pushing play! :explode:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    That sounds good I will begin phase 3 and add on if I need at the end. Want to finish what I started with the team!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey team X!

    Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I have been bringing it though.

    Recovery week has been mostly 'meh' for me. Really looking forward to getting back to some heavy lifting tonight for the start of Phase 3!! This is it guys and gals, the home stretch! 5 weeks today we'll be DONE!

    Day 60 coming on Friday. Don't forget to post your pics! :)

  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi all! I'm on week 7 and I can actually see the finish line from here. As long as I can get thru doing Yoga twice in that rest week, it should be good from there. I think I will actually finish this time! Good goin everyone!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 65! Plyo X! Felt good to jump around a bit this morning, and got a good burn. My shoulder is really barking today, and I'm hoping it gets a little better for Back & Biceps tomorrow. Popping some extra Aleve today!

    I'm still formulating my plan for what to do next... I'll be done with this round Thanksgiving weekend. Originally I was thinking of taking a rest week and then kicking off another round of P90X with maybe some substitute workouts here and there (Insanity, P90X+), which I may still do. I've also toyed with the idea of a full round of Insanity, but I think it's too much cardio for me, and no weights. I don't think that's what I want to do. I've also thought about taking more than one rest week, maybe 2 or 3 or more to let my shoulders and knees heal. I've been fighting with these sore shoulders for about 7 months now, and sore knees on and off for about 5 months. I'm pretty certain they are overuse injuries, but I'm afraid of losing the gains I've made, and even more afraid of falling back into old habits.

    As of now, I still have my schedule set for one rest week and then starting round 2, but I'm going to have to see how I feel as I get closer.

    Hope you're all having a great day! BRING IT!!!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Chest & Back. Pushup count up to 180 from 168 at the end of phase 1. Unassisted pullups up from 1 to 10. Plus of course ARX, which I really lost my appetite for I think. Down to 356 today from 396 at the end of phase 2 and 412 for the session before that. Still feeling the burn but just can't seem to get the motivation to squeeze out those extra few...

    Anyways, just a quick checkin. Keep bringing it all!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,139 Member
    I've been toying with the idea of redoing phase 2 for P90X as it was a slow phase for me with way too many skipped days... thoughts
    I would just go to Phase 3 and not skip any days in phase 3.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,139 Member
    @me Accountability: Tuesday -Shoulders and Arms and ABX ; 20 min ellip
    Wednesday - Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit and 45min Yoga. (missed yoga yesterday. made it up today)

    My mini challenge for today is to eat a rainbow of foods: Red, Yellow/orange,green,blue/purple, white!
    Also I plan on doing 40min of elliptical intervals.

    On Monday I told you I would do meatless on Monday and a second meatless day. I did Monday and Tuesday meatless! Wonderful. Today I will only have a 'meaty' supper as I didn't bring any meats to work with me for lunch/snacks.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,139 Member
    Day 47 Legs and Back and ARX. Skipped yesterday due to a sore leg but seem to be on track. Kepo tomorrow......Excited for my rest week as it will allow my leg to heal up but thinking I might try a few insanity workouts for cardio since I can't run much for a while :(
    What's up with the leg?
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    hey guys,

    Arg I am bummed, I missed chest and back because my dog got sick so I am going to find a way to get it in before the end of the week. Also, woke up this morning with little to no voice so am going to sub Plyo for Kenpo because my breathing is not as heavy and I don't feel like killing Tony.

    I will let you know how Kenpo goes, I am going to up the difficulty by using my weighted gloves for the entirety (wish me luck - they are 1 kg each).

    All the guys (and gals) still bringing it everyday - you are amazing!! Your dedication is great and you continue to inspire everyone. To those of us who have slipped, tripped and virtually fallen off the boat - I implore you to pick yourself up and push play today. Lets finish what we started and lets do it together.

    Forget about Phase 2's follies, look forward to Phase 3 with all the excitement we had when we first started this journey. This is OUR phase, this is OUR success this is US!
  • Hello Tema X,

    I have decided that I am going to finish up Phase 3 doing the Classic Version of P90X instead of the Lean Version which I had been doing. I am already replacing Cardio X with Plyo and I could use the extra ARX. The Lean Version only has me doing ARX twice a week but Classic is 3 times per week. I also took a very close look at Phase 3 of the Lean Verson and found that there is no more Legs and Back, a DVD that I really love and I feel I need for my running.

    I did Chest and Back yesterday and I did not mind all the push-ups which is a huge surprise because I remember at the beginning of Phase 2 I simply despised the push-ups. I am still working on the unassisted pull-up, I try and try and come away beaten everytime but now with uping the intensity of P90X maybe I will reach my lame goal of doing 1 unassisted pull-up....a girl can dream!

    Make your workout COUNT!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey Team!

    Day 66, Back & Biceps / Ab Ripper done! My shoulder is a little better today, I think the extra Aleve is helping. My knees are pretty sore from yesterday's Plyo though... Been icing and resting them which seems to be helping.

    Tomorrow is Yoga, which I'm looking forward to. It will be nice to get all stretched out!

    Hope you're all doing great... BRING IT!!

  • Hey Yall :explode:

    Checkin in with ya really quick... Sorry I don't have more time to comment on everyone's updates... :sad:

    I did back and bis today! Awesome workout man.... I increased almost all of my numbers and my muscles are DEFINITELY increasing in size since a increased my calorie intake and started on the supplement stack.

    Since I started my new business, I have been working so much! Thats why i havent been around... I have to say, I miss yall A LOT!!!
    Keep up the work yall... Im still here. Im still pushing play every day! Bring IT! BooM!
