P90X Support Group...



  • Hey Yall!!! The Champ Is Here! BoooooooooM! :explode:

    Here is the picture they took with me holding up my prize money! I thought you guys would get a kick out of it...


    Bring It Yall... keep it up

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    :laugh: Drew you crack me up! Way to go buddy and props on the serious win! :drinker: Excited to hear about what this new opportunity is for you!!!

    You are an excellent motivator!!

    Wendy - no worries about me and my recovery week, I didn't push as hard as I cuold have or should have the last phase so I really need to be kicking it up these next few weeks. I will be listening intently to my body through this last phase and a bit - fatigued or not I want to finish this! (my fatigue is mainly from the changing of the seasons and is pretty normal so I can't let it really slow me down - for those of you blessed not to live in the North it is quickly cooling down up here which wreaks havoc on the body in terms of maintaining core temperature haha - wet, cold and unpredictable)

    Hockey tonight @ 10:45, going to try and get some house work done, at least mow the lawn :laugh:

    Check in people - lets hear how its going!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey all!

    Picked back up on legs/back today which puts me one day behind but I figure I'll pick that up at the weekend.

    Love legs and back! Although the tip of the day doesn't make any sense! Quality over quantity... except almost every move is a set number of reps! Funny...

    Here's another one of my suggestions for modifying a move. This time to intensify it more! Warning: this is a tough move to do!

    Instead of throwing your leg back for deadlift squats, throw it forward and squat down with your leg out in front of you. It's damn hard to get low but if you're killing the leg workout by now, this is big time. Try and touch the floor each squat. These take longer to perform so don't expect 25 reps within the time on the tape... more like 4 or 5 but hell if you don't feel it in the quads and glutes!

    Anyways, just checking in to say how impressed I am that I've gotten to this point. Y'know without all you guys encouraging, inspiring and holding me accountable, there's probably no chance I would've got past day 30. I'm already thinking about Day 60 shots and whether I'll be able to make out the abs by then. You guys are awesome. Thanks guys for giving the gift of helping me get in the best shape of my life.

    Keep bringing it and keep checking in!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Ps. Drew, that picture is brilliant! Massive props on your win!

  • Hey Yall... I need to vent for a second.

    My deal is this freaking diet. I have a total mental block going on.
    Im supposed to be taking in 2400 calories a day so I can capitalize on the weight I lost over the past 50 days, but I am having a REALLY hard time doing that. I am outright terrified that I will put this unwanted fat back on my body. As every one of us knows, its hard work losing the fat....

    As I lay here thinking about the food I ate today, im bothered by it. If you look at my diary, you will see that I am no where near my calorie goal and yet Im having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that I should be eating more. Im trying very hard to put only healthy foods in my body (except for the 2 cheat days we have had)... this is a sucky feeling.

    I mean, it has to be ok to eat more... There is no way Tony or ANY professional would say it if it werent true...
    Ill keep trying. Thanks for letting me vent Team X!

    Anyone have any advice on ways to bulk up my caloric intake without killing myself with carbs ? Oh... and stuff that tastes great would be greatly appreciated! :)

    Have a great night and enjoy your Tuesday...
  • Hello Team X,

    Had a great short run today...I was really flying...came home and did XStretch. It felt so good...is it just me or does XStretch and even Yoga make anyone else sleepy?? I find myself yawning and just wanting to collapse on the map and sleep...maybe it's the deep breathing:yawn:

    Wendy-I am training for a half marathon in January, the Houston Marathon.

    Drew- Although my nutritional knowledge is not exactly helping me as I have not lost a single pound since starting P90X, I know the Greek yogurt I eat has tons of protien in it, which I understand is good for muscle building. It's called Fage Greek Yogurt and has fruit in it, it is yummy. I don't normally like yogurt but this stuff is really good. Hope that helps.

    Bring It Team X!!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Ok Drew, now you're talking my language! The trick is to increase your calorie intake without messing up your macro split.

    Carbs aint so bad, so long as virtually ALL your carbs are complex ones. Check out a couple of recipes I posted a while ago:

    Protein flapjacks - great for pre or post workout:


    Protein yoghurt dessert - great for bedtime snack to keep your protein synthesis going overnight


    These have whole carbs from the oats in the flapjack and simple natural carbs from the honey honey but trust me when I tell you that you need the honey sugars to transport the protein. Mass amounts of protein without any carb to spike insulin have nowhere to go so they can risk being converted and stored as adipose tissue.

    Keep an eye on your fructose intake from fruit. Fructose is converted to fat a lot easier than you'd think. I posted an explanation of the physiology behind it here:


    I've found keeping the fat off a lot easier since I cut my fruit down to 2 portions a day and upped my veg and salad to cover the difference.

    Chicken chicken chicken! It's virtually pure protein! Cottage cheese is also money! As Wendy said, nuts are very calorically dense. A handful of Brazil nuts just goes nowhere for about 3 or 4 hundred calories of goodness!

    Remember when loading up on protein that your body can only process about 35g per hour. Anything more risks being converted and stored as adipose tissue. I eat 200g of chicken for my lunch every day but I eat it in 2 goes an hour apart as it totals 54g protein.

    What's your supplement stack look like? Mine goes like this:

    Morning - scoop of whey and water (for cutting) or skim milk (for bulking)
    Post workout - scoop of whey, scoop of maltodextrin or dextrose, small scoop of L-Leucine & water on cardio days or skim milk on resistance days.

    Creatine - I take this in resistance phase and drop it on non-resistance phase. Throw a small scoop in both the morning and the evening shake (along with adding the maltodextrin/dextrose to the morning shake if I'm having creatine with it). First 5 days of a Creatine phase I take double for loading so 2 small scoops in each.

    Hope some of that helps buddy. It really is a game of holding your nerve with increased calorie intake....

  • Oh My Goodness.... You guys are the freaking BEST! Thank you so much for your help... IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!:flowerforyou:

    I feel much better today... especially after reading all of your comments.

    Wendy... what can I say. YOU are unbelievably supportive. Thank You. Your coach is a beast! Im going to look further into his diet and emulate some of things he has done!

    Ro... Im definitely gonna give greek yogurt a shot, I have heard so many good things! Thanks!

    Jay... Dude! Those recipes look delish! Cant wait to try them...

    My supplement stack looks like this (as of saturday)
    Bulking Phase for creatine monohydrate... 10 grams in the am and 10 grams in the pm.
    L Glutamine Powder... 1 serving with creatine in the morning.
    whey protien... 2 scoops post workout and 1 scoop in the evening.
    Chromium picolinate... 1 cap in the morning
    Multi vitamin (2 times daily).

    Im kind of worried about water retention in the abdomen with the creatine, have you experienced this Jay? (or anyone?)

    Have a great afternoon yall!
    BooM! Its Day 50 btw.... hhahahahahahaha! Yessssss!

  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone...

    I hope you don't mind me intruding on your thread for a few "rookie" type questions. I'm interested in starting P90X on November 1st, as I'm just finishing up Ripped in 30 at the end of October.

    Is this support group a fluid group with various starting and ending points in the P90X program? Or is it a targeted group...ending in the next 30 days? Is this an open group...if so, do you mind me joining in?

    That is all....Thanks in advance.
  • Hey mocha! :) Welcome...

    This group has a number of different starting points... Most of us are around day 50, but we would love to have you on board!
    Congrats on finishing up ripped in 30, get ready to bring it! P90X is a beast and is soooo worth it!

    Feel free to update anytime you want... questions, comments, concerns, or just plain venting are ALWAYS welcome. We are here to help...

    Thanks for chiming in and consider yourself a part of Team X!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Mocha - Welcome! Yeah, there's a few folk at different stages here. I think we started out with the plan to all run at around the same time (hence the banners you see around with the round start and end dates on) but over time we've grown a bit.

    I think when the main round has finished, this group will continue and just keep rolling on with people jumping in to support each other no matter where we're up to on the schedule.

    With this in mind, here's a new banner for our group without any specific dates on that people on different schedules can use:


    The tag for this is:


    So to get this into your signature, you just need to copy/paste it into the sig editor and change the upper case at either end to lower caseCheers  Jay
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks so much Jay and Drew!! I so appreciate the welcome and as you can tell by my signature...Im looking forward to to starting November 1st! In the meantime I hope I can drum up some to start along with me!

    Thanks again and looking forward to checking in with you all next week!
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    Hey guys, it's been a while since I showed up here,

    mid week 9 right now, I had to delay for three weeks, because of a nasty shoulder injury, I subbed it by a lot of cardio daily (including kenpo/plyo/running) and yoga once a week, though I am now at week 9 and my shoulder is ok, not in the best shape, but my physio gave me the green light to start pushing on it again.

    Looking forward to finish that first round, then I will move to a custom 5 days a week until I get my P90X2 ;)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Alderaic - welcome back buddy! Shoulder injuries are the pits. I am glad you took some time and adjusted your schedule to heal up properly. Hopefully you are feeling well enough to push through the next few weeks until P90X2 and start seeing some awesome results again!

    Mocha - welcome! We are all at varying stages of our journey and have all been through ups and downs along the way. The best thing to do is check in once in a while, see how people are doing, let us know how it is going with you and really enjoy the ride. After a while of pushing play and really working hard you will see unbelivable results. A number of us have not had huge numbers for weight loss but great success in shape shifting LoL

    Keep pushing play everyone - Today is technically Day one of rest week 8... thinking of popping in chest, shoulder and tris seeing as I missed it last week because of a bum wrist from hockey. (PS hockey last night ended at midnight, we only had three subs for the team so defence only had one... who was a little less fit than myself so I ended up playing a good 80% of the game, sprints the whole time to keep up with the boys! Threw a few solid checks and really pushed myself! Felt GREAT!!!)
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey Alderaic! Welcome back! Way to stick with it through injury.

    Drew - Don't think I noticed any abdominal swelling with the creatine... Although I wasn't looking for it to be honest.. Definitely noticed some great additional size and bulk through it though, compared to using whey alone. I'm on a down week for Creatine this week what with it being recovery week and all but I'll keep my eye on the abdomen next phase for sure.

    So I rocked Kenpo today as I'm a day behind. I have to be honest, I'm a bit sick of this one. I'm adding 1kg weights to the punches but it still aint much of a workout anymore... Tony asked at the end if we were out of our zone and I thought "I'mnot sure I was in my zone once there..."

    Anyways. All fine and dandy, just not giving me the workout I want and I don't know how I can intensify it any more. I may sub it out for plyo next week. We'll see.

    Ooh. I forgot to mention on yesterday's check in but I smashed the pullups! 17 total unassisted! Including 2 lots of 5 consecutive ones! Schaboom!!! :explode: :happy:

    Yoga tomorrow. I may need to sub out for Fountain of Youth One on One again tomorrow as I'm pressed for time on weekdays. We'll see...

    Keep it going guys, it's awesome to read about your daily successes!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team! Glad to see some old friends checking in as well as some new ones!

    Today is day 58 for me, and I had a great Plyo session this morning. Coming up on day 60, and my results are starting to really become more visible. My goal is to bring it super hard during this phase, and maximize my results!!!

    Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper tomorrow morning!

    BRING IT!!!!

  • Hello Team X!!!!

    I did about 35 minutes of Yoga X ....I was really getting into it but I ran out of time had to run and get my son from school. We go directly to swim practice after school, in fact, my son changes and eats a snack on the way in the car. While he is at swim practice I have 2 hours to kill so I run to a near by park that has a 1 mile track. I managed to get in 4.5 miles and again I was flying! I can not believe how much my running has improved! THANK YOU T.Horton!

    Jay - Kenpo is not doing it for me either....on one of my last post I commented that I only gave a half hearted effort when I was doing it. I chalked it up to being tired but I found myself gazing out of my window durring some of the punches...I was bored! I am going to add weights next time to see if that helps.

    Make your workout COUNT!!

  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    Kenpo X+ is much faster if you dont want to get bored, it could be a good sub for you ;)
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Hey guys. I'm working on a tough case right now, so I've been logging-in using my phone. I really wish we could look at the message board using the app, but we can't. I'm still getting up and working out at 6am. I am so happy that I was able to establish a workout schedule and forced myself to start preparing my foods ahead of time. :happy:

    The next few weeks are going to be a real test to my commitment to this program. I spend a lot of time traveling with this case and my sleeping habits have been crazy. But, I really want to finish this round and win this case. So I pledge not give up on either and to become a pit-bull in a skirt. :devil:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey all,

    So fatigue got the best of me last night (I guess thats what you get for playing hockey til nearly midnight). I did ab-ripper X after dinner and hit the hay.

    Tonight I have a gross amount on my plate in terms of work and home committments but I am going to punch through Core Synergistics no matter what time it is and get my burn on!!

    PS - another tiny NSV (have had a number of these with the program but no real change on the scale... mind you I have been staying away from the scale lately and really focusing on how I actually look and feed)

    Hopefully my lady friends will appreciate this. A couple years ago I squeezed into these pants for my great grandmothers 95th birthday. I was in a rush so I had no time to check if they looked alright, I knew I could do them up and that was good enough for me. After seeing the pictures of the day I noticed that I had a slightly noticable ... :embarassed: dare I say it... :embarassed: camel toe :mad: Needless to say the pants ended up in the back of my closet, banned from my vision. Today I got ready for work and grabbed that same pair of pants, the pair that hadn't been worn in TWO years because of the "incident". And... Now they fit perfect no camel toe or moose knuckle just a slender line and tight bottom :wink: Yay for tightening and toning!!!

    Hope I made a few people laugh :laugh: at my unfortunate situation - lucky for me it was only family there and I was able to destroy the evidence!!!