P90X Support Group...



  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member

    @ Ms Booker, my church anniversary was yesterday, so I completely understand. I was okay until I got to the mac & cheese and cake.

    @ Drew, it must be something in the water, lol. I had knee pain on Saturday and had to put on a knee wrap to make in through Kenpo X. Then I woke up this morning and my my right bicep was sore.

    I still can't believe that recovery is next week. We're all awesome!!! Cardio X was done at 6am, and C,S,T got done at 8pm.
  • Hello Team X,

    I did Kenpo today and then went on a short run, all in all my workouts went well today. Today was technically my stretch/rest day but I switched it and took the rest day yesterday. Taking the rest day over the weekend works better for me, so I think this is gonna be a permanent change for me.

    Many of you are beating yourselves up over weekend indulgences, I too have fallen victim to this more times than I care to count....we need to give ourselves a break! We work our butt off and so we should be nicer to ourselves and not just dwell on the negatives FOCUS more on the positives and the rest will fall in place.

    "Do your BEST and forget the REST!" ~ T. Horton......This can apply to more than just your P90X workout you are doing at the moment.

  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Finished Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. We are halfway through guys or almost :)

    BRING IT people, we have to make it to 100%!!! Hang in there and keep on posting so I can get motivated when I am acting lazy and want to just sit on my butt!!!
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    abr and arms shoulder workout is done. Switched it up today and used bands because my weights are getting a little light for me but can't really afford new weights.
    GO Team
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Good Morning team (afternoon Jay :wink:)

    Last night I ended up doing a double header for hockey with one sub each game so I worked my @$s off! Needless to say, after getting home at 10:30 and walking the dog, showering and relaxing a bit before bed I woke up this morning with not an ounce of strength to do Chest, Shoulders and Tri-s not to mention a strained wrist (which makes it impossible to do the gazillion push-ups). So I skipped it this morning for a long walk with my dog and a nap before getting ready for work.

    My plan is Cardio-X (have to have a shorter routine since I will be getting home after 10 again) tonight after our Offer Party for the new hires and then bringing it full force for either Plyo or the make-up of CST if my wrist is up to it.

    Now for shout outs - haha putting them at the end so you have to read my whole post Muahaha :devil:

    Wendy - you are an all star! :flowerforyou: Way to rock out with Plyo in the AM!!! Hats off to you for sure! I am a evening cardio-girl and a morning weights fan - so I give you mad props! PS - soon you will get to the pull ups, you have a lot of friends with great advice, now you just have to find out what works for you and go with it! I am confident that by then end of this you will do a full pull up. Like I said before, my suggestion is don't start with the full extension - do a half (arms to 90 degrees) and then work your way ... down I guess haha - lowering slowly also helps to train your muscles. - good luck

    YVL - resistance bands are great - I love mine! The weight is adjustable and they are cost effective. I totally hear you with having to buy new weights ... mega $$ so yeah - enjoy the resistance bands :happy:

    Miss P90X - way to bring it! :explode: BOOM you are rocking it girl, glad you are checking in and keeping us updated - we can make this together 100% till the end.

    Roll - you are a tank! Keep it up, you are an inspiration with all that you do!

    Jay - let us know how your whirl wind tour was! :glasses: You are like a rock star checking in while away - thats dedication!! Keep it up!

    Drew - how is this week of pushing going?!?! Not long now and I am confident you will rock your competition!! BOOM :explode:

    Mike - holy cow - you are an all star!! Dropping that % like its your business! Keep it up and I am sure you will see another drop! Who knows - we could go round two, three or four... OR we could hit it up with P90X 2!!! Yeah - I went there!!! :drinker: :explode: :explode: BOOM!!!!
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey all new to the group! I started week 5 yesterday! This is my 3rd go round at P90 and I am determined to become a grad this time!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    His Child - welcome and congrats on making it into week 5!! Looking forward to hearing about your progress! As you can see... many of us post daily to help maintain accountability and to motivate eachother!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, just checking in real quick to say day 51 done this morning, Core Synergistics!

    Hope you're all having a great day!

    BRING IT!!!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Evening team! I'm back!

    Well, I have to say guys, Nashville was absolutely awesome! Mad busy itinerary, what with the whiskey tasting, the distillery tour, the gig, checking out a few bars etc. A major highlight for me was a street busker called 'The Broadway Rapper' - check him out on Youtube if you get a minute, it's pretty cool!

    Needless to say, I didn't get any workouts in and I ate atrociously - it's virtually impossible to eat right when travelling a lot, and it seems like all of the portions are mega supersized compared to what I'd normally eat in the UK. I didn't fully finish a single meal. All really tasty food though :devil: Anyways, I gained 4 pounds from Friday morning when I left for the airport to Monday morning returning home...

    So I didn't do any catch up workouts yesterday. For one thing, my gym room was still in use as the spare bedroom for our guests who we travelled with. And for another, I was mega mega tired after travelling from noon Tennessee time to 9:30 UK time. I worked out that we spent 36 hours travelling and only 39 hours in Tennessee (including the hours we slept).

    So today was my official 'back to the X day'. I have to admit, I was really looking forward to getting back to it and Chest/Shoulders/Tri's didn't disappoint. Man oh man this is a tough as hell routine! I have to admit, I'm both glad and at the same time sad that today is the last of this one until phase 3.

    I've been thinking of a whole bunch of ways to modify the moves in the various routines, both to increase and decrease the intensity. I'll write them up in a seperate post but here's a quick one to add an extra option between the knees version and the toes version of one handed pushups:

    If the knees version is getting a bit easy for you but you can't get a single one on your toes yet, grab a basketball (or a soccer ball, a volleyball, whatever you've got that's round and sturdy), start with one hand on the ball and one on the floor in plank position. As you go down on one arm, roll the ball directly out to the side. The ball should roll up your wrist and arm a little, so it should offer you a little bit of extra support. When coming back up, roll the ball back up with you, ending with your hand on the ball. Give it a try...

    Ok, I'm off to get some food shortly, just wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone who checked in on me while I was out and also to say how impressed I am with the progress here! Mike, Sassy, Wendy, Ro, you're all doing awesome!

    Drew - Man, I'm so envious of them abs! I fully intend to have a set of my own by day 90! :)

    Keep bringing it guys, you rock!

  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    So life has been busy as usual. I went on a mini vacation for three days and did not get a single workout in. I did jump back in yesterday doing legs and back. I got on the scale yesterday morning and it was 5 lbs heavier....WTF? Any ways, I got back on this morning and was down 3.5 lbs so it must have been water weight or something. I'm going to skip a few of the rest days and put in some hard workouts for the ones I missed and then jump into the rest week starting Thursday. Were almost half way there!!!! It's been a great experience so far and can't wait to see the final results.
  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    Hi guys! Just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement. I know life is not perfect, so I will not continue to beat myself up about the past. I will just continue to go forward and keep pushing play! Like Tony said, I will "Do my best and forget the rest!" (thanks for the reminder Ro!) :happy:

    I have been thinking about the holidays though. I don't know how many of you will be traveling for Thanksgiving, and I think most of us will be done before Christmas. But I just wanted to get some thoughts about a plan for how you will handle Thanksgiving week? I will be out of town for most of that week, and that is when I should be starting week one of Phase 3. I was thinking of starting Phase 3 a week early and making that week a recovery week. Do you all think that is a good idea? I would just hate to have a week of recovery and then a week of probably not much working out at all...I feel it is too long to go without some heavy days of working out in there.

    Please share any thoughts/suggestions! They are much appreciated.

    Thanks for all those who are checking in on a regular basis! You guys are awesome.
  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    SO I got home last night and relized we are in week 7 and not week 8 so its not a rest week (I was hoping). I got my chest, triceps and shoulders routine done last night. I was dragging when I first started it but it was over before I knew it. I also got alot better from last week so it's working. Were almost half way done!!!!
  • Hey Yall!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :happy:

    It makes me EXTREMELY happy to see so many updated yesterday! GREAT GOING YALL! BoooooooooooooooM!!!! :explode:

    Today was a kick *kitten* workout for me.... Something lit a fire under me and I crushed back and bis (and ARX). On the first set of pull ups, I pulled a 22!!!!! I was freaking bouncing off the walls after. "GET OFF MEEEEEEEEEE!" I yelled..... hahahahaha!

    Two more days before my final weigh in. Im going do a couple of things tomorrow to make sure my wieght is as low as possible when I step on the scale. I would be ecstatic to see the 160's, but I will accept anything under 171. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day, but I am prepared and capable! :drinker:

    YVL... Its pretty awesome that you jumped on board with us. Your updates are great and you really bring it! Impressive..... thanks for chiming in! :)

    Wendy... You are such a monster!!!! Plyo has nothing on you... at all. You know what they say... "If you dont feel like you have to puke, you arent working hard enough!"... They say that, right?

    Sassy... hows the wrist? and how did cardio x work out last night? did you crush it???? I bet you did... Glad to have you back in the fold! You rock! (and thank you so much for your support... my last shred week is going strong! 2 more days!)

    HisChild... WELCOME!!! :happy: You can definitely do this... 3rd time is the charm for you (I know that is cheesy and trite, but its true!) Update with us as much as possible and CONGRATS ON CRUSHING 5 WEEKS! If you have any questions or concerns... or you just want to vent, we are here! Every day! You got this... BooM!!!! :explode:

    Mike... Another day down for you man. Its like a landslide for you at this point. BEAST... THE END!

    Jay... SO GLAD to have you back bro! Sounds like the trip was devilshly delightful! Way to keep it real man... and way to bring back the X full throttle. Those four lbs will be off in no time! GREAT IDEA ABOUT THE ONE ARMED PUSH UPS DUDE! I LOVE IT... I JUST TRIED A FEW IMMEDIATELY AFTER I READ YOUR POST! THATS WHY YOU ARE SO FREAKING VALUABLE TO THIS GROUP MAN! ROCKET! (and thank you for the compliment dude... yours are right around the corner)

    Ucsb... i hope the mini vaca was good man! You have been busting your *kitten*, you deserve the break! Glad you picked right back up where you left off dude. Way to go. Only 1.5 more lbs to lose... That will be done by weeks end! Keep us posted... bring IT!:explode:

    Mrs Booker... That is a GREAT approach! Do your best... you have this thing beat! As for thanksgiving week.... There has been MUCH debate in my household about this topic. I think your plan sounds feasable. It should limit the fallout of thanksgiving week. However, make sure your body is ready for phase three. I can tell you that I NEED this rest week. Im tired and hurting. But if you feel like you can push through and make it happen... I say go for it. As far as eating during thanksgiving week... I am FREAKING OUT! Its the only day of the year that my small family gets offended if we don't join in on all of the festivities... including shots of tequilla in honor of our late mom (Who happened to love shots of tequilla! haha! R.I.P. ma!). I am having a serious moral dilemma here... even my fiance, who is usually up for a day of horrible eating when it truly matters, is a little leery of going too far on Thanksgiving.... What a mess. Im still weighing it for fantasy elements.... We love this holiday! haha!

    ok.... Im out. Have a wonderful afternoon and evening yall. Bring IT today!
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Checking in :)

    Finished Plyo yesterday, I have to say I only did 30 mins of it as I was too damn tired. But, I am looking forward to yoga tomorrow, i love the feeling that i get at the end of that tape!

    Thanks Sassy for the words girl!
    HisChild- welcome to the group;
    Jay- I am glad you had a wonderful time in the States, i agree the portions are much much bigger than what they are over there in Europe. Of course, the food is always good eventhough many times its on the fatty end ;)
    UCSB- i was kind of in the similar dilemma. I was telling myself that next week was week 7, but its good to know that its actually week 8, so glad i can finally rest!
    MrsBooker- Umm, my work people have scheduled me to do work out of state, so i will be away from my family. So, I wont get the opportunity to eat myself to death as is the tradition on the Thanksgiving weekend. But, I do think that you should try to have as much fun as you can, eat on that Thursday and Friday but be sure to get back on track right after the celebrations are over. Dont beat yourself too much over it, its ok to break the routine for the celebrations as long as you get back on track again. Hope that will help :)
    Drew- you always have encouraging words for everyone, so all i can say is good JOB!!
  • Hello Team X

    Yesterday I completed Core Synergystics and I am getting so good at Superman/Banana that one of my sons even paid me a compliment on how well I did with it..which a real thing of beauty because teenage boys don't give compliments. They are usually mean, self absorbed creatures that eat a lot! Lol!

    Today I did Plyo, what an awesome Cardio workout! I wish I had been doing it all along instead of Cardio X. Lesson learned: You never know what you can do until you do it!

    Mrs. Booker - As far as the holidays are concerned...I think that if you feel strong enough to put in another week before recovery week then go for it...but I would definitely play it by ear. Make your decision on it as it gets closer and see how you feel then. You can always take a few days off and start back in full swing when Thanksgiving is over, there is nothing wrong with that. I am also worried about the holidays, not so much the missed workouts but the eating! I have signed myself up for a 10K on Thanksgiving day so that should help a little with burning some of those Thanksgiving calories.

    Make your workout count Team X!!

  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I just wanted to do a quick check-in. All is well. I tried plyo yesterday in a vinyl sweatsuit and OMG!! I think I'll just stick to the leg bands, because I started to feel overheated about 35 minutes in. I had to pause and take off the suit. I'm still doing doubles and I finished B&B around 8:30pm, just in time to get settled for Modern Family.

    I'd like to say welcome to all newcomers, and welcome back Jay.

    @ Mrs. Booker, that sounds like a good plan. Last year, I ate a fulling snack right before I went to my family's Thanksgiving dinner. I was able to control myself which would have been hard if I was hungry. I don't have to travel for Thanksgiving, but Christmas/New Year is my traveling time.

    Thank you guys for all the encouragement!!
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Hey Guys. I just want to let you guys know that i read all of your updates and posts but sometimes i can't reply because i'm on the train a lot and when i'm not on the train, i don't have the time to go on MFP. So You all are awesome people and really keeping me accountable. I was just going to do the first half of p90x yoga because i hate it but then i was like i don't want to tell my support group that i half assed yoga. so i completed it to the corpse part skipping oms because i don't want my parents to think i'm going crazy. So i did yoga today at night because i woke up late due to alarm problems. I've discovered that i'm more flexible. =] i think ill be more motivated to do yoga x if i see the improvement in my flexibility.
    So that was my update
    ALL: you guys are awesome keep up the awesomeness and BRING IT
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Morning all!

    Just wanted to be the first to wish us a happy day 45! That's 50% done for most of us (Mike and others on a different schedule excluded of course). In the words of Tony H "We're halfway. The party's almost over man. What a bummer." :wink:

    I got Plyo in yesterday. I found it a bit easier since I didn't do legs/back on Saturday. Amazing how that leg workout can affect you all the way to Wednesday each week!

    Back/Bi's tonight and the last we'll see of this one for a few weeks.

    BRING IT!!!

  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Morning all :)
    I Completed leg and back and abrx this morning. It felt good; legs were sore getting up the stair, after the work out lol.
    Bring it :)
  • Hey Yall!!!!

    Just a quick update... Its the day before my final weigh in and I am giving it everything I can. All in... Balls out. Im exhausted!

    Ill update tomorrow with my final weigh in numbers and a new update video... Bring it yall! And wish me luck... Boom! :explode:
