P90X Support Group...



  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 47 DONE. Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X. I pushed it HARD. I was a puddle of mush by the end of Legs & Back, which made Ab Ripper extremely hard, but I did my best. Last resistance workout of Phase 2... Recovery week coming up next week.

    Kenpo X tomorrow!!!

    Have a great one everyone!!!

  • Hey yall!!! Tomorrow is DAY 40 ALREADY!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!
    I did Asylum Speed and Agility today because I wanted to get a good burn in before my weigh in. I lost almost a lb and I am one week away from my goal weight. No matter what the scale says next Friday, I am gonna go ahead with the supplements and see if I can get cut up over the second half of p90x! Almost halfway yall! Yesssssss!!!

    I didnt get a chance to do my update video today... ill probably get it done tomorrow before work!
    Have a wonderful Friday Night Yall... AND PLEASE CHECK IN! :)

    Wendy... Way to go... Way to push passed your mind and focus! You rock!
    Mike... only 43 days to go! BooM! :explode:

  • Btw... While I am not at the finish line.... I was so so so happy to see my abs this morning. Its been a long time coming... Progress! Im so grateful!



    Thanks for letting me share my accomplishments you guys... :flowerforyou:

    Bring It!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Nice job drwstown76. Abs are looking chisled!!! I did legs/back/ and ab ripper this morning. 200 total pull ups done this time:-) Going to try for 40 more next week.
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Checkin in- Did Yoga yesterday. Plan is to do Legs and Back today, I was getting lazy and thinking of not doing it but after reading some of the posts, I am ready to bring it. Thanks guys for posting, it really motivates me to push play when I am not feeling like doing it.

    Drew- the abs are looking good, keep it up my friend!

    Have a wonderful weekend y'all!!
  • Hello Team X,

    I ran 7.5 miles this morning but I felt like I was running in mud! My time was terrible but I pushed through and accomplished my goal. I will be doing YogaX tonight and I'm looking forward to it....I never thought I would say that but my body is stiff and I know this will help.

    Drew - All I can say is.... IM-PRESS-IVE!!! You should be very proud of yourself, you have worked very hard and deserve to reap some of the benefits of your dedication. You are an inspiration to us all!

    No college fottball for me tomorrow :sad: I have a wedding, but I will get in a decent run and legs & back, come hell or high water. I may have to push ARX to Sunday with Kenpo but I'll get it done.

    TEAM X have a great weekend!:wink:

    Make your workout count!

  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Just finished legs &back. I'm hitting the sack!!!!
  • Hey Yal!!! :)

    Where is everyone today???


    Let me hear from you guys!

    Legs and Back today. I have to admit that I did a lackluster job with this workout. Heres the thing, We have company this weekend. A couple of kids. Ages 10 and 13. I woke up early to get my workout in and SURPRISE, they were awake. So I popped in ab ripper and crushed it, then I popped in legs and back. Heres the rub, the kids starting playing halloween music. Thriller, Men in Black, Ghostbusters, etc... So what do you do when those songs are playing???? You dance of course. So after about 15 minutes of music, I found myself trying to LEARN the thriller dance and completely ignoring Tony H. Looking back at it, I burnt a bunch of calories anyway, but not exactly what the program calls for.

    You win some and you lose some I suppose...

    I am very excited to only have 50 days left.... almost halfway there! tick tick tick.... BooM! :explode:

    Have a great weekend yall! Bring It... LET US KNOW HOW YOU ARE DOING!


    p.s. Thanks for all the support on my photos... you guys are the best., The End!
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    hey guys just checking in. my p90x schedule is pushed up a day. because i started day 1 on a sunday. so today is my rest day but im going to a breast cancer walk tomorrow and wont be getting it done tomorrow morning. so IM ganna fit it in tonight. wish me luck CHEST AND BACK is rough especially towards the end.
    Everyones doing great =]
  • Well I said that I was gonna get in a decent run, do Legs and Back and move ARX to Sunday...I got it all in! I am very pleased with myself! I am even sneaking in the Texas A&M vs Baylor game (Im from Texas so I especially enjoy watching Texas teams going after it). All in all it's been a good day...now off to the wedding!

    The weather here in Houston is so nice today....I wish I had more time to hang outdoors!

    Drew- I wish you would make a video of your 80's style dancing....lol:tongue:

    Jay - I hope you are having a wonderful time here.

    YVL93 - Good Luck on your walk tomorrow!

    Everyone else have a great weekend!

    Make your workout count!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey everyone!!! Great job getting your workouts in guys/gals!! I can feel the motivation of this group!

    Drew, your abs are looking killer man, keep it up!

    Kenpo X today for day 48. Feeling good today, and had a great session.

    Hope you're all having a good weekend, and BRING IT!!!

  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I got in Kenpo X between the Michigan State vs Michigan game and the Georgia vs Vanderbilt game. I'm getting upset with the Georgia game, so I thought I'd do a drive-by check-in.
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Hey-O . I did chest back and abrx today . i had/ have a stomach ache but still got through it now i hope that sleep and water will take care of the ache cause i have a long day tomorrow. Good job everyone for getting their P90x IN especially during the weekend when people got other things to do. But you guys are awesome.
  • barell
    barell Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning everyone. Today marks the end of Phase I. Yeah! No visual results from this 4 weeks, actually gained 3 lbs. I know, it's muscle but still kinda of discouraging when seeing the results of Drew, Wendy and Jay. However, my primary purpose for starting this program was to jump start into a certain level of fitness and in that realm there are definite results! Went from using 5lb weights for most sets to 20 lb, doing 1 pushup to 10 and from laying through a good portion of ARX whimpering to pretty much keeping up with them. I "currently struggle" with chin ups and probably will through the end, but I keep trying. Really going to bring it in Phase II, have been informed my husband will be home at the end of Phase II (he wasn’t due to be back until I was done, and I haven't seen him for 430+ days) so the pressure is really on to see some movement on the tape or scale. But seeing what I can accomplish in 30 days I am very curious/anxious to see the results at 60! So bring it on… I'm ready!

    Also, thank you for posting your trials and tribulations with sticking with this program. I know it has been said many times, but seeing all your struggles and accomplishments helps so much. This program really is 90% mental. If you get to the point of pushing play, you can't help but give it your all, it's just getting to the point of sticking the DVD and there you guys rock. Thank you.
  • Hey Yall!!! Only 49 days left!

    I just wanted to pop in really quick to let everyone know that I played football today... and my legs are killings me! Its gonna be rough pushing play tomorrow, but I will do it.

    Keep it up guys... You can do it!
    I hope you had a fantastic saturday... life is so good!

    Drew :explode:

    p.s. thanks for checking in barel... You are doing a fantastic job!

    p.s.s. Check in tomorrow yall... Im interested to see how everyone did this weekend!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey team!

    This past weekend was another tough one in terms of getting all my workouts in - I did my best and ended up with Legs and Back and Kenpo but no doubles to make up for Thursday and Friday. We celebrated our third thanksgiving on the weekend with my mothers side so I was slow moving for a while.

    This week I am back in full swing. I have hockey tonight and because it is not a super late game I will be full of energy for tomorrow MORNING'S Check, Shoulder and Tri workout that we all love so much. I am looking forward to weak arms all day - I am glutten for punishment so I have joined my neighbor in her preparation and training in the C25k and have ear-marked my second lhalf marathon for next April. Winter running is never a fav for me but both myself and cubby puppy could use the additional activity.

    Have a great rest / Stretch day and enjoy life!
  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    Hello all,

    I just wanted to check in to say I SEVERELY blew my diet this weekend. :cry: I am still very bummed that I had zero self discipline on Saturday and Sunday. I did get Plyo in on Saturday, but nothing on Sunday. I am hoping this will not hurt my progress too much. I definitely gained some pounds on the scale.

    This is recovery week for me, and then I will be done with Phase 1. I am hoping I can get some extra cardio workouts in this week so that I will not feel so bad. I am NOT looking forward to the check in with my measurements at the end of the week.

    Take care everybody.
  • Hey yall! :smile:

    Well... These are my last 5 days before my final weigh in. The competition is going pretty well, Im not sure how I measure up with the other compeitors, but just knowing i am in this competition gave me enough motivation to reach my goal weight around day 45. Ill be within 1 -2 lbs of the original goal of 170 by friday.

    For obvious reasons, Im not taking a rest day until Saturday.

    I played football yesterday and subsequently endured a couple of minor injuries. A slightly sprained ankle, a knee to the thigh causing pretty extreme soreness, and some right knee pain that I have no idea where it came from. I originally had kenpo X scheduled for today, but my ankle wasnt really going for it. I had trouble getting up and down the stairs at school this morning, so I decided to do chest shoulders and tris with AX instead. This will allow my legs to a chance heal up (hopefully).

    My body is hurting, so the workout was tough. i pushed through and increased a bunch of the numbers. But there were some tricep and push up numbers that I could not beat. I really did "do my best" though... So i feel good about the work I put in this afternoon. Now its off to work...

    Mrs Booker... No need to beat yourself up. You are still doing great, just give 100% on your workouts this week (just like you always do!) Bring IT!

    Sassy... You sure are one heck of an athlete! Hockey too??? Wow... you are the shizzzzzz...

    Have a great afternoon everyone...
    Check in with us!
    Drew :explode:
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team!

    Phase 2 Recovery Week is underway for me, kicked off with Yoga X this morning for day 50 overall. Did my X Stretch yesterday to wrap up week 7. Lost another pound as of yesterday's weigh-in, making 71 pounds overall since the 1st of the year, and 9 pounds since starting P90X. I'm very close to my "goal" range which I think will be in the 170-175 area. Not sure exactly where my weight will end up, but more importantly I want to get my body fat percentage in the 9-10% area. I know I'm going to have to do another round in order to get there since I'm currently in the 13-15% area, depending on how I measure. We'll see how much that moves in Phase 3 (maybe I can get down to 11 or 12 in the third phase??) and then I'll decide what to do from there. But I know it will involve another round, maybe with some modifications like subbing in some Insanity workouts instead of the regular P90X cardio.

    Anyway, hope everyone is doing great today, and BRING IT!!!!!

  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    hey GUYS i did plyo this morning and played some football and Frisbee this afternoon.
    drwstown76: i think i might of sprained my pinky =[
    MsBrooks: i have no discipline on the weekends either and i don't have classes on Fridays so my weekends starts a day early lol.
    MIKE: keep up the good work
    ARM/Shoulders ABR tomorrow in the morning. ganna do some hw and hit the hay. good night yall and BRING IT =]