Annabear3 Member


  • The best way to handle changes in your eating habits is to move past a hiccup and not stress over it too much. That's where the negative cycle can come into play. Follow your healthy eating plan going forward and view your chocolate time as a treat. You should do just fine. It took more than 1 day to gain any weight, so 1…
  • I've always been big, but never really did anything about it. Then one weekend I was at a hotel with my sister and our friend and we spent the whole day at the pool. I just felt so frumpy and uncomfortable in my skin. Especially next to these 2 healthy and fit ladies in bikini's. The next weekend I saw myself for the first…
  • First off, way to go on needing new pants! sucks for your wallet, but it sure feels good when your clothes stop fitting. For me, I gave up the jeans and just got some leggings and stretch pants from Walmart and Old Navy. I decided during the transitions, I'm sticking to the cheap stuff with elastic that will shrink with…
  • These are all amazing posts! I've lost 80 lbs since July 2014. I just stay under my calories and make sure I exercise. I started out just walking around my neighborhood.
  • Welcome back! It's good you are ready to start again. This is a long and at times tough journey, but you can totally do it. Congratulations on the new baby! He looks adorable and I'm sure is a strong motivation for you to get healthy. I started my journey at 284. I didn't have any health issues yet, but I knew I was…
  • I love this thread! I still have a way to go, but the first big wow moment for me was at work. We have a stadium room that they use for big meetings and presentations. The back row seats have a little desk that tucks away down the side and you just pull it up and in front of you. I used to not be able to use the desks…
  • Echo canyon scares me a bit! So does Piestewa Peak (I still call it Squaw Peak all the time). I want to though, really do. I want to do Wind Cave Trail as well. I ear the view along the way is beautiful.
  • Thanks everyone! I feel amazing. I cried when I got to the top because I didn't give up. The sore muscles are a wonderful pain and the scrapes and bruises are my battle scars.
  • Don't kick yourself over a small set back. Just say the next thing I do will be positive. Also, celebrate all the small victories. After your first week, if you even just lose half a pound celebrate that! You did something great! If you look at everything in small bites so to speak, it's a little less daunting.
  • awesome that you can motivate each other! Great loss by the way. Congrats!
  • I'm at 219 right now, but when I started this journey in July at my heaviest, I was at 284. I still have a ways to go, but it feels great being 65 lbs lighter. I've really just become very diligent about tracking my food and making myself be active. The active part has been hard lately as work and the holiday's have worn…
  • That's awesome! Great job!
  • I'm with you! I started 5 months ago with 124 lbs to lose. I'm halfway to my goal, so it can totally be done! Feel free to add me!
  • Amazing! Thanks for sharing, you look great!
  • I can't see you diary, so not sure what your calories are or how accurately you are tracking. That's the main thing. Being accurate with your calorie count. I usually see that my slow weeks are the weeks I'm not as dedicated at tracking. On a side note, that's a great picture of Camelback Mountain
  • Set small goals that you can hit and celebrate every milestone. Take pictures because you will feel like nothings happening, but pictures will show the changes. Don't panic if the scale only moves a little one week because you'll have another week with a big loss to balance it out. Remember that inches lost is just as…
  • awesome progress!
  • Welcome back. I'm also from Arizona :smile: I'm here to lose 124 lbs. So far I've lost 60. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm going around Christmas and was wondering the same thing. I've told myself that it's a vacation and the yummy foods you get to try are part of the experience. I figure that all the walking we'll do in both parks for 3 days, to and from the hotel, standing in line and entertaining 3 kids will help me burn a little extra…
  • Good for you for making the choice to get started again. I also started back up this summer after lots and lots of times of saying I'd start but not actually doing much. I'm now down 60 lbs, about half way to my goal. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • I was 284 when I started this journey. I'm at 224 now. Goal is to get to 160, though I'll evaluate as I get closer to make sure I feel comfortable in my skin.
  • Thanksgiving is at my house and I'm cooking most of the meal. Holiday's are the time I get to try all those recipes I wouldn't make for just the 5 of us at home, you need 20 people to split it! I'll make all the foods we love knowing it's just 1 day. I'll just not go back for seconds (or thirds, darn you sweet potato…
  • The soreness goes away eventually. Takes a few weeks, but you'll start to notice things getting easier and you not waking up with a sore body the next day. Eventually you'll almost miss the sore feeling of knowing you worked hard. Then you'll push to the next level. I did T25 and it was brutal at first. By the end I was a…
    in :/ Comment by Annabear3 November 2014
  • I have a big journey to go, losing over 100 lbs, so I know the wardrobe thing will come up a few times. I held off buying anything new until nothing fit any more. I looked and felt frumpy in my tops and my bras no longer fit. I spent all day pulling up my pants. So I hit the clearance racks and big sales and bought stretch…
  • Bones American Horror Story Hannibal The Black List Can't wait for Friends to come on Netflix. Then I'll have a sitcom I can just enjoy whenever the mood strikes.
  • chocolate.... all of it... if it has peanut butter or caramel too, all the better. Baked into cakes or brownies? right on. basically, all the chocolate is good chocolate :)
  • I don't do cheat days. I have treats here and there and I fit them into my calories. That way I don't binge. If I have the room in my diet that day, I can have it if I really want it.
  • That is awesome!! I had to go buy new clothes because my old stuff didn't fit any longer. I had to go 2 sizes down to get something that fit. I started crying in the dressing room. That's been my latest NSV. Others were I can wrap some towels around myself that I used to not be able to. Also crossing my legs was a great…