New Baby, Major Health Scare - not a new member.

Hey Everyone,

I've been a member since 2012, lost about 40lbs, had to have knee surgery in late 2012, and just fell off the wagon.

I have always been obese, ever since I can remember (even has an adolescent). I graduated from HS in 2003 at 230lbs. I'm 5'5" by the way. I continuously gained weight since I graduated, and I attribute it to not staying active (I was in sports in HS).

In 2012, I got diagnosed with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. At this point, I weighed 318lbs. I got down to 277lbs, then had to have knee surgery. I fell over.

Over 2013, I got up to 330lbs. I stayed between 320-330 for the entire year. In late 2013, I got down to 310, but nothing more.

I got engaged in March 2013, and married in December. I weighed 320lbs in my wedding dress.

In March 2014, I found out I was pregnant. My first appointment at my ob/gyn - I weighed 338lbs. I had a rough pregnancy as far as health goes. I got put on 800 mg of Labetalol (for high blood pressure), and had to go to the doctor 2x a week for Non-Stress Tests because of the stress my baby was under because I was so big. I retained water so badly, I would gain 10lbs in between appointments (2x a week remember). I swelled up and had pitting edema in every part of my body - not just my legs. I was hospitalized twice over high blood pressure scares, and eventually I was put on bed rest at 35 weeks due to pre-eclampsia and my doctor wanted to wait until 37 weeks to deliver. I had a healthy sweet baby boy on November 6, 2014.

On November 13, 2014, I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt, and I was wheezing. We called 911. Mind you, I had a 1 week old baby, and was thinking I was feeling bad because I had to have a c-section. I got taken to the hospital because my O2 saturation was only 79. I got admitted in thoughts I had pneumonia.

I had CT scans, Chest X-Rays, etc. Turns out I did have pneumonia and had fluid around my heart and my lungs. The 2nd night I was there, I got put in ICU because my O2 Saturation dipped down to 65. I had to wear a special mask to help me breathe in ICU, I had 2 IVs and had a catheter. I also couldn't see my son for 5 days after just having him a week prior. I had to deal with all of this in addition to not being able to breastfeed and having post partum bleeding. It was awful. I was getting a diuretic by IV and they pulled 61 liters of fluid from my body.

My team of pulmonologist, cardiologist, primary care doc, and my obstetrician all believe that this is a direct correlation with how obese I am. I have been urged to lose at LEAST 80lbs before I try to have another baby, although they want me to lose up to 150lbs.

Add me, if you want!

Pre-Pregnancy Weight, 3/13/2014: 338lbs
Day I Delivered Weight, 11/6/2014: 365lbs
Day I was discharged with pneumonia, 11/17/2014: 309lbs
6 Weeks PP, 12/17/2014: 320 lbs
9 Weeks PP, 11/7/2015: 312.6lbs
10 Weeks PP, 1/14/2015: 311.2lbs


  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Bless you. That is so scary. I have had two sections myself, and I cant believe you went through all that on top of your surgery.

  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    It was rough. I am a FTM so I just assumed my symptoms were a result of the section. It was crazy.
  • Annabear3
    Annabear3 Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome back! It's good you are ready to start again. This is a long and at times tough journey, but you can totally do it. Congratulations on the new baby! He looks adorable and I'm sure is a strong motivation for you to get healthy.

    I started my journey at 284. I didn't have any health issues yet, but I knew I was working my way up to it. Today I'm down to 211 and feeling the best I ever have. I wish you the best of luck in your journey!
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Wow, how scary, but hopefully it serves as your wake up call that you need to get back on track not just for you and your new husband but also for that beautiful little baby! Best of luck to you, you can do it!!
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Awesome!!! Thank you so much for your support and keep up the good work!
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Wow, how scary, but hopefully it serves as your wake up call that you need to get back on track not just for you and your new husband but also for that beautiful little baby! Best of luck to you, you can do it!!

    Thank you so much!

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Wow, that sounds scary! I've had 3 children and been incredibly lucky with no pregnancy problems at all and easy births, just gas and air and no stitches. I feel a bit guilty for moaning about being overdue now!

    I know someone, who is a healthy weight, who had some post partum version of pre-eclampsia, which sounds similar to what you had. I guess being obese doesn't help, but it can happen to anyone.

    I was a little bit overweight, maybe 15lbs, with my first two babies, but I started my third pregnancy at a healthy weight, but unfortunately I gained weight anyway, as I did in all of my pregnancies. My third baby is 8 months now and I still have around 30lbs to lose to be in a healthy BMI, which puts me at a UK size 10/12 (US6/8).

    You definitely have the motivation now to lose the weight...your beautiful baby, and your health of course.

    Feel free to add me for support.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Thank you so much! I will add you! :)