How are you sticking with your weight loss goals?

I'm struggling with sticking with anything weight loss wise. I start off great then start going back to old habits. What do you do, to stay motivated in the moment of temptation. :)


  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    My pants starting fitting good. Gave me motivation that I'm on the right track and that I'm going to keep finding things that are better by sticking to it
  • abbeyjones1994
    abbeyjones1994 Posts: 188 Member
    Same as clothes started fitting much better, and I found that I generally felt better eating less and moving more.
    As far as specifically staying on MFP...I had my 120th consecutive log-in day today (yay!) and I find that the continuing my logging in and logging my food and exercise is like a game--I don't want to break the streak. That definitely helps, lol
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Start with a different mindset . . . maybe think about things from a healthy aspect, or maybe just eliminating a certain item from your diet, fast food or processed foods. You can also try thinking about adding new foods into your diet, maybe vegetables you normally don't eat. Sometimes it is necessary for us to play mind games with ourselves - don't worry you can do this!!!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    It's just habit now. I've been doing this for a year straight and my bad habit food doesn't even interest me anymore. I had half a beer on my birthday in October and didn't like the way it made me feel, whereas before I could easily drink 2 pints.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Smaller pants are really nice. Smaller tops too. And of course seeing the scale go down is also awesome. I've also set up 5 pound non-food rewards for myself as incentive, and then rewards for maintaining for 6 months and 1 year. I'm still "overweight" and yet I'm at the lowest weight I've been since before my youngest daughter was born. That little bit of perspective does a lot for me.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    I have been at goal for a couple years, lost over 80 lbs. Every time I think I want to over indulge, I think, I just can't be fat again. I feel so much better now, more energy, etc and If I got fat again I would have no clothes. lol. I lost it slowly by not doing anything I couldn't do forever, which is making maintenance a lot easier. I still splurge a little occasionally, then I get right back on it the next day. You have to want it.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I want a cheeseburger, loaded with everything, every day. I don't want to be fat. cheeseburger everyday<not fat
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    I had hamburger withdrawals too. Burger salad! Lots of lettuce, 3oz beef patty, sliced pickle, Sautee those onions next to the burger.. mushrooms too if you have them. Then your salad dressing. I use olive oil mayo that is 35 calories a tablespoon, salad dressing at 40 calories a tablespoon, mustard and thin it with pickle juice. Really good.. satisfies the burger craving.
  • Annabear3
    Annabear3 Posts: 92 Member
    Set small goals that you can hit and celebrate every milestone. Take pictures because you will feel like nothings happening, but pictures will show the changes. Don't panic if the scale only moves a little one week because you'll have another week with a big loss to balance it out. Remember that inches lost is just as important, so no change on the scale, but an inch or 2 here and there means you are making progress. And challenge yourself to move every day.

    All of this is easier said than done, I know, but you can totally do this! If it was easy we'd all be skinny and healthy :smile: I've logged in for 145 days today, and have lost 60 lbs (halfway to my goal).
  • Breannamcknight6
    I am the same way! I always start a new workout and then I find some excuse to give up. I was ADDICTED to potato chips, hot Cheetos, Doritos. And definitely popcorn. Any chips u can think of. But then my family that I live with helped me by not allowing me to eat anymore. They always watch me so if I get tempted they remind of my goal. And my mother in law does my shopping for me and doesn't buy me any chips. And at first it was driving me C-R-A-Z-Y! All I was thinking about was chips! But now a couple days has went by and I almost never feel hungry anymore. And that gives me more energy because the chips made me feel sluggish. Also my brother in law works out with me every morning. And now it's because a habit to workout because I want to be able to play with my son and remember that my health is important but not just for me but for him too. Think of something that u want from this. Looking good in your clothes, feeling better about yourself, or looking good for your boyfriend or in public but mostly for you. U can do it. It may take a couple times before I commit but u can do it. I had NO willpower and always gave up on myself but I pushed my self. Just surround yourself with encouraging people. And don't buy anything but healthy food Because if u buy junk, it will just haunt you. And all you'll have is healthy food choices around. Believe in yourself! And take one day at a time! U can do it. Anything is possible! :) good luck!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I made my aim getting fit, weight loss was a sideline to that, albeit an important one

    Once I started to see success it became easier - as I got more successfulI I slowed down my rate of loss so I have more calories to eat - try to keep active when not working out so I have more calories. I eat everything and make it work within weekly goals so my social life is unaffected

    I religiously weigh and log everything

    I'm not afraid of weight fluctuations - up or down so I weigh daily

    I have mini-fitness/strength targets now - I am trying to read up and learn about maintenance for when I get to my goal body (not goal weight) - I going to do this for life - I won't be a 95%-er (again)